- 浏览: 78499 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 广州
Files included in the package:
- form-field-tooltip.html = Main demo HTML file
- js/form-field-tooltip.js = Main JS file for the script
- js/rounded-corners.js = JS file created to add rounded corners dynamically to the tooltip
- css/form-field-tooltip.css = Main CSS file for the tooltip
- images/* = Arrows used by teh script.
1. CSS & JS
<style type="text/css"> #DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipDiv{ color:#FFF; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:0.8em; line-height:120%; } .DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip_closeMessage{ color:#FFF; font-weight:normal; font-size:0.7em; </style> <script language = "javascript"> /************************************************************************************************************<br> <br> @fileoverview Rounded corners class<br> (C) www.dhtmlgoodies.com, September 2006<br> <br> This is a script from www.dhtmlgoodies.com. You will find this and a lot of other scripts at our website. <br> <br> Terms of use:<br> Look at the terms of use at http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/index.html?page=termsOfUse<br> <br> Thank you!<br> <br> www.dhtmlgoodies.com<br> Alf Magne Kalleland<br> <br> ************************************************************************************************************/ // {{{ Constructor function DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners() { var roundedCornerTargets; this.roundedCornerTargets = new Array(); } var string = ''; // }}} DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners.prototype = { // {{{ addTarget() /** * * * Add rounded corners to an element * * @param String divId = Id of element on page. Example "leftColumn" for <div id="leftColumn"> * @param Int xRadius = Y radius of rounded corners, example 10 * @param Int yRadius = Y radius of rounded corners, example 10 * @param String color = Background color of element, example #FFF or #AABBCC * @param String color = backgroundColor color of element "behind", example #FFF or #AABBCC * @param Int padding = Padding of content - This will be added as left and right padding(not top and bottom) * @param String heightOfContent = Optional argument. You can specify a fixed height of your content. example "15" which means pixels, or "50%". * @param String whichCorners = Optional argument. Commaseparated list of corners, example "top_left,top_right,bottom_left" * * @public */ addTarget : function(divId,xRadius,yRadius,color,backgroundColor,padding,heightOfContent,whichCorners) { var index = this.roundedCornerTargets.length; this.roundedCornerTargets[index] = new Array(); this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['divId'] = divId; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['xRadius'] = xRadius; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['yRadius'] = yRadius; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['color'] = color; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['backgroundColor'] = backgroundColor; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['padding'] = padding; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['heightOfContent'] = heightOfContent; this.roundedCornerTargets[index]['whichCorners'] = whichCorners; } // }}} , // {{{ init() /** * * * Initializes the script * * * @public */ init : function() { for(var targetCounter=0;targetCounter < this.roundedCornerTargets.length;targetCounter++){ // Creating local variables of each option whichCorners = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['whichCorners']; divId = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['divId']; xRadius = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['xRadius']; yRadius = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['yRadius']; color = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['color']; backgroundColor = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['backgroundColor']; padding = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['padding']; heightOfContent = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['heightOfContent']; whichCorners = this.roundedCornerTargets[targetCounter]['whichCorners']; // Which corners should we add rounded corners to? var cornerArray = new Array(); if(!whichCorners || whichCorners=='all'){ cornerArray['top_left'] = true; cornerArray['top_right'] = true; cornerArray['bottom_left'] = true; cornerArray['bottom_right'] = true; }else{ cornerArray = whichCorners.split(/,/gi); for(var prop in cornerArray)cornerArray[cornerArray[prop]] = true; } var factorX = xRadius/yRadius; // How big is x radius compared to y radius var obj = document.getElementById(divId); // Creating reference to element obj.style.backgroundColor=null; // Setting background color blank