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    云计算英文版课件:Chapter 0 Introduction.pdf




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    5. 书籍的相关信息如国际标准书号(ISBN 978-1-4614-7137-0)和数字对象标识符(DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7138-7)为书籍提供了标准化的引用和检索方式。 6. 版权信息说明了书籍的版权属于出版社Springer Science+...

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    Fuzzy Control Systems

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    Introduction to Linear Algebra.pdf

    Gilbert Strang是一位著名的数学教授,他在麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT)执教多年,他所编写的《线性代数导论》(Introduction to Linear Algebra)就是一本广受好评的教材,对学习...

    An Introduction to Programming with C++ 8th 无水印pdf 0分

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    introduction to operation research

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    An introduction to copulas

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    中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 2.5节

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