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BUILDING (Windows)

Starting with DCMTK 3.5.4, no project files for Visual Studio are provided
anymore.  Project files for all supported compilers can be generated with

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source make system which can be used to control
the software compilation process using simple configuration files.  CMake can be
obtained free of charge from http://www.cmake.org/.  For configuring the support
of external libraries in DCMTK on Windows platforms, the toolkit contains
corresponding "CMakeLists.txt" files in all necessary directories.  In detail,
these "CMakeLists.txt" files will serve as an input to CMake which will generate
new ".dsp" and ".dsw" files (or ".sln" for Visual Studio) for all of DCMTK's
projects from these files, depending on a configuration which can be adjusted
manually by the user.

In order to be able to use CMake for configuration purposes in DCMTK, perform
the following steps to install CMake on your machine:

1. Go to http://www.cmake.org/ to download the latest release version of CMake
   for Windows.  With regard to a certain CMake version, note that CMake 2.4.8
   or later can be used in conjunction with DCMTK.
2. Execute the file which was downloaded to install CMake on your machine.
   Follow all install instructions appropriately.

In order to manually configure the support for the above mentioned external
libraries (OpenSSL, zlib, libtiff, libpng and libxml2) through CMake, perform
the following steps:

1. Go Start -> Programs -> CMake -> "CMake" or "CMake (cmake-gui)" to start the
   CMake utility through which the configuration can be done.
2. In the entry field "Where is the source code:" enter the directory in which
   the DCMTK source code resides, e.g. "C:\dcmtk-3.6.0".
3. In the entry field "Where to build the binaries:" enter the directory in
   which the libraries and binaries are to be built, e.g. "C:\dcmtk-bin".
4. In the combobox "Build for:" or "Specify the generator for this project:"
   select the corresponding development environment which shall be used to
   compile DCMTK.
5. Go "Configure".  (CMake will look for a corresponding compiler, read in all
   of DCMTK's "CMakeLists.txt" files and perform some tests.  The variables in
   the tabular area will be displayed in red.  These variables can now be set
   in order to turn the support for any of the external libraries on or off).
6. Make the corresponding configurations in CMake's user interface.  For
   example, in order to turn on libxml2 support, set the value of variable
   "DCMTK_WITH_XML" to "ON" and set the value of variable "WITH_LIBXMLINC"
   to the path where the include files and libraries of libxml2 can be found,
   e.g. "C:\libxml2-2.7.7".  The support of all other external libraries can
   be turned on in a similar way:

     libpng support:
       set "DCMTK_WITH_PNG" to "ON" and
       set "WITH_LIBPNGINC" e.g. to "C:\libpng-1.4.2"

     libtiff support:
       set "DCMTK_WITH_TIFF" to "ON" and
       set "WITH_LIBTIFFINC" e.g. to "C:\tiff-3.9.2"

     OpenSSL support:
       set "DCMTK_WITH_OPENSSL" to "ON" and
       set "WITH_OPENSSLINC" e.g. to "C:\openssl-1.0.0"

     zlib support:
       set "DCMTK_WITH_ZLIB" to "ON" and
       set "WITH_ZLIBINC" e.g. to "C:\zlib-1.2.5"

   In order to turn the support of a certain external library off, set the
   value of the corresponding variable ("DCMTK_WITH_XML", "DCMTK_WITH_PNG",

   (Please note that the include files of all external libraries are always
   expected in a directory named "include" below the directory which is

   (Please note also that the library files of all external libraries are
   always expected in directory named "lib" below the directory which is
   "WITH_OPENSSLINC", or "WITH_ZLIBINC".  Moreover, note that the following
   filenames must be used for the corresponding lib files:

       "iconv_d.lib"    - debug version
       "iconv_o.lib"    - release version (optimized)
       "libxml2_d.lib"  - debug version
       "libxml2_o.lib"  - release version (optimized)

       "libpng_d.lib"   - debug version
       "libpng_o.lib"   - release version (optimized)

       "libtiff_d.lib"  - debug version
       "libtiff_o.lib"  - release version (optimized)

       "libeay32_d.lib" - debug version
       "libeay32_o.lib" - release version (optimized)
       "ssleay32_d.lib" - debug version
       "ssleay32_o.lib" - release version (optimized)

       "zlib_d.lib"     - debug version
       "zlib_o.lib"     - release version (optimized)

   The debug versions of all libraries must be compiled for the multithread
   debug version of the runtime (/MTd), the release version must be compiled
   for the non-debug multithread runtime (/MT).  Precompiled versions of all
   libraries can be downloaded from http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk).
7. Go "Configure" a second time.  (CMake will adjust the configuration
   according to the displayed specifications).
8. Go "OK" or "Generate".  (CMake will generate new project files in the
   corresponding directories.  These files will be adjusted according to the
   displayed specifications, i.e. support for the external libraries will be
   turned on or off).

Having performed these steps, the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE can be started,
DCMTK's workspace file can be opened, and one or more of DCMTK's subprojects
can be built.  In case you want to build all libraries and applications, mark
the "ALL_BUILD" subproject and build it.  The "INSTALL" subproject installs
the executables, libraries, include, support and documentation files (very
similar to "make install-all" on Unix systems).

Please note that other Windows compilers, e.g. Borland C++ Builder, are
currently not actively supported.  However, they may work.

Known limitations of DCMTK on the Windows platform.