obj.style.backgroundColor='transparent'; var content = obj.innerHTML; // Saving HTML content of this element obj.innerHTML = ''; // Setting HTML content of element blank- // Adding top corner div. if(cornerArray['top_left'] || cornerArray['top_right']){ var topBar_container = document.createElement('DIV'); topBar_container.style.height = yRadius + 'px'; topBar_container.style.overflow = 'hidden'; obj.appendChild(topBar_container); var currentAntialiasSize = 0; var savedRestValue = 0; for(no=1;no<=yRadius;no++){ var marginSize = (xRadius - (this.getY((yRadius - no),yRadius,factorX))); var marginSize_decimals = (xRadius - (this.getY_withDecimals((yRadius - no),yRadius,factorX))); var restValue = xRadius - marginSize_decimals; var antialiasSize = xRadius - marginSize - Math.floor(savedRestValue) var foregroundSize = xRadius - (marginSize + antialiasSize); var el = document.createElement('DIV'); el.style.overflow='hidden'; el.style.height = '1px'; if(cornerArray['top_left'])el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + 'px'; if(cornerArray['top_right'])el.style.marginRight = marginSize + 'px'; topBar_container.appendChild(el); var y = topBar_container; for(var no2=1;no2<=antialiasSize;no2++){ switch(no2){ case 1: if (no2 == antialiasSize) blendMode = ((restValue + savedRestValue) /2) - foregroundSize; else { var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = (restValue - foregroundSize - antialiasSize + 1) * (tmpValue - (yRadius - no)) /2; } break; case antialiasSize: var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2 + 1),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = 1 - (1 - (tmpValue - (yRadius - no))) * (1 - (savedRestValue - foregroundSize)) /2; break; default: var tmpValue2 = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2),xRadius,1/factorX); var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2 + 1),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = ((tmpValue + tmpValue2) / 2) - (yRadius - no); } el.style.backgroundColor = this.__blendColors(backgroundColor,color,blendMode); y.appendChild(el); y = el; var el = document.createElement('DIV'); el.style.height = '1px'; el.style.overflow='hidden'; if(cornerArray['top_left'])el.style.marginLeft = '1px'; if(cornerArray['top_right'])el.style.marginRight = '1px'; el.style.backgroundColor=color; } y.appendChild(el); savedRestValue = restValue; } } // Add content var contentDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); contentDiv.className = obj.className; contentDiv.style.border='1px solid ' + color; contentDiv.innerHTML = content; contentDiv.style.backgroundColor=color; contentDiv.style.paddingLeft = padding + 'px'; contentDiv.style.paddingRight = padding + 'px'; if(!heightOfContent)heightOfContent = ''; heightOfContent = heightOfContent + ''; if(heightOfContent.length>0 && heightOfContent.indexOf('%')==-1)heightOfContent = heightOfContent + 'px'; if(heightOfContent.length>0)contentDiv.style.height = heightOfContent; obj.appendChild(contentDiv); if(cornerArray['bottom_left'] || cornerArray['bottom_right']){ var bottomBar_container = document.createElement('DIV'); bottomBar_container.style.height = yRadius + 'px'; bottomBar_container.style.overflow = 'hidden'; obj.appendChild(bottomBar_container); var currentAntialiasSize = 0; var savedRestValue = 0; var errorOccured = false; var arrayOfDivs = new Array(); for(no=1;no<=yRadius;no++){ var marginSize = (xRadius - (this.getY((yRadius - no),yRadius,factorX))); var marginSize_decimals = (xRadius - (this.getY_withDecimals((yRadius - no),yRadius,factorX))); var restValue = (xRadius - marginSize_decimals); var antialiasSize = xRadius - marginSize - Math.floor(savedRestValue) var foregroundSize = xRadius - (marginSize + antialiasSize); var el = document.createElement('DIV'); el.style.overflow='hidden'; el.style.height = '1px'; if(cornerArray['bottom_left'])el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + 'px'; if(cornerArray['bottom_right'])el.style.marginRight = marginSize + 'px'; bottomBar_container.insertBefore(el,bottomBar_container.firstChild); var y = bottomBar_container; for(var no2=1;no2<=antialiasSize;no2++){ switch(no2){ case 1: if (no2 == antialiasSize) blendMode = ((restValue + savedRestValue) /2) - foregroundSize; else { var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = (restValue - foregroundSize - antialiasSize + 1) * (tmpValue - (yRadius - no)) /2; } break; case antialiasSize: var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2 + 1),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = 1 - (1 - (tmpValue - (yRadius - no))) * (1 - (savedRestValue - foregroundSize)) /2; break; default: var tmpValue2 = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2),xRadius,1/factorX); var tmpValue = this.getY_withDecimals((xRadius - marginSize - no2 + 1),xRadius,1/factorX); blendMode = ((tmpValue + tmpValue2) / 2) - (yRadius - no); } el.style.backgroundColor = this.