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虚拟机随谈(一):解释器,树遍历解释器,基于栈与基于寄存器,大杂烩 -
Java的多维数组 -
Java 8的default method与method resolution -
Xamarin workbook - .Net Core 中不 ...
LINQ的恶搞…… -
allocatestlye1 顺序为 // Fields o ...
把吉里吉里3 revision 3419中Risse的部分build了出来测试
需要kirikiri3源代码的,请在官网查找其SVN repository的地址。
嘛,吉里吉里3已经在revision 3419持续了几天。11月10日更新到revision 3414时,Dee氏把渐渐变得难以控制的Rina GDS代码给删了,然后这几天在慢慢摸索Rina该如何继续开发。看来最近的开发方向主要集中在Rina上,而Risse部分在上个月底之后就一直没怎么改动。于是想build一下现有的Risse部分,看看现在的实现的完成度有多高。
kirikiri3-buildenv-2007-08-10.zip(包括MinGW 5.1.3,MSYS-1.0.11等。具体查看这里)
Ruby 1.8.6-26 Release Candidate 2
TortoiseSVN 1.4.5, Build 10425 - 32 Bit
安装包总大小:158 MB
安装后总大小:181 MB
kirikiri3 trunk revision 3419
源代码大小:481 MB(包括SVN文件)
占用空间:1.10 GB (包括SVN文件)
首先要把外部依赖都build出来,包括Boost、Boehm GC、libogg、zlib等一堆。可是一开始build到gc那部分就囧了。某个makefile里有这么一句:
build外部依赖的过程大概用了3个小时吧。最后总算等到了那句"all done.",唉。以前不知道为什么连这些外部依赖也总是不能顺利build完。至少这次bjam的build完全没出错,一看到bjam成功build出来我就松了口气。
整个k3目录:大小 4.54 GB;占用 4.68 GB。
其中build_output\bin目录:大小 348 MB。
其中rissetest.exe文件:大小 23.7 MB。
这大小真够夸张的……难怪Dee氏在build指引中写了“要是有10G的剩余空间应该就没什么问题了吧” T T
gc.dll - Boehm GC
mingwm10.dll - MinGW的一个运行时
嗯,so far so good。所以可以看出现在Risse的进展还算可以,只有协程部分的测试fail了;虽然异常处理的那几个脚本也"fail"了,不过一看运行结果就知道那其实是正确行为。换句话说,Risse已经相当实用,即使就这么拿来嵌入到一个程序中实际使用也不成大问题。看来已经值得拿来研究了呢。
(<= 这人只是在找借口推脱掉继续研究吉里吉里2中TJS2部分的麻烦而已 T T)
Risse VM的指令集与TJS2 VM的相比变化不太大。不过中间增添了SSA形式的中间代码,让我颇感兴趣。另外,Risse中的函数终于能有正确的lexical scope,不会想TJS2那样允许嵌套函数定义却不按lexical scope来确定访问链。
明天考试之后再继续疯狂吧 XD
需要kirikiri3源代码的,请在官网查找其SVN repository的地址。
嘛,吉里吉里3已经在revision 3419持续了几天。11月10日更新到revision 3414时,Dee氏把渐渐变得难以控制的Rina GDS代码给删了,然后这几天在慢慢摸索Rina该如何继续开发。看来最近的开发方向主要集中在Rina上,而Risse部分在上个月底之后就一直没怎么改动。于是想build一下现有的Risse部分,看看现在的实现的完成度有多高。
kirikiri3-buildenv-2007-08-10.zip(包括MinGW 5.1.3,MSYS-1.0.11等。具体查看这里)
Ruby 1.8.6-26 Release Candidate 2
TortoiseSVN 1.4.5, Build 10425 - 32 Bit
安装包总大小:158 MB
安装后总大小:181 MB
kirikiri3 trunk revision 3419
源代码大小:481 MB(包括SVN文件)
占用空间:1.10 GB (包括SVN文件)
首先要把外部依赖都build出来,包括Boost、Boehm GC、libogg、zlib等一堆。可是一开始build到gc那部分就囧了。某个makefile里有这么一句:
svn export src src_temp || cp -pR src src_temp
build外部依赖的过程大概用了3个小时吧。最后总算等到了那句"all done.",唉。以前不知道为什么连这些外部依赖也总是不能顺利build完。至少这次bjam的build完全没出错,一看到bjam成功build出来我就松了口气。
整个k3目录:大小 4.54 GB;占用 4.68 GB。
其中build_output\bin目录:大小 348 MB。
其中rissetest.exe文件:大小 23.7 MB。
这大小真够夸张的……难怪Dee氏在build指引中写了“要是有10G的剩余空间应该就没什么问题了吧” T T
gc.dll - Boehm GC
mingwm10.dll - MinGW的一个运行时
for %f in (tests\*.rs) do "rissetest.exe" %f 2> "testlog\%f.testlog.txt" 1>"testlog\%f.result.txt"
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace fx.meta.rissetest { public sealed class ExtractResult { public static void Main( string[ ] args ) { if ( args.Length < 1 ) { Usage( ); return; } // if bool isPrintContent = args[ 0 ].Contains( "c" ); bool isPrintResult = args[ 0 ].Contains( "r" ); bool isPrintStats = args[ 0 ].Contains( "s" ); switch ( args.Length ) { case 1: Console.WriteLine( "Missing dir_path." ); Usage( ); break; case 2: ExtractResults( args[ 1 ], null, isPrintContent, isPrintResult, isPrintStats ); break; case 3: ExtractResults( args[ 1 ], args[ 2 ], isPrintContent, isPrintResult, isPrintStats ); break; default: Console.WriteLine( "Too many arguments." ); Usage( ); break; } // switch } // Main private static void ExtractResults( string dirname, string outname, bool isPrintContent, bool isPrintResult, bool isPrintStats ) { string[ ] filelist = Directory.GetFiles( dirname, "*.rs" ); StreamWriter writer = null; int fileCount = 0; int passCount = 0; try { if ( outname != null ) { writer = File.CreateText( outname ); Console.SetOut( writer ); } foreach ( string fname in filelist ) { // get script text FileInfo fiScript = new FileInfo( fname ); string content = null; using ( StreamReader reader = fiScript.OpenText( ) ) { content = reader.ReadToEnd( ); } // get result text FileInfo fiResult = new FileInfo( fname + ".result.txt" ); string result = null; using ( StreamReader reader = fiResult.OpenText( ) ) { result = reader.ReadToEnd( ); } // extract expected result from script MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches( content, @"//=> (.+)$", RegexOptions.Multiline ); string expectedResult = null; bool passed = false; foreach ( Match match in matches ) { expectedResult = match.Groups[ 1 ].Captures[ 0 ].Value; } if ( ( expectedResult != null ) && ( result != null ) && expectedResult.Trim( ).Equals( result.Trim( ) ) ) { passed = true; passCount++; } Console.WriteLine( "=========================================" ); Console.WriteLine( "Risse Test Script No.{0}: {1}", ++fileCount, fname ); Console.WriteLine( "Test: {0}", ( passed ) ? "Passed" : "Failed" ); if ( isPrintContent ) { Console.WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------" ); Console.WriteLine( "Test Script: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, content ); } if ( isPrintResult ) { Console.WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------" ); Console.WriteLine( "Results: {0}", result ); } Console.WriteLine( "=========================================" ); Console.WriteLine( ); } // foreach if ( isPrintStats ) { Console.WriteLine( "=========================================" ); Console.WriteLine( "{0} scripts tested, {1} passed, {2} failed.", fileCount, passCount, fileCount - passCount ); } } finally { if ( writer != null ) writer.Dispose( ); } // try-finally } // ExtractResults private static void Usage( ) { Console.WriteLine( "Usage: ExtractResult.exe -options dir_path [out_path]" ); Console.WriteLine( "where" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tdir_path is the directory where the *.rs scripts" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tand their correspoding result files are." ); Console.WriteLine( "\tout_path is the output file. Optional." ); Console.WriteLine( "options is one or more of [crs]:" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tc - script [c]ontent" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tr - [r]esult" ); Console.WriteLine( "\ts - overall [s]tatistics" ); Console.WriteLine( "The options are case sensitive." ); } // Usage } }
