
pentaho ctools cde 插件BTable format


问题:pentaho ctools cde 插件BTable 对维度进行格式化,这个需求很少见,因为维度一般都是字符串,但遇到维度是浮点数值型的时候,就需要对维度进行格式化 




BTable 使用的Table





		$.each(normalizedJson.metadata, function(i, v) {
			var colName = v.colName;
			if(colName.indexOf("]/[") > 0 || $.inArray(colName, measureQualifiedNames) >= 0) {
				v.colType = "numeric";
			} else {
				if(colName != "[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]" && $.inArray(colName, dimensionQualifiedNames) < 0 && $.inArray(colName, pivotDimensionQualifiedNames) < 0)
					v.colType = "numeric";
				else {
					if(v.colType === 'Numeric')
						v.colType = "numeric";
						v.colType = "string";







	 * Callback for when the table is finished drawing. Called every time there
	 * is a redraw event (so not only updates, but also pagination and sorting).
	 * We handle addIns and such things in here.
	fnDrawCallback: function(dataTableSettings) {
		var dataTable = dataTableSettings.oInstance,
		cd = this.chartDefinition,
		myself = this;

		this.timer.check("Table drawn without alarms and spans");

		var measuresLevelColIdx = $.inArray("[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]", cd.colHeaders);
		var formatStrings = myself.bTable.olapCube.getFormatStrings();
		var cellFormats = [];
		if(measuresLevelColIdx < 0) {
			$.each(myself.rawData.metadata, function(i, v) {
				if(v.colType == "numeric" && v.colName.indexOf("[Measures].[") >= 0) {
					if (!v.colIsCalculated) {
						var start_pos = v.colName.indexOf("[Measures].");
						if(start_pos >= 0) {
							var end_pos = v.colName.indexOf("]", start_pos+10);
							var measureName = v.colName.substring(start_pos,end_pos+1);
					} else {
				} else {
					if(v.colType == "numeric" && v.colFormat !== undefined) {
					} else {




					if(coltype == "numeric") {
						oRows.each(function(i, v) {
							var aData = oTable.fnGetData(this);
							var value = aData[index] == "" ? 0 : parseFloat(aData[index]);
			                if (format && (typeof value != "undefined" && value !== null)) {
			                	$('td:eq(' + index + ')',this).text(bt.utils.getLocalizedFormattedValue(format,value));




在BTable 的 Post Fetch 


function f(data) {

    // BTable/resources/amd-components/BTable/lib/bt.utils.js 389行
    //			case "": return valueString;
	//			case "none": return valueString;
	//			case "general number": formatString = "0.00"; break;
	//			case "currency": formatString = "#,##0.00"; break;
	//			case "fixed":  formatString = "0,.00####"; break;
	//			case "standard": formatString = "#,##0"; break;
	//			case "percent": formatString = "0.00%"; break;
	//			case "scientific": formatString = "0.00e+00"; break;
	//			case "yes/no": return testZeroValue(valueString) ? "No" : "Yes";
	//			case "true/false": return testZeroValue(valueString) ? "False" : "True";
	//			case "on/off": return testZeroValue(valueString) ? "Off" : "On";

    // data.metadata[3].colType = 'Numeric'
    // data.metadata[3].colFormat = 'Currency'
    data.metadata[7].colType = 'Numeric'
    data.metadata[7].colFormat = 'general number'

    return data;








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