__blendColors(backgroundColor,color,blendMode); if(y==bottomBar_container)arrayOfDivs[arrayOfDivs.length] = el; try{ // Need to look closer at this problem which occures in Opera. var firstChild = y.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0]; y.insertBefore(el,y.firstChild); }catch(e){ y.appendChild(el); errorOccured = true; } y = el; var el = document.createElement('DIV'); el.style.height = '1px'; el.style.overflow='hidden'; if(cornerArray['bottom_left'])el.style.marginLeft = '1px'; if(cornerArray['bottom_right'])el.style.marginRight = '1px'; } if(errorOccured){ // Opera fix for(var divCounter=arrayOfDivs.length-1;divCounter>=0;divCounter--){ bottomBar_container.appendChild(arrayOfDivs[divCounter]); } } el.style.backgroundColor=color; y.appendChild(el); savedRestValue = restValue; } } } } // }}} , // {{{ getY() /** * * * Add rounded corners to an element * * @param Int x = x Coordinate * @param Int maxX = Size of rounded corners * * * @private */ getY : function(x,maxX,factorX){ // y = sqrt(100 - x^2) // Y = 0.5 * ((100 - x^2)^0.5); return Math.max(0,Math.ceil(factorX * Math.sqrt( (maxX * maxX) - (x*x)) )); } // }}} , // {{{ getY_withDecimals() /** * * * Add rounded corners to an element * * @param Int x = x Coordinate * @param Int maxX = Size of rounded corners * * * @private */ getY_withDecimals : function(x,maxX,factorX){ // y = sqrt(100 - x^2) // Y = 0.5 * ((100 - x^2)^0.5); return Math.max(0,factorX * Math.sqrt( (maxX * maxX) - (x*x)) ); } , // {{{ __blendColors() /** * * * Simply blending two colors by extracting red, green and blue and subtracting difference between colors from them. * Finally, we multiply it with the blendMode value * * @param String colorA = RGB color * @param String colorB = RGB color * @param Float blendMode * * * @private */ __blendColors : function (colorA, colorB, blendMode) { if(colorA.length=='4'){ // In case we are dealing with colors like #FFF colorA = '#' + colorA.substring(1,1) + colorA.substring(1,1) + colorA.substring(2,1) + colorA.substring(2,1) + colorA.substring(3,1) + colorA.substring(3,1); } if(colorB.length=='4'){ // In case we are dealing with colors like #FFF colorB = '#' + colorB.substring(1,1) + colorB.substring(1,1) + colorB.substring(2,1) + colorB.substring(2,1) + colorB.substring(3,1) + colorB.substring(3,1); } var colorArrayA = [parseInt('0x' + colorA.substring(1,3)), parseInt('0x' + colorA.substring(3, 5)), parseInt('0x' + colorA.substring(5, 7))]; // Create array of Red, Green and Blue ( 0-255) var colorArrayB = [parseInt('0x' + colorB.substring(1,3)), parseInt('0x' + colorB.substring(3, 5)), parseInt('0x' + colorB.substring(5, 7))]; // Create array of Red, Green and Blue ( 0-255) var red = Math.round(colorArrayA[0] + (colorArrayB[0] - colorArrayA[0])*blendMode).toString(16); // Create new Red color ( Hex ) var green = Math.round(colorArrayA[1] + (colorArrayB[1] - colorArrayA[1])*blendMode).toString(16); // Create new Green color ( Hex ) var blue = Math.round(colorArrayA[2] + (colorArrayB[2] - colorArrayA[2])*blendMode).toString(16); // Create new Blue color ( Hex ) if(red.length==1)red = '0' + red; if(green.length==1)green = '0' + green; if(blue.length==1)blue = '0' + blue; return '#' + red + green+ blue; // Return new RGB color } } </script> <script language = "javascript"> /************************************************************************************************************ Form field tooltip (C) www.dhtmlgoodies.com, September 2006 This is a script from www.dhtmlgoodies.com. You will find this and a lot of other scripts at our website. Terms of use: Look at the terms of use at http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/index.html?page=termsOfUse Thank you! www.dhtmlgoodies.com Alf Magne Kalleland ************************************************************************************************************/ var DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj; /** Constructor **/ function DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip() { var tooltipDiv; var tooltipText; var tooltipContentDiv; // Reference to inner div with tooltip content var imagePath; // Relative path to images var arrowImageFile; // Name of arrow image var arrowImageFileRight; // Name of arrow image var arrowRightWidth; var arrowTopHeight; var tooltipWidth; // Width of tooltip var roundedCornerObj; // Reference to object of class DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners var tooltipBgColor; var closeMessage; // Close message var activeInput; // Reference to currently active input var tooltipPosition; // Tooltip position, possible values: "below" or "right" var tooltipCornerSize; // Size of rounded corners var displayArrow; // Display arrow above or at the left of the tooltip? var cookieName; // Name of cookie