ExtractResult -rs tests log.txt
Risse Test Script No.1: tests\anonymous-call.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.2: tests\anonymous-class-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "This is an instance of C"
Risse Test Script No.3: tests\arith-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.4: tests\arith-add.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.5: tests\arith-bitand.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.6: tests\arith-bitnot.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.7: tests\arith-bitor.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.8: tests\arith-bitxor.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.9: tests\arith-dec.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.10: tests\arith-div.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.11: tests\arith-idiv.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.12: tests\arith-inc.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.13: tests\arith-lognot.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.14: tests\arith-lshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.15: tests\arith-lt.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "okok"
Risse Test Script No.16: tests\arith-lte.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "okok"
Risse Test Script No.17: tests\arith-minus.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.18: tests\arith-mod.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.19: tests\arith-mul.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.20: tests\arith-plus.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.21: tests\arith-rbitshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.22: tests\arith-rshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.23: tests\arith-sub.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.24: tests\array-default.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "tttt--"
Risse Test Script No.25: tests\array-filler.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "vv!--!=="
Risse Test Script No.26: tests\array-iget-iset.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcd"
Risse Test Script No.27: tests\array-length.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.28: tests\array-literal.rs
Test: Passed
Results: ":1:2:3|:a:b:c|:1.5:2.5:3.5|"
Risse Test Script No.29: tests\array-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "321"
Risse Test Script No.30: tests\array-push-pop.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.31: tests\array-swap.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "4:5"
Risse Test Script No.32: tests\array-unshift-shift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 14
Risse Test Script No.33: tests\binding-modify-local-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1:2:5"
Risse Test Script No.34: tests\block-alternative-argument.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "2y34x"
Risse Test Script No.35: tests\block-break-with-value.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.36: tests\block-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.37: tests\block-child-variable-conditional-wtite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.38: tests\block-continue.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 30
Risse Test Script No.39: tests\block-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.40: tests\block-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.41: tests\block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.42: tests\boolean-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "true:true:false:false"
Risse Test Script No.43: tests\branch-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.44: tests\break-omit-brock.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 30
Risse Test Script No.45: tests\call-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 36
Risse Test Script No.46: tests\call-callback-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 36
Risse Test Script No.47: tests\call-omit.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "iiijjjkkk"
Risse Test Script No.48: tests\cast-boolean.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.49: tests\cast-integer.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.50: tests\cast-octet.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.51: tests\cast-real.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.52: tests\cast-string.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.53: tests\catch-BlockExitException.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "this should not be caught"
Risse Test Script No.54: tests\class-default-initialize.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "x:y:z"
Risse Test Script No.55: tests\class-define-inheritance-overwrite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1"
Risse Test Script No.56: tests\class-define-inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C1D1"
Risse Test Script No.57: tests\class-define-shared-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.58: tests\class-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C.m"
