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我也是debian 64的,也想安装qmail,有什么问题希望 ...
在Debian 64bit Sarge版本上安装QMAIL的痛苦之行
WebSphere Portal finds its roots in Apache Jetspeed. Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML.Jetspeed was created to deliver an Open Source Portal that individuals or
companies could use and contribute to in an Open (Source) manner.
companies could use and contribute to in an Open (Source) manner.
The core of WebSphere Portal architecture is composed of the PresentationServices, the portal infrastructure, and the portal services.
Presentation services
The Portal engine
The Portal Servlet is the main component of the Portal engine. The portal servlet handles the requests made to the portal. The portal requests are handled in two phases. The first phase allows portals to send event messages between
themselves. In the second phase, the appropriate Aggregation Module for the requesting device renders the overall portal page by collecting information from all the portlets on the page and adding standard decorations such as title bars,
edit buttons, etc.
themselves. In the second phase, the appropriate Aggregation Module for the requesting device renders the overall portal page by collecting information from all the portlets on the page and adding standard decorations such as title bars,
edit buttons, etc.
The Portal container
Portal Services are components WebSphere Portal uses to extend the portal functionality. Key functionality is provided with WebSphere Portal for personalization, search, content management, site analysis, enterprise application integration collaboration and Web services. Portlets can access these services via their container.
Portal infrastructure
User and group management
The WebSphere Portal infrastructure provides facilities to allow user self management along with enterprise integration with user directories such as LDAP or database structures.
Security services
The WebSphere Portal infrastructure provides facilities to allow user self management along with enterprise integration with user directories such as LDAP or database structures.
Page transformation
WebSphere Transcoding Technology is integrated with WebSphere Portal to transform the portal markup produced by WebSphere Portal to markup for additional devices such as mobile phones and PDAs..
Portal services
Portal services are built-in features the WebSphere Portal provides to extend and enhance the full portal solution.
The IBM WebSphere Personalization functionality enables advanced personalization capabilities. Base customization, such as choosing which portlets are desired on a page, is accomplished by the user via administration functionality. Advanced personalization via rules engines, user preferences and profiles is accomplished by the provided personalization services.
Content management
WebSphere Portal provides services to facilitate connections to content management sources. Built-in support is provided for several common content types such a as Rich Site Summary (RSS), News Markup Language 18 IBM WebSphere Portal Toolkit V5 (NewsML) and Open Content Syndication (OCS) along with most XML and Web browser markup..
WebSphere Portal offers a simple search service. The Portal Search capability enables search across distributed HTML and text data sources. The search can crawl a Web site and is configured so as to force it to follow several layers in a site or to extend beyond several links in a site.
Collaboration services are provided by WebSphere Portal through a set of pre-defined portlets. These portlets allow for team-room function, chat, e-mail, calendering and many other collaborative technologies.
Web Services
WebSphere Portal provides services for exposing and integrating portlets as remote portlets hosted on another portal platform via Web Services technology. The entire process of packaging and responding to a SOAP request is hidden from the developer and the administrator.

2007-04-02 12:23 1011记得在大学的时候,花了几天的时间看看了XML,可现在再拾起来的 ... -
2007-04-02 14:04 8861、一个XML文档可以含有多个dtd文档吗? 答:当然可以完全 ... -
2007-04-02 14:07 744reference to some binary data ... -
Java API for XML Processing
2007-04-05 01:44 1101The Java API for XML Processing ... -
Simple API for XML
2007-04-09 13:27 1077SAX是Simple API for XML的简称。 什么是S ... -
Echoing an XML File with the SAX Parser
2007-04-15 08:34 1034首先要继承ContentHandler类,然后复写几个函数。 ... -
2007-04-20 14:12 882SAXParseException SAXException ... -
Using the Validating Parser
2007-04-23 14:12 1060首先要明白,Validating Parser是用什么来验证 ... -
Handling Lexical Events
2007-04-25 01:08 804How the LexicalHandler Works ... -
DTDHandler And EntityResolver
2007-04-25 13:43 1104The DTDHandler API In Choosing ... -
Document Object Model
2007-05-01 04:42 944When to Use DOM On the other h ... -
2007-05-18 03:35 1545什么是Portal? A server to ag ... -
2007-05-21 02:38 1089The base building blocks of a P ... -
2007-05-28 09:43 1118Abstract portlet与concrete portl ... -
Portlet Life Circle
2007-05-29 14:51 1279Portlet life circle diagram in ... -
2007-06-05 09:41 1785Portlet->PortletAdapter Port ... -
2007-07-16 15:37 1632基本类和接口 一、javax.servlet.Servle ...