var disableTooltipPossibility; // Possibility of disabling tooltip var disableTooltipByCookie; // If tooltip has been disabled, save the settings in cookie, i.e. for other pages with the same cookie name. var disableTooltipMessage; var tooltipDisabled; var isMSIE; var tooltipIframeObj; var pageBgColor; // Color of background - used in ie when applying iframe which covers select boxes var currentTooltipObj; // Reference to form field which tooltip is currently showing for this.currentTooltipObj = false, this.tooltipDiv = false, this.tooltipText = false; this.imagePath = 'images/'; this.arrowImageFile = 'green-arrow.gif'; this.arrowImageFileRight = 'green-arrow-right.gif'; this.tooltipWidth = 200; this.tooltipBgColor = '#317082'; this.closeMessage = 'Close'; this.disableTooltipMessage = 'Don\'t show this message again'; this.activeInput = false; this.tooltipPosition = 'right'; this.arrowRightWidth = 16; // Default width of arrow when the tooltip is on the right side of the inputs. this.arrowTopHeight = 13; // Default height of arrow at the top of tooltip this.tooltipCornerSize = 10; this.displayArrow = true; this.cookieName = 'DHTMLgoodies_tooltipVisibility'; this.disableTooltipByCookie = false; this.tooltipDisabled = false; this.disableTooltipPossibility = true; this.tooltipIframeObj = false; this.pageBgColor = '#FFFFFF'; DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj = this; if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 9')==-1)this.isMSIE = true; else this.isMSIE = false; } DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip.prototype = { // {{{ initFormFieldTooltip() /** * * * Initializes the tooltip script. Most set methods needs to be executed before you call this method. * * @public */ initFormFieldTooltip : function() { var formElements = new Array(); var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for(var no=0;no<inputs.length;no++){ var attr = inputs[no].getAttribute('tooltipText'); if(!attr)attr = inputs[no].tooltipText; if(attr)formElements[formElements.length] = inputs[no]; } var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA'); for(var no=0;no<inputs.length;no++){ var attr = inputs[no].getAttribute('tooltipText'); if(!attr)attr = inputs[no].tooltipText; if(attr)formElements[formElements.length] = inputs[no]; } var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('SELECT'); for(var no=0;no<inputs.length;no++){ var attr = inputs[no].getAttribute('tooltipText'); if(!attr)attr = inputs[no].tooltipText; if(attr)formElements[formElements.length] = inputs[no]; } window.refToFormTooltip = this; for(var no=0;no<formElements.length;no++){ formElements[no].onfocus = this.__displayTooltip; } this.addEvent(window,'resize',function(){ window.refToFormTooltip.__positionCurrentToolTipObj(); }); this.addEvent(document.documentElement,'click',function(e){ window.refToFormTooltip.__autoHideTooltip(e); }); } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipPosition() /** * * * Specify position of tooltip(below or right) * @param String newPosition (Possible values: "below" or "right") * * @public */ setTooltipPosition : function(newPosition) { this.tooltipPosition = newPosition; } // }}} , // {{{ setCloseMessage() /** * * * Specify "Close" message * @param String closeMessage * * @public */ setCloseMessage : function(closeMessage) { this.closeMessage = closeMessage; } // }}} , // {{{ setDisableTooltipMessage() /** * * * Specify disable tooltip message at the bottom of the tooltip * @param String disableTooltipMessage * * @public */ setDisableTooltipMessage : function(disableTooltipMessage) { this.disableTooltipMessage = disableTooltipMessage; } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipDisablePossibility() /** * * * Specify whether you want the disable link to appear or not. * @param Boolean disableTooltipPossibility * * @public */ setTooltipDisablePossibility : function(disableTooltipPossibility) { this.disableTooltipPossibility = disableTooltipPossibility; } // }}} , // {{{ setCookieName() /** * * * Specify name of cookie. Useful if you're using this script on several pages. * @param String newCookieName * * @public */ setCookieName : function(newCookieName) { this.cookieName = newCookieName; } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipWidth() /** * * * Specify width of tooltip * @param Int newWidth * * @public */ setTooltipWidth : function(newWidth) { this.tooltipWidth = newWidth; } // }}} , // {{{ setArrowVisibility() /** * * * Display arrow at the top or at the left of the tooltip? * @param Boolean displayArrow * * @public */ setArrowVisibility : function(displayArrow) { this.displayArrow = displayArrow; } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipBgColor() /** * * * Send true to this method if you want to be able to save tooltip visibility in cookie. If it's set to true, * It means