Risse Test Script No.59: tests\class-instance-new-toString.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "Hey! This is an instance of class C"
Risse Test Script No.60: tests\class-name-instance-name.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C:xx:xx"
Risse Test Script No.61: tests\class-name.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "T:T:Object:Class:Class:Module:Integer:Real:Primitive:Function:Integer:Real:String:"
Risse Test Script No.62: tests\class-new-inheritance-overwrite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1"
Risse Test Script No.63: tests\class-new-inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "This is C.m"
Risse Test Script No.64: tests\class-private-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 14
Risse Test Script No.65: tests\class-static-method-property.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "static-variable:static-variable:instance-variable:instance-variable"
Risse Test Script No.66: tests\class-super.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "A.m()B.m()"
Risse Test Script No.67: tests\class-super2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.68: tests\closure.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 6
Risse Test Script No.69: tests\coroutine-alive.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ftff"
Risse Test Script No.70: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-dead-coroutine.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has already exited at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-dead-coroutine.rs:10"
Risse Test Script No.71: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has already exited at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield.rs:9"
Risse Test Script No.72: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield2.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has not started yet at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield2.rs:9"
Risse Test Script No.73: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield3.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine is not running at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield3.rs:16"
Risse Test Script No.74: tests\coroutine-counter-gc.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.75: tests\coroutine-counter.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:0 b:1 a:2 b:4 a:6 b:9 a:12 b:16 "
Risse Test Script No.76: tests\coroutine-exception-in-run.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "[ok][ok]"
Risse Test Script No.77: tests\coroutine-run.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:0 b:1 a:2 b:4 a:6 b:9 a:12 b:16 "
Risse Test Script No.78: tests\date-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.79: tests\date-parser.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.80: tests\dead-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.81: tests\deep-shared-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "deadbeef"
Risse Test Script No.82: tests\deepchild.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 23
Risse Test Script No.83: tests\deepchild2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.84: tests\eval-object.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.85: tests\exception-BadArgumentCountException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "bad argument count (0 given, but 1 expected) at tests\\exception-BadArgumentCountException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.86: tests\exception-BadContextException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "given context is not compatible with this method/property at tests\\exception-BadContextException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.87: tests\exception-ClassDefinitionException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "the superclass is not a class at tests\\exception-ClassDefinitionException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.88: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-const.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"c\" is read-only at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-const.rs:5"
Risse Test Script No.89: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final-initialize.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"initialize\" is final, cannot be overridden at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final-initialize.rs:2"
Risse Test Script No.90: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"final_func\" is final, cannot be overridden at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final.rs:11"
Risse Test Script No.91: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-read.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "property \"p\" cannot be read at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-read.rs:8"
Risse Test Script No.92: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-write.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "property \"p\" cannot be written at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-write.rs:8"
Risse Test Script No.93: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-var-member-const.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"c\" is read-only at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-var-member-const.rs:5"
Risse Test Script No.94: tests\exception-InstantiationException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "cannot create instance from this class at tests\\exception-InstantiationException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.95: tests\exception-NoSuchMemberException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"v\" not found at tests\\exception-NoSuchMemberException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.96: tests\finally-except.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exception thrown, but n = -1"
