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Intel® SATA Solid-State Drive Firmware Update Tool

Intel® SATA Solid-State Drive Firmware Update Tool

To begin the download process, click Download.

For additional details about this download, click Read Me or Release Notes (not available for all downloads).

<script></script> This firmware update tool provides the latest firmware for the following Intel SSDs in all capacities:
-  Intel® X25-M/X18-M SATA SSD on 50nm (black case)  - updates to FW version 8820
-  Intel® X25-E SATA SSD on 50nm (black case)             - updates to FW version 8850
-  Intel® X25-M/X18-M SATA SSD on 34nm (silver case)  - updates to FW version 02HD
-  Intel® X25-V Value SATA SSD on 34nm (silver case)   - updates to FW version 02HD
This firmware will enable your SSD to deliver the best performance in your PC. Use this update tool to get the latest production firmware.

Before initiating the Intel SSD firmware update, be sure to read and precisely follow the instructions included in the Firmware Update Guideline, Readme and Release Notes. You may wish to print these instructions for easy reference.

The Readme.txt file includes the SSD firmware update instructions.

If you need any assistance with the firmware update of experience issues please contact Intel Customer Support .

The firmware update process is done at entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to reprogram the firmware, back up or make copies of all important files. If the Intel SSD firmware update process is interrupted, your SSD may not function properly.

This download contains both Intel proprietary software and an open source application called FreeDos*. The Intel proprietary software is licensed under the Intel Software License Agreement only.  The components of FreeDos* provided in this download are licensed under the GNU GPL and the Artistic License. (A copy of these licenses are included as .txt files in this download.)  The source code for this open source application is at FREEDOSSRC .

Disclaimer:  *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Intel® SATA SSD Firmware Update Tool [
110902HD88208850.ISO ] - Bootable ISO image Intel® SATA SSD Firmware Update Tool; this is the recommended method to update the firmware on systems running Windows*, Linux* and Mac* operating systems. It requires a blank CD, CD burning software, and a read/writeable CD-ROM drive.
Read Me (txt)     Release Notes (pdf)
English: 110902HD88208850.iso Download
Ver:v1.5 Date:11/30/2009 Size:2832 (KB) Time @56Kbps:6.56 min
OS:OS Independent
English: SATA_SSD_Firmware_Update_Tool_Guidelines_322570.pdf Download
Ver:v1.5 Date:12/8/2009 Size:1099 (KB) Time @56Kbps:2.54 min
OS:OS Independent
This download is also valid for the products listed below. Use the links below for additional product downloads:
Intel® X18-M Solid State Drive, 160GB SATA II 1.8in, MLC, High Performance
Intel® X18-M Solid State Drive, 80GB SATA II 1.8in, MLC, High Performance
Intel® X25-E Solid State Drive, 32GB SATA II 2.5in, SLC, High Performance
Intel® X25-E Solid State Drive, 64GB SATA II 2.5in, SLC, High Performance
Intel® X25-M Solid State Drive, 160GB SATA II 2.5in, MLC, High Performance
Intel® X25-M Solid State Drive, 80GB SATA II 2.5in, MLC, High Performance
Intel® X25-V Value Solid State Drive, 40GB
====================================================== 英特尔34纳米固态硬盘最新固件发布 责任编辑:王刚 【转载】 驱动之家 09年12月03日 [评论2条] Intel固态硬盘 Intel X25-M G2 34nm(160GB) 点评 报价 评测 Intel固态硬盘论坛 10月底,Intel推出了34nm新工艺固态硬盘X25-M/X18-M的新版固件,对Windows 7的TRIM功能提供了支持,同时对性能进行了优化。但发布后不久,就陆续有玩家报告更新固件导致硬盘无法使用。仅仅一天后,Intel确认新版固件存在问题,并马上将其撤下。 正如之前的预告,Intel在当地时间11月30日放出了重新修改后的新版固件升级程序。新工具中包含的34nm X25-M/X18-M固件版本为02HD,高于10月底版本的02HA,而50nm版X25-M/X18-M和X25-E的固件版本仍为8820和8850,使用50nm旧版Intel固态硬盘的用户不需要升级。 新版固件显然修正了之前版本可能导致硬盘无法使用的问题,Intel在发布说明中还表示:“此次改版继续引入了多项改进和优化,目的是为Intel SSD用户提供尽可能好的体验。” Intel 34nm X25-M固态硬盘 新版固件升级程序仍为光盘镜像,下载后需刻盘引导系统进行安装。(34nm X25-M/X18-M升级到02HD,50nm X25-M/X18-M或X25-E也可安装,但固件版本并未升级) 官方下载: http://downloadmirror.intel.com/18363/eng/110902HD88208850.iso


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