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Android之Widget -
- @class
- @defs
- @protocol @required @optional @end
- @interface @public @package @protected @private @property @end
- @implementation @synthesize @dynamic @end
- @throw @try @catch @finally
- @synchronized @autoreleasepool
- @selector @encode
- @compatibility_alias
- @”string”
Used for class forward declarations. Declares class as known without having to import the class’ header file.
Note, unlike with @protocol and @selector you can not write the following to get the Class object by name:
Class c = @class(ClassName);
Instead use:
The @defs directive returns the layout of an Objective-C class, it allows you to create a C struct with the same layout as the Objective-C class. If you don’t know yet, Objective-C classes are basically just C structs with additional methods. Makes sense if you consider that Objective-C is merely a set of extensions to the C language.
You will only ever need @defs for some hardcore, low-level Objective-C operations or optimizations, as in this article which speeds up Objective-C message sends.
@protocol @required @optional @end
Marks the start of a protocol declaration. A @protocol can optionally declare that it must conform to other protocols.
// method declarations
// method declarations
Like with @selector you can use @protocol to get a protocol object by name:
Protocol *aProtocol = @protocol(ProtocolName);
Dependent Directives:
- @required (default) – Declares the methods following the @required directive as required (default).
@optional – Declares the methods following the @optional directive as optional. Classes implementing this protocol can decide whether to implement an optional method or not. Classes making use of the protocol must test optional protocol methods for existence. For example:
[object respondsToSelector:@selector(optionalProtocolMethod)];
- @end – Marks the end of the protocol declaration.
@interface @public @package @protected @private @property @end
Marks the start of a class or category declaration.
Class declaration:
While SuperClassName is optional, Objective-C classes should derive from NSObject either directly or indirectly. The @interface for a class declaration can optionally declare that it conforms to other protocols.
// instance variables
// instance variables
// instance variables
// instance variables
// property declarations
@property (atomic, readwrite, assign) id aProperty;
// public instance and/or class method declarations
Category declaration:
The @interface of a Objective-C category can not add instance variables. But it can optionally declare to conform to (additional) protocols. CategoryName can be omitted (leaving only the empty brackets) if the category is added to the implementation file of the class that it extends, in order to declare methods as “private”.
// property declarations
@property (atomic, readwrite, assign) id aProperty;
// method declarations
Dependent Directives:
@public – Declares the instance variables following the @public directive as publicly accessible. Public instance variables can be read and modified with pointer notation:
someObject->aPublicVariable = 10;
- @package – Declares the instance variables following the @package directive as public inside the framework that defined the class, but private outside the framework. This applies only to 64-bit systems, on 32-bit systems @package has the same meaning as @public.
- @protected (default) – Declares the instance variables following the @protected directive as accessible only to the class and its derived classes.
- @private – Declares the instance variables following the @private directive as private to the class. Not even derived classes can access private instance variables.
@property – Declares a property which can be accessed with dot notation. The @property can be followed by optional brackets within which special keywords (property modifiers) specify the exact behavior of the property. The property modifiers are:
- readwrite (default), readonly – Generate both setter & getter methods (readwrite), or only the getter method (readonly).
- assign (default), retain, copy – Only applicable for properties that can be safely cast to id. Assign simply assigns the passed value – retain sends release to the existing instance variable, sends retain to the new object, assigns the retained object to the instance variable – copy sends release to the existing instance variable, sends copy to the new object, assigns the copied object to the instance variable. In the latter two cases you are still responsible for sending release (or assigning nil) to the property on dealloc.
- atomic (default), nonatomic – Atomic properties are thread-safe, nonatomic properties are prone to synchronization issues if accessed from multiple threads. Nonatomic property access is faster than atomic and often used in single-threaded apps, or in cases where you’re absolutely sure the property will only be accessed from one thread.
- weak (default), strong – Available if automatic reference counting (ARC) is enabled. The keyword strong is synonymous to retain, while weak is synonymous to assign, except that a weak property is automatically set to nil should the instance be deallocated. Note thatweak is only available in iOS 5 or newer and Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or newer.
- @end – Marks the end of the interface declaration.
@implementation @synthesize @dynamic @end
Marks the start of a class’ or category implementation.
Class implementation:
@synthesize aProperty, bProperty;
@synthesize cProperty=instanceVariableName;
@dynamic anotherProperty;
// method implementations
Category implementation:
@synthesize aProperty, bProperty;
@synthesize cProperty=instanceVariableName;
@dynamic anotherProperty, bnotherProperty;
// method implementations
Dependent Directives:
- @synthesize – Instruct compiler to automatically generate property setter and getter methods for the given (comma seperated list of) properties. The setter and getter methods are generated according to the property modifiers. If the instance variable is not named exactly like the@property, you can specify the instance variable name following the equals sign.