Risse Test Script No.97: tests\finally-goto-from-try.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.98: tests\finally-no-except.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.99: tests\finally-try-in-finally.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.100: tests\function-local-recurse.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 24
Risse Test Script No.101: tests\function-shared-variable-dependence.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.102: tests\function-shared-variable-scope.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.103: tests\function-shared-variable-scope2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.104: tests\global-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "hogehoge"
Risse Test Script No.105: tests\global-object.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.106: tests\global-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.107: tests\goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.108: tests\incontextof-dynamic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "instance-global-global-global"
Risse Test Script No.109: tests\incontextof.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.110: tests\inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.111: tests\instance-by-new-method.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abc"
Risse Test Script No.112: tests\instanceof.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "o...o.o..|oo..ooo..|o.o.oo.|.oo.oo.|...ooo.|o.|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|.oo.."
Risse Test Script No.113: tests\integer-new-times.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 8
Risse Test Script No.114: tests\isA.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "o...o.o..|oo..ooo..|o.o.oo.|.oo.oo.|...ooo.|o.|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|.oo.."
Risse Test Script No.115: tests\local-binding-deep-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.116: tests\local-binding-in-binding.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 7
Risse Test Script No.117: tests\local-binding-local-variable-indirect.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.118: tests\local-binding-local-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.119: tests\local-binding-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.120: tests\logical-and-or-shortcut.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.121: tests\logical-and-or-shortcut2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 11
Risse Test Script No.122: tests\logical-and.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok:ok:ok:ok:ok"
Risse Test Script No.123: tests\logical-or.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok:ok:ok:ok:ok"
Risse Test Script No.124: tests\member_decl.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.125: tests\module-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "12M"
Risse Test Script No.126: tests\module-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "12M"
Risse Test Script No.127: tests\native-binder-remove-reference.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.128: tests\number-isNaN.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "nyynnnn"
Risse Test Script No.129: tests\object-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.130: tests\object-new2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.131: tests\octet-lesser-compare.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true:false:false:true:false:true:true:false"
Risse Test Script No.132: tests\phi-coalescing-bug-multiple-use-of-vars.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.133: tests\phi-liveness-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "-+-+:2"
Risse Test Script No.134: tests\property-define-class.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "result: -6,6"
Risse Test Script No.135: tests\property-define-global.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "result: -6,6"
Risse Test Script No.136: tests\property-implicit-this.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "str!"
Risse Test Script No.137: tests\return-omit-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.138: tests\return-omit-1.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.139: tests\return-omit-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "t"
Risse Test Script No.140: tests\return-omit-if.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true::true"
Risse Test Script No.141: tests\return-omit-loops.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "void:B:void:B:void:B"
Risse Test Script No.142: tests\return-omit-switch.rs
Test: Passed
Risse Test Script No.143: tests\return-omit-synchronized.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "locking!"
Risse Test Script No.144: tests\return-omit-try-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a"
Risse Test Script No.145: tests\return-omit-try-1.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a"
Risse Test Script No.146: tests\return-omit-try-2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "bb"
Risse Test Script No.147: tests\return-omit-try-3.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:void:void:a"
Risse Test Script No.148: tests\return-omit-try-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "t"
Risse Test Script No.149: tests\return-omit-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "n!"