LDAP目录数据结构采用树状形式,存储多种类型的数据,如联系信息、电子邮件地址、人力资源数据等。 3. TAI(Tivoli Access Manager Trust Association Interceptor): TAI是一个插件,负责在用户尝试访问受保护...
1. **Certus Portal架构** - **Portal规范**:Liferay Portal遵循业界标准,如JSR168和WSRP,确保了与其他系统的互操作性和可扩展性。 - **JSR168**:Java Specification Request 168定义了portlet API,使得...
Liferay Portal的核心架构基于Java EE标准,包括Servlet容器、EJB、JMS和JPA等。它采用MVC(模型-视图-控制器)设计模式,提供了一个可扩展的框架,支持portlet、主题、布局和服务的开发。Liferay还引入了Service ...
【IBM Portal 主题皮肤开发指南】是一份IBM内部的专业文档,为开发者提供了详细的IBM Portal定制化界面设计的指导。...这个过程需要深入理解Portal架构,熟练掌握前端技术,并具备良好的设计感知。
2. **Portal架构:** Portal通常由前端展示层、业务服务层、集成层和安全认证层组成。前端展示层负责用户界面的呈现;业务服务层处理具体业务逻辑;集成层负责与后端系统通信,聚合数据;安全认证层则确保用户访问...
1. **WebSphere Portal架构** - **基础架构**:WebSphere Portal基于Java EE(Java Enterprise Edition)和IBM's WebSphere Application Server,确保了跨平台的兼容性和稳定性。 - **portlet容器**:portlet是...
2.1 Portal架构 18 2.2 边缘服务器架构 19 2.2.1 内容分布框架(CDF) 19 2.2.2 网络缓存和内容重组的Edge Server 20 2.3 内容管理 21 2.4 Edge Server与Portal Server的集成 22 2.4.1 部署 23 第三章 部署Portal...
#### 一、Liferay Portal 架构解析 ##### 1.1 Portal规范 Liferay Portal遵循了两种主要的门户规范:JSR 168 和 WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets)。JSR 168是一个Java规范请求,用于定义Portlet容器和...
#### 二、Liferay Portal 架构解析 ##### 第一节 Portal 规范 - **JSR 168**: 这是Java Portlet API的一个版本,定义了portlet与portlet容器之间的交互接口。 - **WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets)**: 一...
本文档将从架构解析、portal 规范、portlet 容器、portlet 生命周期、liferay portal 工作原理等方面对 Liferay Portal 进行详细介绍。 第一部分:Liferay Portal 架构解析 Liferay Portal 的架构主要由三个部分...
- **Portal架构**:Portal是一种将不同来源的信息和服务集成到单个用户界面的应用程序框架。Portlet是门户中的组件,每个Portlet负责显示一种类型的内容。 - **Portlet生命周期**:Portlet在其生命周期内会经历不同...
1. **IBM Portal架构** IBM Portal 的架构基于开放标准,包括Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 和WebSphere Application Server。它由多个组件组成,如Portlet容器、门户服务器、内容管理器、身份验证...
WebSphere Portal架构理解 IBM WebSphere Portal 是一个功能强大的企业级门户解决方案,旨在为企业用户提供个性化的访问入口,以访问各种企业资源和服务。其架构设计灵活且可扩展,能够支持多种平台和应用程序。...
Portal系统的架构相对复杂,涉及多个关键组件间的交互: 1. **认证客户端**:通常是指用户的终端设备(如个人电脑、智能手机等),安装有支持HTTP/HTTPS协议的浏览器或专门的Portal客户端应用。 - **安全性检测**...