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Android使用facebook api(一)
Android 官方文档关于最佳实践部分的翻译
Designing for Responsiveness:对于响应的设计,如何避免ANR
1 Generally, the system displays an ANR if an application cannot respond to user input
2 if your application spends too much time building an elaborate in-memory structure, or perhaps computing the next move in a game,the system will conclude that your application has hung
3 the recommended approach is to create a child thread and do most of your work there. This keeps the main thread (which drives the user interface event loop) running and prevents the system from concluding that your code has frozen
4 What Triggers ANR?
No response to an input event (e.g. key press, screen touch) within 5 seconds
A BroadcastReceiver hasn't finished executing within 10 seconds
5秒钟之内不能响应ui事件(键盘 ,屏幕触摸) BroadcastReceiver不能在10秒中内结束都会引起ANR
5 Android applications normally run entirely on a single (i.e. main) thread. This means that anything your application is doing in the main thread that takes a long time to complete can trigger the ANR dialog because your application is not giving itself a chance to handle the input event or Intent broadcast.
一般来讲android应用都是运行在一个完整的线程。 这意味着如果应用在主线程花费太多时间完成任务都会引发ANR,因为你的应用没有机会去处理输入事件或者发送广播。
6 Therefore any method that runs in the main thread should do as little work as possible.
7 In particular, Activities should do as little as possible to set up in key life-cycle methods such as onCreate() and onResume().
特别在activity的关键生命周期处 如 oncreate或者onresume中做的工作要少。
8 Potentially long running operations such as network or database operations, or computationally expensive calculations such as resizing bitmaps should be done in a child thread (or in the case of databases operations, via an asynchronous request).
9 However, this does not mean that your main thread should block while waiting for the child thread to complete — nor should you call Thread.wait() or Thread.sleep(). Instead of blocking while waiting for a child thread to complete, your main thread should provide a Handler for child threads to post back to upon completion
10 You can use StrictMode to help find potentially long running operations such as network or database operations that you might accidentally be doing your main thread.
11 So as with other methods called in the main thread, applications should avoid potentially long-running operations or calculations in BroadcastReceivers.
12 But instead of doing intensive tasks via child threads (as the life of a BroadcastReceiver is short), your application should start a Service if a potentially long running action needs to be taken in response to an Intent broadcast.
如果应用中有耗时的操作,应该启用一个Service对应Intent broadcast,而不是在BroadcastReceiver中开子线程做这些密集的任务(因为BroadcastReceiver的声明周期很短)。
13 Generally, 100 to 200ms is the threshold beyond which users will perceive lag (or lack of "snappiness," if you will) in an application.
一般来讲在应用中100 - 200ms 是一个门槛,超过这个值用户会感觉到延迟。
14 做到以下三点可以让用户感到应用很顺畅
a) If your application is doing work in the background in response to user input, show that progress is being made (ProgressBar and ProgressDialog are useful for this).
如果你的应用在相应用户输入的时候,在后台正做一些工作,最好显示一个进度条(ProgressBar and ProgressDialog很好用)。
b) For games specifically, do calculations for moves in a child thread.
c) If your application has a time-consuming initial setup phase, consider showing a splash screen or rendering the main view as quickly as possible and filling in the information asynchronously. In either case, you should indicate somehow that progress is being made, lest the user perceive that the application is frozen.
Designing for Performance:关于执行的设计
1 There are two basic rules for writing efficient code:
a)Don't do work that you don't need to do 别做不需要的工作
b)Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it. 尽量避免分配内存
2 Using the right data structures and algorithms
3 There are also huge differences between devices with and without a JIT: the "best" code for a device with a JIT is not always the best code for a device without.
JIT 在Android方面其实现实际上是在 Dalvik vm这一层,与内核是分离的,直观的表现就是几个库文件。用JIT之后,一部分Dalvik的字节码(apk程序包的逻辑部分,如*.dex和*.odex)会被转译成手机CPU的指令代码这部分代码就可以进行重用,减少了编译的时间,这就相当于一个“缓存”,使得访问Dalvik字节码的次数大大降低,也就是减少了解释执行字节码的次数。要知道,解释执行字节码的速度是比较慢的
4 Avoid Creating Objects 避免对象的创建
5 If you allocate objects in a user interface loop, you will force a periodic garbage collection, creating little "hiccups" in the user experience.