Risse Test Script No.150: tests\scope-local-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "hogehoge"
Risse Test Script No.151: tests\string-charAt.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "adffa--"
Risse Test Script No.152: tests\string-lesser-compare.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true:false:false:true:false:true:true:false"
Risse Test Script No.153: tests\string-literal-emb-expr.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abc45truefalse"
Risse Test Script No.154: tests\string-new-length.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.155: tests\string-newmethod.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ababababab"
Risse Test Script No.156: tests\string-substr.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.157: tests\switch-go-through.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "*+-+--"
Risse Test Script No.158: tests\synchronized-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.159: tests\synchronized-break2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.160: tests\synchronized-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.161: tests\synchronized-goto2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.162: tests\synchronized-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.163: tests\this-proxy.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "global-a:class-b:instance-c:local-d:@:@:@:@"
Risse Test Script No.164: tests\thisproxy-optimization-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.165: tests\thread-exception.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "Exception! at tests\\thread-exception.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.166: tests\thread-global-variable-as-a-flag.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "end"
Risse Test Script No.167: tests\thread-synchronized-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.168: tests\thread-synchronized-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.169: tests\throw-toException.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "4321!!"
Risse Test Script No.170: tests\try-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.171: tests\try-break2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.172: tests\try-conditional-catch.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "A:B:non caught exception"
Risse Test Script No.173: tests\try-continue.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.174: tests\try-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.175: tests\try-goto2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.176: tests\try-nest.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.177: tests\try-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.178: tests\try.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.179: tests\void-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "::void"
Risse Test Script No.180: tests\while-loop.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 26
180 scripts tested, 164 passed, 16 failed.
Risse Test Script No.1: tests\anonymous-call.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.2: tests\anonymous-class-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "This is an instance of C"
Risse Test Script No.3: tests\arith-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.4: tests\arith-add.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.5: tests\arith-bitand.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.6: tests\arith-bitnot.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.7: tests\arith-bitor.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.8: tests\arith-bitxor.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.9: tests\arith-dec.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.10: tests\arith-div.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.11: tests\arith-idiv.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.12: tests\arith-inc.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.13: tests\arith-lognot.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.14: tests\arith-lshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.15: tests\arith-lt.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "okok"
Risse Test Script No.16: tests\arith-lte.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "okok"
Risse Test Script No.17: tests\arith-minus.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.18: tests\arith-mod.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.19: tests\arith-mul.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.20: tests\arith-plus.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.21: tests\arith-rbitshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.22: tests\arith-rshift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.23: tests\arith-sub.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.24: tests\array-default.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "tttt--"
Risse Test Script No.25: tests\array-filler.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "vv!--!=="
Risse Test Script No.26: tests\array-iget-iset.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcd"
Risse Test Script No.27: tests\array-length.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.28: tests\array-literal.rs
Test: Passed
Results: ":1:2:3|:a:b:c|:1.5:2.5:3.5|"
Risse Test Script No.29: tests\array-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "321"
Risse Test Script No.30: tests\array-push-pop.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.31: tests\array-swap.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "4:5"
Risse Test Script No.32: tests\array-unshift-shift.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 14
Risse Test Script No.33: tests\binding-modify-local-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1:2:5"
Risse Test Script No.34: tests\block-alternative-argument.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "2y34x"
Risse Test Script No.35: tests\block-break-with-value.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.36: tests\block-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.37: tests\block-child-variable-conditional-wtite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.38: tests\block-continue.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 30
Risse Test Script No.39: tests\block-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.40: tests\block-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.41: tests\block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.42: tests\boolean-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "true:true:false:false"
Risse Test Script No.43: tests\branch-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.44: tests\break-omit-brock.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 30
Risse Test Script No.45: tests\call-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 36
Risse Test Script No.46: tests\call-callback-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 36
Risse Test Script No.47: tests\call-omit.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "iiijjjkkk"
Risse Test Script No.48: tests\cast-boolean.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.49: tests\cast-integer.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.50: tests\cast-octet.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.51: tests\cast-real.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.52: tests\cast-string.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.53: tests\catch-BlockExitException.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "this should not be caught"
Risse Test Script No.54: tests\class-default-initialize.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "x:y:z"
Risse Test Script No.55: tests\class-define-inheritance-overwrite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1"
Risse Test Script No.56: tests\class-define-inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C1D1"
