
Pentaho Ctools 读取数据


1. 读取数据,分别设置category、series、value,其中indexes为CDA返回的数据的列



function f() {
	this.chartDefinition.readers = [
		{names: 'category', indexes: 0 },
		{names: 'series', indexes: 1 },
		{names: 'value', indexes: 2 }



2. 读取数据有哪些列,再分别设置category、series、value


function f() {
    // 对CDA返回列进行设置,例如修改数据类型,进行格式化:
    this.chartDefinition.dimensions = {
        revenue:  {valueType: Number, format: '0.00%'},
        payment: {valueType: Number}
    // 设置读取哪些列,可以通过CDE的Readers设置
    this.chartDefinition.readers = ['category, revenue, payment'];

    // In chart showing "category",可以通过CDE的Category Role设置
    this.chartDefinition.categoryRole = "category";

    // In chart showing "revenue",可以通过CDE的Series Role设置
    this.chartDefinition.seriesRole = "revenue";

    // In chart showing "payment",可以通过CDE的Value Role设置
    this.chartDefinition.valueRole = "payment";









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