that when someone returns to the page, the tooltips won't show. * * @param Boolean disableTooltipByCookie * * @public */ setDisableTooltipByCookie : function(disableTooltipByCookie) { this.disableTooltipByCookie = disableTooltipByCookie; } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipBgColor() /** * * * This method specifies background color of tooltip * @param String newBgColor * * @public */ setTooltipBgColor : function(newBgColor) { this.tooltipBgColor = newBgColor; } // }}} , // {{{ setTooltipCornerSize() /** * * * Size of rounded corners around tooltip * @param Int newSize (0 = no rounded corners) * * @public */ setTooltipCornerSize : function(tooltipCornerSize) { this.tooltipCornerSize = tooltipCornerSize; } // }}} , // {{{ setTopArrowHeight() /** * * * Size height of arrow at the top of tooltip * @param Int arrowTopHeight * * @public */ setTopArrowHeight : function(arrowTopHeight) { this.arrowTopHeight = arrowTopHeight; } // }}} , // {{{ setRightArrowWidth() /** * * * Size width of arrow when the tooltip is on the right side of inputs * @param Int arrowTopHeight * * @public */ setRightArrowWidth : function(arrowRightWidth) { this.arrowRightWidth = arrowRightWidth; } // }}} , // {{{ setPageBgColor() /** * * * Specify background color of page. * @param String pageBgColor * * @public */ setPageBgColor : function(pageBgColor) { this.pageBgColor = pageBgColor; } // }}} , // {{{ __hideTooltip() /** * * * This method displays the tooltip * * * @private */ __displayTooltip : function() { if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.disableTooltipByCookie){ var cookieValue = DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.getCookie(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.cookieName) + ''; if(cookieValue=='1')DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDisabled = true; } if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDisabled)return; // Tooltip disabled var tooltipText = this.getAttribute('tooltipText'); DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.activeInput = this; if(!tooltipText)tooltipText = this.tooltipText; DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipText = tooltipText; if(!DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDiv)DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.__createTooltip(); DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.__positionTooltip(this); DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipContentDiv.innerHTML = tooltipText; DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDiv.style.display='block'; if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.isMSIE){ if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipPosition == 'below'){ DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipIframeObj.style.height = (DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDiv.clientHeight - DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.arrowTopHeight); }else{ DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipIframeObj.style.height = (DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDiv.clientHeight); } } } // }}} , // {{{ __hideTooltip() /** * * * This function hides the tooltip * * * @private */ __hideTooltip : function() { try{ DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.tooltipDiv.style.display='none'; }catch(e){ } } // }}} , // {{{ getSrcElement() /** * * * Return the source of an event. * * * @private */ getSrcElement : function(e) { var el; if (e.target) el = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) el = e.srcElement; if (el.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug el = el.parentNode; return el; } // }}} , // {{{ __autoHideTooltip() /** * * Automatically hide the tooltip when users click someplace on the page but not on tooltip inputs * * @private */ __autoHideTooltip : function(e) { if(document.all)e = event; var src = this.getSrcElement(e); if(src.tagName.toLowerCase()!='input' && src.tagName.toLowerCase().toLowerCase()!='textarea' && src.tagName.toLowerCase().toLowerCase()!='select')this.__hideTooltip(); var attr = src.getAttribute('tooltipText'); if(!attr)attr = src.tooltipText; if(!attr){ this.__hideTooltip(); } } // }}} , // {{{ __hideTooltipFromLink() /** * * * This function hides the tooltip * * * @private */ __hideTooltipFromLink : function() { this.activeInput.focus(); window.refToThis = this; setTimeout('window.refToThis.__hideTooltip()',10); } // }}} , // {{{ disableTooltip() /** * * * Hide tooltip and disable it * * * @public */ disableTooltip : function() { this.