Risse Test Script No.57: tests\class-define-shared-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.58: tests\class-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C.m"
Risse Test Script No.59: tests\class-instance-new-toString.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "Hey! This is an instance of class C"
Risse Test Script No.60: tests\class-name-instance-name.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "C:xx:xx"
Risse Test Script No.61: tests\class-name.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "T:T:Object:Class:Class:Module:Integer:Real:Primitive:Function:Integer:Real:String:"
Risse Test Script No.62: tests\class-new-inheritance-overwrite.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "1"
Risse Test Script No.63: tests\class-new-inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "This is C.m"
Risse Test Script No.64: tests\class-private-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 14
Risse Test Script No.65: tests\class-static-method-property.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "static-variable:static-variable:instance-variable:instance-variable"
Risse Test Script No.66: tests\class-super.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "A.m()B.m()"
Risse Test Script No.67: tests\class-super2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.68: tests\closure.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 6
Risse Test Script No.69: tests\coroutine-alive.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ftff"
Risse Test Script No.70: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-dead-coroutine.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has already exited at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-dead-coroutine.rs:10"
Risse Test Script No.71: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has already exited at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield.rs:9"
Risse Test Script No.72: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield2.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine has not started yet at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield2.rs:9"
Risse Test Script No.73: tests\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield3.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "coroutine is not running at tests\\coroutine-CoroutineException-illegal-yield3.rs:16"
Risse Test Script No.74: tests\coroutine-counter-gc.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.75: tests\coroutine-counter.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:0 b:1 a:2 b:4 a:6 b:9 a:12 b:16 "
Risse Test Script No.76: tests\coroutine-exception-in-run.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "[ok][ok]"
Risse Test Script No.77: tests\coroutine-run.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:0 b:1 a:2 b:4 a:6 b:9 a:12 b:16 "
Risse Test Script No.78: tests\date-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.79: tests\date-parser.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.80: tests\dead-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.81: tests\deep-shared-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "deadbeef"
Risse Test Script No.82: tests\deepchild.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 23
Risse Test Script No.83: tests\deepchild2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.84: tests\eval-object.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.85: tests\exception-BadArgumentCountException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "bad argument count (0 given, but 1 expected) at tests\\exception-BadArgumentCountException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.86: tests\exception-BadContextException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "given context is not compatible with this method/property at tests\\exception-BadContextException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.87: tests\exception-ClassDefinitionException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "the superclass is not a class at tests\\exception-ClassDefinitionException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.88: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-const.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"c\" is read-only at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-const.rs:5"
Risse Test Script No.89: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final-initialize.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"initialize\" is final, cannot be overridden at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final-initialize.rs:2"
Risse Test Script No.90: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"final_func\" is final, cannot be overridden at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-final.rs:11"
Risse Test Script No.91: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-read.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "property \"p\" cannot be read at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-read.rs:8"
Risse Test Script No.92: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-write.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "property \"p\" cannot be written at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-property-write.rs:8"
Risse Test Script No.93: tests\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-var-member-const.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"c\" is read-only at tests\\exception-IllegalMemberAccessException-var-member-const.rs:5"
Risse Test Script No.94: tests\exception-InstantiationException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "cannot create instance from this class at tests\\exception-InstantiationException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.95: tests\exception-NoSuchMemberException.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "member \"v\" not found at tests\\exception-NoSuchMemberException.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.96: tests\finally-except.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exception thrown, but n = -1"
Risse Test Script No.97: tests\finally-goto-from-try.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.98: tests\finally-no-except.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.99: tests\finally-try-in-finally.rs
Test: Passed
Results: -1
Risse Test Script No.100: tests\function-local-recurse.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 24
Risse Test Script No.101: tests\function-shared-variable-dependence.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.102: tests\function-shared-variable-scope.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 4
Risse Test Script No.103: tests\function-shared-variable-scope2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.104: tests\global-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "hogehoge"
Risse Test Script No.105: tests\global-object.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.106: tests\global-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 10
Risse Test Script No.107: tests\goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.108: tests\incontextof-dynamic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "instance-global-global-global"
Risse Test Script No.109: tests\incontextof.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 5
Risse Test Script No.110: tests\inheritance.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.111: tests\instance-by-new-method.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abc"
Risse Test Script No.112: tests\instanceof.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "o...o.o..|oo..ooo..|o.o.oo.|.oo.oo.|...ooo.|o.|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|.oo.."
Risse Test Script No.113: tests\integer-new-times.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 8
Risse Test Script No.114: tests\isA.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "o...o.o..|oo..ooo..|o.o.oo.|.oo.oo.|...ooo.|o.|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|ooo..|.oo.."
