





Daniel Barlow <daniel.barlow@linux.org>

v1.29, 14 July 1996

This document describes how to migrate your Linux system to compile and run programs in the ELF binary format. It falls into three conceptual parts: (1) What ELF is, and why you should upgrade, (2) How to upgrade to ELF-capability, and (3) what you can do then. After a fairly long fallow period in which I have been pretending to do academic work, it has recently been overhauled to give current information for Linux 2.0.

1. What is ELF? An introduction

  • 1.1 What ELF isn't
  • 1.2 Why you should convert to ELF
  • 1.3 How to convert to ELF

2. Installation

  • 2.1 Background
  • 2.2 Before you start --- Notes and Caveats
  • 2.3 Ingredients
  • 2.4 Rearranging your filesystem
  • 2.5 What it should look like (outline directory structure)
  • 2.6 Common errors --- Don't Panic!

3. Building programs

  • 3.1 Ordinary programs
  • 3.2 Building libraries
  • 3.3 Building in a.out

4. Patches and binaries

  • 4.1 Upgrade:
  • 4.2 Patch

5. Further information

6. Miscellanities

  • 6.1 Feedback
  • 6.2 Translations
  • 6.3 Legal bits



Understanding ELF using readelf and objdump

The Linux ELF HOWTO :What is ELF? An introduction



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