__hideTooltipFromLink(); if(this.disableTooltipByCookie)this.setCookie(this.cookieName,'1',500); this.tooltipDisabled = true; } // }}} , // {{{ __positionTooltip() /** * * * This function creates the tooltip elements * * * @private */ __createTooltip : function() { this.tooltipDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); this.tooltipDiv.style.position = 'absolute'; if(this.displayArrow){ var topDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); if(this.tooltipPosition=='below'){ topDiv.style.marginLeft = '20px'; var arrowDiv = document.createElement('IMG'); arrowDiv.src = this.imagePath + this.arrowImageFile + '?rand='+ Math.random(); arrowDiv.style.display='block'; topDiv.appendChild(arrowDiv); }else{ topDiv.style.marginTop = '5px'; var arrowDiv = document.createElement('IMG'); arrowDiv.src = this.imagePath + this.arrowImageFileRight + '?rand='+ Math.random(); arrowDiv.style.display='block'; topDiv.appendChild(arrowDiv); topDiv.style.position = 'absolute'; } this.tooltipDiv.appendChild(topDiv); } var outerDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); outerDiv.style.position = 'relative'; outerDiv.style.zIndex = 1000; if(this.tooltipPosition!='below' && this.displayArrow){ outerDiv.style.left = this.arrowRightWidth + 'px'; } outerDiv.id = 'DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipDiv'; outerDiv.className = 'DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipDiv'; outerDiv.style.backgroundColor = this.tooltipBgColor; this.tooltipDiv.appendChild(outerDiv); if(this.isMSIE){ this.tooltipIframeObj = document.createElement('IFRAME'); this.tooltipIframeObj.name='tooltipIframeObj'; this.tooltipIframeObj.width = this.tooltipWidth; this.tooltipIframeObj.frameBorder='no'; this.tooltipIframeObj.src='about:blank'; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.position = 'absolute'; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.top = '0px'; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.left = '0px'; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.width = (this.tooltipWidth) + 'px'; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.zIndex = 100; this.tooltipIframeObj.background = this.pageBgColor; this.tooltipIframeObj.style.backgroundColor= this.pageBgColor; this.tooltipDiv.appendChild(this.tooltipIframeObj); if(this.tooltipPosition!='below' && this.displayArrow){ this.tooltipIframeObj.style.left = (this.arrowRightWidth) + 'px'; }else{ this.tooltipIframeObj.style.top = this.arrowTopHeight + 'px'; } setTimeout("self.frames['tooltipIframeObj'].document.documentElement.style.backgroundColor='" + this.pageBgColor + "'",500); } this.tooltipContentDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); this.tooltipContentDiv.style.position = 'relative'; this.tooltipContentDiv.id = 'DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipContent'; outerDiv.appendChild(this.tooltipContentDiv); var closeDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); closeDiv.style.textAlign = 'center'; closeDiv.innerHTML = '<A class="DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip_closeMessage" href="#" onclick="DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.__hideTooltipFromLink();return false">' + this.closeMessage + '</A>'; if(this.disableTooltipPossibility){ var tmpHTML = closeDiv.innerHTML; tmpHTML = tmpHTML + ' | <A class="DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip_closeMessage" href="#" onclick="DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.disableTooltip();return false">' + this.disableTooltipMessage + '</A>'; closeDiv.innerHTML = tmpHTML; } outerDiv.appendChild(closeDiv); document.body.appendChild(this.tooltipDiv); if(this.tooltipCornerSize>0){ this.roundedCornerObj = new DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners(); // (divId,xRadius,yRadius,color,backgroundColor,padding,heightOfContent,whichCorners) this.roundedCornerObj.addTarget('DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipDiv',this.tooltipCornerSize,this.tooltipCornerSize,this.tooltipBgColor,this.pageBgColor,5); this.roundedCornerObj.init(); } this.tooltipContentDiv = document.getElementById('DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipContent'); } // }}} , addEvent : function(whichObject,eventType,functionName) { if(whichObject.attachEvent){ whichObject['e'+eventType+functionName] = functionName; whichObject[eventType+functionName] = function(){whichObject['e'+eventType+functionName]( window.event );} whichObject.attachEvent( 'on'+eventType, whichObject[eventType+functionName] ); } else whichObject.addEventListener(eventType,functionName,false); } // }}} , __positionCurrentToolTipObj : function() { if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.activeInput)this.