Risse Test Script No.115: tests\local-binding-deep-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.116: tests\local-binding-in-binding.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 7
Risse Test Script No.117: tests\local-binding-local-variable-indirect.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.118: tests\local-binding-local-variable.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.119: tests\local-binding-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.120: tests\logical-and-or-shortcut.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 2
Risse Test Script No.121: tests\logical-and-or-shortcut2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 11
Risse Test Script No.122: tests\logical-and.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok:ok:ok:ok:ok"
Risse Test Script No.123: tests\logical-or.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok:ok:ok:ok:ok"
Risse Test Script No.124: tests\member_decl.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 0
Risse Test Script No.125: tests\module-define.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "12M"
Risse Test Script No.126: tests\module-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "12M"
Risse Test Script No.127: tests\native-binder-remove-reference.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.128: tests\number-isNaN.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "nyynnnn"
Risse Test Script No.129: tests\object-new.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.130: tests\object-new2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 3
Risse Test Script No.131: tests\octet-lesser-compare.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true:false:false:true:false:true:true:false"
Risse Test Script No.132: tests\phi-coalescing-bug-multiple-use-of-vars.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.133: tests\phi-liveness-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "-+-+:2"
Risse Test Script No.134: tests\property-define-class.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "result: -6,6"
Risse Test Script No.135: tests\property-define-global.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "result: -6,6"
Risse Test Script No.136: tests\property-implicit-this.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "str!"
Risse Test Script No.137: tests\return-omit-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.138: tests\return-omit-1.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.139: tests\return-omit-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "t"
Risse Test Script No.140: tests\return-omit-if.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true::true"
Risse Test Script No.141: tests\return-omit-loops.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "void:B:void:B:void:B"
Risse Test Script No.142: tests\return-omit-switch.rs
Test: Passed
Risse Test Script No.143: tests\return-omit-synchronized.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "locking!"
Risse Test Script No.144: tests\return-omit-try-0.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a"
Risse Test Script No.145: tests\return-omit-try-1.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a"
Risse Test Script No.146: tests\return-omit-try-2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "bb"
Risse Test Script No.147: tests\return-omit-try-3.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "a:void:void:a"
Risse Test Script No.148: tests\return-omit-try-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "t"
Risse Test Script No.149: tests\return-omit-var.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "n!"
Risse Test Script No.150: tests\scope-local-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "hogehoge"
Risse Test Script No.151: tests\string-charAt.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "adffa--"
Risse Test Script No.152: tests\string-lesser-compare.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "false:true:false:false:true:false:true:true:false"
Risse Test Script No.153: tests\string-literal-emb-expr.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abc45truefalse"
Risse Test Script No.154: tests\string-new-length.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 9
Risse Test Script No.155: tests\string-newmethod.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ababababab"
Risse Test Script No.156: tests\string-substr.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.157: tests\switch-go-through.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "*+-+--"
Risse Test Script No.158: tests\synchronized-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.159: tests\synchronized-break2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.160: tests\synchronized-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.161: tests\synchronized-goto2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.162: tests\synchronized-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.163: tests\this-proxy.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "global-a:class-b:instance-c:local-d:@:@:@:@"
Risse Test Script No.164: tests\thisproxy-optimization-bug.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.165: tests\thread-exception.rs
Test: Failed
Results: "Exception! at tests\\thread-exception.rs:3"
Risse Test Script No.166: tests\thread-global-variable-as-a-flag.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "end"
Risse Test Script No.167: tests\thread-synchronized-block.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.168: tests\thread-synchronized-function.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "ok"
Risse Test Script No.169: tests\throw-toException.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "4321!!"
Risse Test Script No.170: tests\try-break.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.171: tests\try-break2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "exited"
Risse Test Script No.172: tests\try-conditional-catch.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "A:B:non caught exception"
Risse Test Script No.173: tests\try-continue.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.174: tests\try-goto.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "abcdef"
Risse Test Script No.175: tests\try-goto2.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 12
Risse Test Script No.176: tests\try-nest.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 1
Risse Test Script No.177: tests\try-return.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.178: tests\try.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "return by exception"
Risse Test Script No.179: tests\void-basic.rs
Test: Passed
Results: "::void"
Risse Test Script No.180: tests\while-loop.rs
Test: Passed
Results: 26
180 scripts tested, 164 passed, 16 failed.