- @dynamic – Tells the compiler that the necessary setter and getter methods for the given (comma seperated list of) properties will be implemented manually, or dynamically at runtime. Accessing a dynamic property will not generate a compiler warning, even if the getter/setter is not (yet) implemented. You will want to use @dynamic in cases where property getter and setter methods need to perform custom code.
- @end – Marks the end of the implementation of the class.
@throw @try @catch @finally
Used for handling and throwing exceptions.
Throwing and Handling exceptions:
// code that might throw an exception … like this one:
NSException *exception =
[NSException exceptionWithName:@"ExampleException"
reason:@"In your face!"
@throw exception;
@catch (CustomException *ce)
// CustomException-specific handling ...
@catch (NSException *ne)
// generic NSException handling ...
// to simply re-throw the caught exception in a catch block:
// code that runs whether an exception occurred or not ...
Encapsulates code in a mutex lock. It ensures that the block of code and the locked object can only be accessed by one thread at a time. See mutual exclusion.
// code that works with locked object
In an app that has ARC (automatic reference counting) enabled, you must use @autoreleasepool as a replacement for the NSAutoreleasePool class. The @autoreleasepool is about six times faster than using NSAutoreleasePool, therefore Apple recommends its use even for non-ARC projects.
You should not declare a variable inside the @autoreleasepool block and continue to use the variable after the @autoreleasepool block. Such code should be avoided or refactored.
// code that creates a large number of temporary objects
Returns the selector type SEL of the given Objective-C method. Generates compiler warning if the method isn’t declared or doesn’t exist.
SEL aMethodSelector = @selector(aMethod);
[self performSelector:aMethodSelector];
Returns the character string encoding of a type.
char *enc1 = @encode(int); // enc1 = "i"
char *enc2 = @encode(id); // enc2 = "@"
char *enc3 = @encode(@selector(aMethod)); // enc3 = ":"
// practical example:
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
NSValue *v = [NSValue value:&rect withObjCType:@encode(CGRect)];
Allows you to define an alias name for an existing class. The first parameter is the alias for a class name, a class with this name must not exist. The second parameter is the name of an existing class that the alias refers to.
From then on you can use AliasClassName in place of ExistingClassName. This can be useful after refactoring a class’ name without modifying its behavior, you can use @compatibility_alias to allow existing code using the refactored class to continue to work without refactoring.
Declares a constant NSString object. Such strings do not need to be retained or released.
NSString* str = @"This is a constant string.";
NSUInteger strLength = [@"This is legal!" length];
I hope you enjoyed this list and hopefully learned something from it. If you know there’s a directive missing from the list, please add a comment and I will update the post!
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1. **简洁明了**:C语言的关键字数量有限,只有32个,这使得语言结构清晰,易于理解和学习。 2. **强大的表达能力**:尽管简洁,C语言却能有效地表达复杂的计算和逻辑操作,通过9种控制语句和丰富的运算符实现。 3. ...
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- 常见的C语言关键字包括int, float, double, struct, union, void等。 - 基本数据类型包括char, short, int, long, float, double等。 - 控制结构如if, for, while, do-while等。 - 函数定义和调用的语法。 3....
- **基于C语言**:Objective-C在C语言的基础上进行了扩展,这意味着熟悉C语言的开发者可以更快地学习Objective-C。 - **面向对象**:Objective-C支持面向对象的编程范式,包括类、对象、消息传递、继承等。 - **动态...
- 在C语言中,编译后的目标文件通常具有`.obj`后缀。此文件包含了编译器生成的机器代码,但还没有进行链接处理。 - 正确答案是**B**。 2. **C程序中的语句结构**: - C语言中,单个语句可以由多条命令组成,这些...
- C语言源代码不能直接运行,需先编译成`.obj`文件,再链接生成`.exe`可执行文件。 - 标识符命名规则中,不允许使用连接符。 - 将`int`转换为`float`使用强制类型转换`(float)n`。 - C语言的基本单位是函数。 -...
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- **nil和Nil**:nil是Objective-C中表示空对象引用的关键字,而Nil是一种特殊的空对象实例。 ##### 4.2 类声明 - **属性和方法**:在类声明中定义,使用`@property`声明属性,使用`-(返回类型)(方法名)`声明方法...
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- 源程序(`.c`)经过编译生成目标程序(`.obj`),再通过连接生成可执行程序(`.exe`)。 9. **数据类型及其运算**: - C语言的数据类型包括基本类型(如`int`、`float`)、构造类型(如数组、结构体)、指针...