__positionTooltip(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.activeInput); } // }}} , // {{{ __positionTooltip() /** * * * This function positions the tooltip * * @param Obj inputObj = Reference to text input * * @private */ __positionTooltip : function(inputObj) { var offset = 0; if(!this.displayArrow)offset = 3; if(this.tooltipPosition=='below'){ this.tooltipDiv.style.left = this.getLeftPos(inputObj)+ 'px'; this.tooltipDiv.style.top = (this.getTopPos(inputObj) + inputObj.offsetHeight + offset) + 'px'; }else{ this.tooltipDiv.style.left = (this.getLeftPos(inputObj) + inputObj.offsetWidth + offset)+ 'px'; this.tooltipDiv.style.top = this.getTopPos(inputObj) + 'px'; } this.tooltipDiv.style.width=this.tooltipWidth + 'px'; } , // {{{ getTopPos() /** * This method will return the top coordinate(pixel) of an object * * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getTopPos : function(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += inputObj.offsetTop; if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientTop; } } return returnValue; } // }}} , // {{{ getLeftPos() /** * This method will return the left coordinate(pixel) of an object * * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getLeftPos : function(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetLeft; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += inputObj.offsetLeft; if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientLeft; } } return returnValue; } , // {{{ getCookie() /** * * These cookie functions are downloaded from * http://www.mach5.com/support/analyzer/manual/html/General/CookiesJavaScript.htm * * This function returns the value of a cookie * * @param String name = Name of cookie * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getCookie : function(name) { var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name+"="); var len = start+name.length+1; if ((!start) && (name != document.cookie.substring(0,name.length))) return null; if (start == -1) return null; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";",len); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len,end)); } // }}} , // {{{ setCookie() /** * * These cookie functions are downloaded from * http://www.mach5.com/support/analyzer/manual/html/General/CookiesJavaScript.htm * * This function creates a cookie. (This method has been slighhtly modified) * * @param String name = Name of cookie * @param String value = Value of cookie * @param Int expires = Timestamp - days * @param String path = Path for cookie (Usually left empty) * @param String domain = Cookie domain * @param Boolean secure = Secure cookie(SSL) * * @public */ setCookie : function(name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { expires = expires * 60*60*24*1000; var today = new Date(); var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); var cookieString = name + "=" +escape(value) + ( (expires) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "") + ( (path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ( (domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ( (secure) ? ";secure" : ""); document.cookie = cookieString; } // }}} } </script>
2. Html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Form field tooltip</title> <style type="text/css"> body{ background-color:#EEE; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif; } fieldset{ width:720px; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/form-field-tooltip.css" media="screen" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/rounded-corners.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/form-field-tooltip.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="mainContainer"> <fieldset> <legend>Description</legend> <div>This is a demo of the form field tooltip script. The tooltip is being displayed when you move focus to one of the inputs on the page.</div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Form field tooltip example</legend> <table> <tr> <td><label for="firstname">First name:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" tooltipText="Type in your firstname in this box"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="lastname">Last name:</label></td> <td><input type="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" tooltipText="Type in your last name in this box"></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><label for="address">Address:</label></td> <td><textarea id="address" name="address" tooltipText="This is the box for the address"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Nationality</td> <td><select style="width:300px"><option>It covers this select box in IE</option></select></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var tooltipObj = new DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip(); tooltipObj.setTooltipPosition('right'); tooltipObj.setPageBgColor('#EEEEEE'); tooltipObj.setTooltipCornerSize(15); tooltipObj.initFormFieldTooltip(); </script> </body> </html>
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Tooltip with Transparent Shadow
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"form-field-tooltip"是UI设计中的一个关键元素,主要功能是提供气泡提示,帮助用户理解并操作表单字段。在本文中,我们将深入探讨form-field-tooltip的原理、应用场景、实现方法以及相关的技术细节。 **一、气泡...
