void java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace()
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream. This
method prints a stack trace for this Throwable
object on the error
output stream that is the value of the field System.err
. The first
line of output contains the result of the toString()
method for
this object. Remaining lines represent data previously recorded by the method
. The format of this information depends on the
implementation, but the following example may be regarded as typical:
接着打印通过fillInStackTrace()记录的信息(打印格式由实现Throwable的实现方法决定) 9行是 出现异常的地方
at MyClass.mash(MyClass.java:9)
at MyClass.crunch(MyClass.java:6)
at MyClass.main(MyClass.java:3)
This example was produced by running the program:
class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
3 crunch(null);
static void crunch(int[] a) {
6 mash(a);
static void mash(int[] b) {
9 System.out.println(b[0]);
The backtrace for a throwable with an initialized, non-null cause should
generally include the backtrace for the cause. The format of this information
depends on the implementation, but the following example may be regarded as
对于多级异常的抛出,会使用Caused By: 格式来显示异常的由来.
总结:直接看最后Cause by 语句,即为引起所有异常出现的地方,如本例的最后一个Caused by:为LowLevelException,下面第一个at 即为异常所在的行,本例为30行
HighLevelException: MidLevelException: LowLevelException
at Junk.a(Junk.java:13)
at Junk.main(Junk.java:4)
Caused by: MidLevelException: LowLevelException
at Junk.c(Junk.java:23)
at Junk.b(Junk.java:17)
at Junk.a(Junk.java:11)
... 1 more
Caused by: LowLevelException
at Junk.e(Junk.java:30)
at Junk.d(Junk.java:27)
at Junk.c(Junk.java:21)
... 3 more
Note the presence of lines containing the characters "...".
These lines indicate that the remainder of the stack trace for this exception
matches the indicated number of frames from the bottom of the stack trace of the
exception that was caused by this exception (the "enclosing" exception). This
shorthand can greatly reduce the length of the output in the common case where a
wrapped exception is thrown from same method as the "causative exception" is
caught. The above example was produced by running the program:
public class Junk {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(HighLevelException e) {
static void a() throws HighLevelException {
try {
} catch(MidLevelException e) {
throw new HighLevelException(e);
static void b() throws MidLevelException {
static void c() throws MidLevelException {
try {
} catch(LowLevelException e) {
throw new MidLevelException(e);
static void d() throws LowLevelException {
static void e() throws LowLevelException {
throw new LowLevelException();
class HighLevelException extends Exception {
HighLevelException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); }
class MidLevelException extends Exception {
MidLevelException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); }
class LowLevelException extends Exception {
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