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The valueOf() Method

                                                                                  JavaScript calls this
method automatically if an object is used in a context where a primitive value is required.


    the probabilistic method(此版本不好,有重传的版本)

    Another way to use the probabilistic method is by calculating the expected value of some random variable. If it can be shown that the random variable can take on a value less than the expected value, ...


    彭老湿近期月报里提到了valueOf方法,兴致来了翻了下ECMA5里关于valueOf方法的介绍,如下: Object.prototype.valueOf ( ) When the valueOf method is called, the following steps are taken: 1....

    The method to Evaluate Energy Value of Biofuel

    然而,关于生物乙醇的投资回报,特别是其能源净收益,即净能量值(Net Energy Value,简称NEV)的评估一直是一个争议点。早期的研究表明,以玉米为原料生产的乙醇的NEV是负值或者非常低,这引发了对生物乙醇作为能源...

    femld.rar_The Method Method_p method

    a program which applies the p-method version of the finite element method to a linear two point boundary value problem in 1D

    Array index out of bound exception

    The program next reads in an index k from the user, then calls a method readValue(int [ ] a, int k) that would return the value of a[k]. The main program displays the value a[k]. If the index is out ...


    The default behavior of this method is to return addHeader(String name, String value) on the wrapped response object. addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface javax.servlet....


    the number of selected items changed while the method was running. - ADD: Added the method TFlexControl.DoNeedHint - allows editing the displaying of hint for flex-object within the object. - ADD: ...

    Top-k Structure Holes Detection Algorithm in Social Network

    Our experiments on real networks and different scales LFR simulation complex networks clearly verify the effectiveness of our method, as well as the advantage of our method against the other similar ...

    HuffCode.zip_The D.A._huffman data matlab

    where the variable-length code table has been derived in a particular way based on the estimated probability of occurrence for each possible value of the source symbol. It was developed by David A. ...

    nls the split-step method

    % This code solves the NLS equation with the split-step method % idu/dz - sgn(beta2)/2 d^2u/d(tau)^2 + N^2*|u|^2*u = 0 % Written by Govind P. Agrawal in March 2005 for the NLFO book %---Specify input ...

    Analytics for the Internet of Things 2017.7

    We start with the perplexing task of extracting value from huge amounts of barely intelligible data. The data takes a convoluted route just to be on the servers for analysis, but insights can emerge ...

    深入java虚拟机(inside the java virtual machine)

    The ConstantValue Attribute The Exceptions Attribute The InnerClasses Attribute The LineNumberTable Attribute The LocalVariableTable Attribute The SourceFile Attribute The Synthetic Attribute ...

    LSB Matching Revisited

    of two cover pixels to the desired value. The embedding is per- formed using a pair of pixels as a unit, where the LSB of the first pixel carries one bit of information, and a function of the two ...


    increasing the upper and lower bounds of the interval, the value of the decision unit is more accurate, and then the weight of the index is modified based on the schedule. When we use the North ...

    Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

    Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials ibm.com/developerWorks Table of Contents If you're viewing this document online, you can click ...


    This function retrieves the value of the IME hot key. ImmGetIMCCLockCount This function enables an IME to get the lock count of the input method context (IMC) component. ImmGetIMCCSize This ...

    最优化学习的Matlab程序:黄金分割法(gold section method)

    % To solve the equation for a specific value of c, first assign the value to c. % Then create a one-argument anonymous function that captures that value of c % and calls myfun with two arguments. ...

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