package com.anyec.math.base;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class Kmean {
* @param npoints
* 中心点
* @param data
* 输入样本
* @return
public static Map<Point, List<Point>> getPointsGroup(List<Point> npoints,
List<Point> data) {
Map<Point, List<Point>> kdata = new HashMap<Point, List<Point>>();
for (Point jp : npoints) {
kdata.put(jp, new ArrayList<Point>());
for (Point ip : data) {
Point spoint = null;
double lastdistance = 0;
double currdistance = 0;
for (Point jp : npoints) {
currdistance = getDistince(jp, ip);
if (spoint == null || lastdistance > currdistance) {
lastdistance = currdistance;
spoint = jp;
return kdata;
* 依据分类,获取新的中心点
* @param mpoints
* 分类键对
* @return
public static List<Point> getCenterPoints(Map<Point, List<Point>> mpoints) {
List<Point> npoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
Set<Point> key = mpoints.keySet();
for (Point p : key) {
List<Point> lpoints = mpoints.get(p);
double sumx = 0, sumy = 0;
for (Point lpoint : lpoints) {
sumx += lpoint.getX();
sumy += lpoint.getY();
Point newcenterPoint = new Point();
newcenterPoint.setX(sumx / lpoints.size());
newcenterPoint.setY(sumy / lpoints.size());
return npoints;
public static List<Point> initData(int n) {
List<Point> list = new ArrayList<Point>();
java.util.Random rd = new Random(3000);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Point p = new Point();
p.setX(rd.nextDouble() * 1000);
p.setY(rd.nextDouble() * 1000);
return list;
public static void printPair(Map<Point, List<Point>> cpoints) {
Set<Point> key = cpoints.keySet();
for (Point p : key) {
System.out.print(p + " :{");
List<Point> list = cpoints.get(p);
for (Point lp : list) {
System.out.print(lp + ",");
public static void printResult(List<Map<Point, List<Point>>> cpoints) {
int i = 0;
for (Map<Point, List<Point>> mp : cpoints) {
System.out.println("第" + i + "计算分类信息");
Set<Point> key = mp.keySet();
for (Point p : key) {
System.out.print(p + " :{");
List<Point> list = mp.get(p);
for (Point lp : list) {
System.out.print(lp + ",");
public static double getDistince(Point p1, Point p2) {
return Math.sqrt((p1.getX() - p2.getX()) * (p1.getX() - p2.getX())
+ (p1.getY() - p2.getY()) * (p1.getY() - p2.getY()));
public static double sumDistince(Point p1, List<Point> ps) {
double sum = 0;
for (Point p : ps) {
sum = sum + getDistince(p1, p);
return sum;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Point> data = initData(5000);
List<Point> kpoint = initData(5);
List<List<Point>> kpoints = new ArrayList<List<Point>>();
List<Map<Point, List<Point>>> cpoints = new ArrayList<Map<Point, List<Point>>>();
double lastDistince = 0;
double currDistince = 0;
long count = 1;
double minDistince = Long.MAX_VALUE;
while (true) {
// System.out.println("正在进行" + count + "次迭代");
Map<Point, List<Point>> pair = getPointsGroup(kpoint, data);
// cpoints.add(pair);
Set<Point> key = pair.keySet();
lastDistince = currDistince;
currDistince = 0;
for (Point p : key) {
currDistince += sumDistince(p, pair.get(p));
if (currDistince < minDistince)
minDistince = currDistince;
// System.out.println(lastDistince + " " + currDistince + " " +
// minDistince + " " + count);
if (lastDistince <= currDistince
&& (currDistince < 0.001 || Math.abs(lastDistince
- currDistince)
/ lastDistince < 0.0001))
kpoint = getCenterPoints(pair);
// printResult(cpoints);
package com.anyec.math.base;
import java.util.List;
public class Point implements Serializable,Comparable<Point> {
private double x;
private double y;
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;
public String toString() {
return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
public int compareTo(Point o) {
return 1;
}else if(this.getX()==o.getX()){
return 1;
}else if(this.getY()==o.getY()){
return 0;
return -1;
return -1;
Java KMeans聚类算法是一种广泛应用的数据挖掘技术,用于将数据集分成不同的组或“簇”,使得同一簇内的数据点彼此相似,而不同簇之间的数据点差异较大。在本例中,描述提到了从Pascal语言转换到Java实现,这意味着...
前端react 后端springboot 数据库mysql
下面将基于这些信息详细阐述K-Means算法的基本原理、实现步骤,并结合给出的Java代码片段进行分析。 ### K-Means聚类算法概述 K-Means是一种常用的无监督学习方法,用于数据挖掘和机器学习中的聚类任务。它的目标...
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使用 Flink 实现 K-Means 算法。 该算法不执行任何初始质心的计算,必须给出这些。 用法 点质心最大增量输出 flink run FlinkKMeans.jar \ input/kmeans.state \ input/points.txt \ input/clusters.txt \ 2 \...
在大数据处理领域,KMeans聚类算法与MapReduce框架的结合是一种常见的处理大规模数据集的方式。本文将深入探讨KMeans算法的基本原理及其在MapReduce模型下的实现细节。 一、KMeans算法基础 1. KMeans概述:KMeans...
在本项目中,OCR技术被应用于复杂的自然场景图像,通过一系列先进的算法来提取并识别图像中的文本信息。项目的实现采用了YOLOv3、CTPN和CRNN三个关键组件,它们分别是目标检测、文本框检测和序列建模的代表性方法。 ...
该项目是在MATLAB中完成的,可以生成n个KMean颜色簇。 Nina Lutz的Java语言实现: 发展 设置 克隆存储库 安装 install all files 对于MATLAB运行rgbToHsvPlot.m Add image to path and run rgbToHsvPlot.m 这将生成...
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