嗯,so far so good。所以可以看出现在Risse的进展还算可以,只有协程部分的测试fail了;虽然异常处理的那几个脚本也"fail"了,不过一看运行结果就知道那其实是正确行为。换句话说,Risse已经相当实用,即使就这么拿来嵌入到一个程序中实际使用也不成大问题。看来已经值得拿来研究了呢。
(<= 这人只是在找借口推脱掉继续研究吉里吉里2中TJS2部分的麻烦而已 T T)
// スクリプト言語「りせ」テスト用スクリプト { var func = function() { var a = 0; return function () { return ++a; }; }; var la = func(); var la_1 = la(); // la_1 => 1 var la_2 = la(); // la_2 => 2 var la_3 = la(); // la_3 => 3 return la_1 + la_2 + la_3; //=> 6 }
###################################### function anonymous function 42 nest level 2 ###################################### ========== VM block #2 (anonymous function 42) ========== #(4) var func = function() { #(5) var a = 0; #(6) return function () { return ++a; }; 00000 const %0, *0 // *0=1 00003 sread %1, [1:0] 00006 add %2, %1, %0 00010 swrite [1:0], %2 00013 return %2 ###################################### function anonymous function 16 nest level 1 ###################################### ========== VM block #1 (anonymous function 16) ========== #(3) #(4) var func = function() { #(5) var a = 0; 00000 const %0, *0 // *0=0 00003 swrite [1:0], %0 #(6) return function () { return ++a; }; 00006 const %0, *1 // *1="<VM block #2>" 00009 sshare %0 00011 func %1, %0 00014 return %1 ###################################### function toplevel nest level 0 ###################################### ========== VM block #0 (toplevel) ========== #(2) { #(3) #(4) var func = function() { 00000 const %0, *0 // *0="<VM block #1>" 00003 sshare %0 00005 func %1, %0 #(5) var a = 0; #(6) return function () { return ++a; }; #(7) }; #(8) var la = func(); 00008 call %0, %1() #(9) var la_1 = la(); // la_1 => 1 00013 call %1, %0() #(10) var la_2 = la(); // la_2 => 2 00018 call %2, %0() #(11) var la_3 = la(); // la_3 => 3 00023 call %3, %0() #(12) return la_1 + la_2 + la_3; //=> 6 00028 add %0, %1, %2 00032 add %1, %0, %3 00036 return %1
Risse VM的指令集与TJS2 VM的相比变化不太大。不过中间增添了SSA形式的中间代码,让我颇感兴趣。另外,Risse中的函数终于能有正确的lexical scope,不会想TJS2那样允许嵌套函数定义却不按lexical scope来确定访问链。
明天考试之后再继续疯狂吧 XD
3 楼
昨天还在说在rev 3419停留了几天,今天就rev 3420了。主要还是集中在Rina的开发上,so it's not part of my concern...yet。
2 楼
编译出来的东西大不过是因为开了-DDEBUG而已吧。不加入debug symbols外加代码优化的话应该会小很多。
对我来说krkr3比krkr2单在build的方面已经有了质的飞跃:再也不用因为可恶的Borland的库而徘徊在无法编译的门槛外。几乎所有用的工具都是“标准”的……怎么定义“标准”这挺暧昧的,不过至少GNU Make也算是得到广泛接受的开源的build tool,将来移动到linux上也比较方便。由于现在手上krkr3所有的binary都是在自己的机器上从source而build出来的,需要编辑时也没有以前那么担心(嗯,我原本一直都是用预先build好的bjam...因为自己build总出错,不知道为什么)
上面列出来的数字只有krkr3的。如果把当前版本的krkr2也从SVN里check出来,然后成功build出来的话,占据的空间未必会小多少。由于krkr2的外部依赖不在SVN里,需要自己另外收集,光这部分就很可观了。当时为了build出TJS2 VM,也用了几百MB……
对我来说krkr3比krkr2单在build的方面已经有了质的飞跃:再也不用因为可恶的Borland的库而徘徊在无法编译的门槛外。几乎所有用的工具都是“标准”的……怎么定义“标准”这挺暧昧的,不过至少GNU Make也算是得到广泛接受的开源的build tool,将来移动到linux上也比较方便。由于现在手上krkr3所有的binary都是在自己的机器上从source而build出来的,需要编辑时也没有以前那么担心(嗯,我原本一直都是用预先build好的bjam...因为自己build总出错,不知道为什么)
上面列出来的数字只有krkr3的。如果把当前版本的krkr2也从SVN里check出来,然后成功build出来的话,占据的空间未必会小多少。由于krkr2的外部依赖不在SVN里,需要自己另外收集,光这部分就很可观了。当时为了build出TJS2 VM,也用了几百MB……
1 楼
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