6 避免创建不用的对象如:
a)When extracting strings from a set of input data, try to return a substring of the original data, instead of creating a copy. You will create a new String object, but it will share the char[] with the data.
b)If you have a method returning a string, and you know that its result will always be appended to a StringBuffer anyway, change your signature and implementation so that the function does the append directly, instead of creating a short-lived temporary object.
7 A somewhat more radical idea is to slice up multidimensional arrays into parallel single one-dimension arrays:
a)An array of ints is a much better than an array of Integers, but this also generalizes to the fact that two parallel arrays of ints are also a lot more efficient than an array of (int,int) objects. The same goes for any combination of primitive types.
b) If you need to implement a container that stores tuples of (Foo,Bar) objects, try to remember that two parallel Foo[] and Bar[] arrays are generally much better than a single array of custom (Foo,Bar) objects. (The exception to this, of course, is when you're designing an API for other code to access; in those cases, it's usually better to trade correct API design for a small hit in speed. But in your own internal code, you should try and be as efficient as possible.)
如果你需要一个容器保存(Foo,Bar)对象,分别用Foo[] 和Bar[] 更有效,(当然也有例外,如果你设计一个api为调用者提供数据,当然要为好的api设计牺牲一点速度,但是在自己的代码中可以尝试这么做会更好)
8 Generally speaking, avoid creating short-term temporary objects if you can. Fewer objects created mean less-frequent garbage collection, which has a direct impact on user experience.
一般来讲,避免创建临时对象,少的对象创建会减少垃圾回收的频率,提高用户体验。System.currentTimeMillis() 比 new Date().getTime()好
9 On devices without a JIT, it is true that invoking methods via a variable with an exact type rather than an interface is slightly more efficient. (So, for example, it was cheaper to invoke methods on a HashMap map than a Map map, even though in both cases the map was a HashMap.) It was not the case that this was 2x slower; the actual difference was more like 6% slower. Furthermore, the JIT makes the two effectively indistinguishable.
在没有jit的设备上,在对象使用具体的方法,比使用接口稍微高效一些,(比如直接使用HashMap map,比用Map map更好)实际上速度会慢6%,有jit的设备则不是很明显。
10 On devices without a JIT, caching field accesses is about 20% faster than repeatedly accesssing the field. With a JIT, field access costs about the same as local access, so this isn't a worthwhile optimization unless you feel it makes your code easier to read. (This is true of final, static, and static final fields too.)
在没有jit的设备上,缓存读取比重复读取要快20%,有jit的设备两种方式是一样的,所以没有必要这么做除非你觉得代码比较好阅读(final, static, 和 static final 也是这样)
11 If you don't need to access an object's fields, make your method static. Invocations will be about 15%-20% faster
如果不需要对对象中的域属性改变,方法名最好为 static,调用速度会提高 15-20%
12 Avoid Internal Getters/Setters
内部不要调用set get方法。
13 Without a JIT, direct field access is about 3x faster than invoking a trivial getter. With the JIT (where direct field access is as cheap as accessing a local), direct field access is about 7x faster than invoking a trivial getter.
15 Use Static Final For Constants
常量定义的时候 static final int intVal 比 static int intVal更快
16 public void zero() {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mArray.length; ++i) {
sum += mArray[i].mSplat;
public void one() {
int sum = 0;
Foo[] localArray = mArray;
int len = localArray.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
sum += localArray[i].mSplat;
public void two() {
int sum = 0;
for (Foo a : mArray) {
sum += a.mSplat;
two() 优于 one() 优于 zero()
17 Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints : 如果只用int就可以,就不要用枚举类型,虽然枚举方便,但是速度慢,占用内存高
18 能用int 就不用float,能用double就不用float,速度会慢两倍
19 Know And Use The Libraries 了解并使用库中的方法
Similarly, the System.arraycopy method is about 9x faster than a hand-coded loop on a Nexus One with the JIT.
20 Use Native Methods Judiciously谨慎使用native方法
Native code isn't necessarily more efficient than Java.
21 Native code is primarily useful when you have an existing native codebase that you want to port to Android, not for "speeding up" parts of a Java app.
native代码只有在你想为Android以存在的代码库增加native代码的时候很有用,但不能提高java app的速度。
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