$('#myForm').formValidation('removeField', '#fieldName'); ``` **六、集成其他库** FormValidation与许多其他库(如Bootstrap、Foundation、AngularJS等)兼容,可以轻松地与这些库结合使用,提供一致的用户...
tooltip : "This field is actually for bla bla bla...</br>and bla bla bla", position: 'bottom' }, name : { tooltip: "This is for fun!!!!", position: 'right', backgroundColor: "#FF0000",
例如,我们可以通过`$(form).validate()`方法初始化验证,然后定义一系列的验证规则: ```javascript $(document).ready(function() { $('#myForm').validate({ rules: { field1: {required: true}, field2: {...
title: { tooltip : "This field is actually for bla bla bla...</br>and bla bla bla", position: 'bottom' }, // 其他字段... }; // Include Global Settings $("#formname").formtooltip(fields, { ...
对应的类是 `Ext.form.field.Text`。文本框是最常见的输入控件,用于接收单行文本输入。 5. **按钮(Button)** - `xtype: 'button'` 对应的类是 `Ext.button.Button`。按钮组件用于执行特定操作。 6. **菜单...
*" class="am-form-field am-hide"> 选择头像 </form> ``` 2. **JavaScript初始化**: 使用AmazeUI的`upload`组件,需要在JavaScript中进行初始化,设置相关参数,如上传地址、数据处理方式等。可以使用`$....
1. **搜索控件**:在ExtJS中,搜索控件通常是基于`Ext.form.field.Text`或`Ext.form.field.ComboBox`进行扩展的。它们提供了基本的文本输入,允许用户输入关键字来执行搜索操作。你可以通过添加额外的属性和方法来...
Q487520 - OLAP mode - The "List index out of bounds" exception when expanding a grouping value of an inner column/row field after an outer field has been hidden in the same area Q485882 - ...
Q487520 - OLAP mode - The "List index out of bounds" exception when expanding a grouping value of an inner column/row field after an outer field has been hidden in the same area Q485882 - ...
2. 表单(Form):提供各种表单控件,如文本框、下拉框、日期选择器等,可实现表单验证和数据提交。 3. 对话框(Dialog):用于创建弹出式窗口,常用于展示详情信息、确认操作或提供多步骤流程。 4. 菜单(Menu)...
4. **表单(Form)**:支持各种表单元素,如文本框、复选框、单选按钮等,并提供数据验证功能。 5. **数据网格(DataGrid)**:用于展示和操作表格数据,支持排序、分页、过滤等功能。 6. **树形视图(Tree)**:...
`new Ext.form.TextField({ labelWidth: 100, labelAlign: 'right', allowBlank: false, listeners: { afterrender: function(field) { field.el.on('mouseover', function(e) { var tip = new Ext.ToolTip({ ...
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton3" runat="server" ToolTip=" " >清空购物车 下订单 </form> AddToCart.aspx.cs页面代码 using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System....
3. **表单组件**:包括表单字段(FormField)、选择器(Select)、日期选择器(DatePicker)、多选框(Checkbox)、单选按钮(Radio)等,用于数据输入和验证。 4. **交互组件**:如模态对话框(Modal)、下拉菜单...
- 类的成员包括字段(Field)、属性(Property)、方法(Method)、构造函数(Constructor)等。 - 存取控制符决定了类成员的可见性和可访问性,常见的存取控制符包括public、private、protected等。 - 对象是类...