今天做一个大数据量的提交,结果出现一个错误,说Post too large...
另还有句提示,就是Parameters were not parsed because the size of the posted data was too big. Use the maxPostSize attribute of the connector to resolve this if the application should accept large POSTs.
Q: In Tomcat, I got a "Post data too big" error.
A: Apache Tomcat by default sets a limit on the maximum size of HTTP POST requests it accepts.
In Tomcat 5, this limit is set to 2097152 (2 Mb). When you try to upload files or post forms that are
larger than 2 MB, this error can occur.
The solution is to reconfigure Tomcat to accept larger POST requests, either by increasing
the limit, or by disabling it. This can be done by editing Tomcat's server.xml.
In the <Connector> element, add an attribute "maxPostSize" and set a larger value (in bytes) to
increase the limit. Setting it to 0 will disable the size check.
意思是说,tomcat默认设置能接收HTTP POST请求的大小最大为2M,如果你的POST请求传递的数据大于2M,就会报这个错误.解决的办法是修改tomcat的配置文件$TOMCAT_HOME$/conf/server.xml,找到里面的<Connector>标签,在该标签中添加"maxPostSize"属性,将该属性值设置成你想要的最大值,单位是字节,如果你把这个值设置为0(maxPostSize="0"),tomcat将不再检查POST的大小.
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