1. The dcmqrscp tool cannot spark multiple processes.  Every association must
   be handled completely before a new association is possible.
2. On Windows 95, dcmqrscp always uses exclusive file locking (the LockFileEx
   API call is available on Windows NT only).  This is no problem if only one
   single process exists.
3. Most applications will only work if the computer has configured TCP/IP, a
   network name and a TCP/IP address.  If SLIP or PPP is used the applications
   can only work if a connection to a provider exists (since the internet
   addresses and names are given dynamically).
4. Visual C++ contains two different implementations of I/O streams which
   should never be mixed within one application because this may cause
   application errors that are hard to find.  The old, now deprecated
   implementation uses the traditional cfront header files <iostream.h> etc.
   The new implementation uses <iostream> etc. as defined in ANSI/ISO C++.
   DCMTK can be configured to use either of the two interfaces.  This behaviour
   can be changed in "include/dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" in the build directory
   where the symbol USE_STD_CXX_INCLUDES is declared.

   NOTE: Previous releases of DCMTK (3.5.1 and older) used the old interface
         when compiled with Visual C++ 6.0.  When updating software that uses
         DCMTK as a library, make sure that the use of the iostream library is
         consistent throughout the complete application!





    Windows Qt环境下DCMTK库

    **Windows Qt环境下的DCMTK库** DCMTK(DICOM Toolkit)是一个开源软件库,专为处理DICOM(Digital Imaging and ...同时,不断查阅DCMTK的官方文档和社区资源,能帮助你解决遇到的问题,更好地利用这个强大的工具。


    1. **下载源码**:首先从官方网站或者GitHub上获取DCMTK的源代码包。 2. **解压和配置**:将下载的源代码包解压到一个合适的目录,然后创建一个构建目录(通常不在源码目录内,以避免污染源码),进入这个构建目录...




    1. **下载与解压**: 首先,你需要从官方或者可靠的第三方源下载DCMTK3.6.0的源代码包,并将其解压到一个方便的工作目录。 2. **构建DCMTK**: 使用Visual Studio 2012打开命令行工具,进入DCMTK源码目录,运行CMake...


    ### DCMTK的生成及加载和一些使用的例子 #### 一、DCMTK简介与功能 DCMTK是由德国OFFIS公司提供的...通过上述步骤,我们可以顺利地在项目中集成DCMTK,并利用其强大的功能处理DICOM文件,实现医学图像的管理与交流。


    描述中的“直接编译的DCMTK3.5.3,直接可以用”进一步确认了这个版本是可执行的,省去了用户自己编译和配置环境的步骤。 DCMTK 3.5.3是该工具包的一个特定版本,可能包含了自3.5.2版本以来的一些更新和改进,包括...


    1. **获取源代码**:首先,你需要从DCMTK的官方网站或者GitHub仓库下载3.6.0版本的源代码压缩包。 2. **解压并配置**:解压下载的文件,进入源代码目录。然后,根据你的操作系统和编译器配置环境变量,如设置CMAKE_...


    1. **安装DCMTK**:首先从官方网站下载DCMTK并进行编译安装。 2. **配置VC++环境**:设置项目属性,确保项目能够正确链接DCMTK库。 3. **解析DICOM文件**:利用DCMTK提供的API函数解析DICOM文件,提取出图像数据。 4...


    9. **学习资源**:对于想要深入学习DCMTK的初学者,建议阅读DCMTK的官方文档,参与相关的论坛讨论,或者参考其他开源项目的代码,以获取更多实际应用的例子。 10. **代码组织**:良好的代码组织结构可以使项目更...




    - **获取DCMTK**:从官方网站下载最新的DCMTK源码,并进行编译配置。 ##### 2. DCMTK的编译与配置 - **配置编译选项**:根据实际需求选择相应的编译选项,如支持多线程等。 - **编译DCMTK**:使用命令行或IDE进行...


    在Linux系统中,可以使用包管理器安装,而在Windows或Mac上,需要从其官方网站下载源代码并按照官方指南进行配置和编译。 1. **编译DCMTK**: - 解压DCMTK源代码。 - 打开终端或命令行,进入DCMTK源代码目录。 -...

    利用VC++ 和DCMTK 实现医学图像显示和调窗功能



    1. 安装CMake:首先,你需要下载并安装CMake 2.8.6的win32-x86版本,这可以从官方网站或者通过提供的压缩包`cmake-2.8.6-win32-x86.exe`完成。 2. 设置源代码目录:获取DCMTK的源代码,并创建一个空的构建目录,用于...


    以下是对安装过程的详细步骤: 1. **安装VS2010** - 安装Visual Studio 2010旗舰版,确保选择了C++组件,因为MITK是基于C++的。 - 将帮助文档安装到D盘,这一步可以根据个人需求选择,不是必须的。 - 安装Visual...


    * dcmtk官方文档 * DICOM协议官方文档 * PACS系统官方文档 参考文献 * AFL实战练习:https://blog.csdn.net/kelxLZ/article/details/117827686 * dcmtk模拟PACS调试:...


    编译过程中,VS会自动下载一些第三方库,如gdcm、dcmtk、qwt等,确保网络连接畅通。 值得注意的是,原帖建议静态编译,但可能会遇到问题。初次尝试时,建议保留默认动态编译设置,以避免不必要的复杂性。在CMake...


    在VC++环境中使用DCMTK来实现DICOM图像的读取和显示主要包括以下几个步骤: 1. **创建DICOM文件对象**:通过 `new DcmFileFormat()` 创建DICOM文件对象。 2. **加载DICOM文件**:调用 `loadFile(filename)` 方法来...

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