4、直接建立选区有marquee、lasso和quick selection tool三种工具。
6、菜单中的select-transform selection可以调整选区。
7、建立选区后点击菜单select-modify-feather。这样可以羽化选区边缘。从表达上看,这种羽化表达为选区的角变为圆角,点击edit in quick mask mode后会看出羽化的效果。
8、双击edit in quick mask mode按钮可以改变蒙板的颜色。
14、使用快速选区工具后,点击refine edge按钮可以改善选区边缘并且把选区转化为带蒙板的新图层。
15、在选区上建立蒙板后,打开蒙板面板,再点击mask edge可以打开刚才的refine edge面版调整边缘。
16、在建立了蒙板的图层上使用brush tool可以改变蒙板,而白色前景色时表示扩大可视范围,黑色相反。这样可以更精确地修改选区。而笔刷的透明度的选择会影响可视范围的透明度。
21、layer-new-layer via copy会对旧图层中的选区进行复制并放到新建图层中。快捷键为ctr+j。
22、整合两张相似的图形时先以一张为基准的图层放在底层,然后在另一张中选择要整合的部份转化为选区。然后把选区通过layer via copy新建一个图层,然后把新图层的透明度调低并和基准的图层套好位置。然后复位透明度,再在新图层中增加蒙板,用笔刷把边缘去调。去边缘时,笔刷的硬度要调小一点。使用这些步骤可以做一些简单的gif效果图。
23、选中两幅相近的图层,然后点击edit-auto align layers。这样两幅图会会自动对齐(也可以使用上面的方法:调透明度、移动对齐)。然后再用剪切工具把整齐的部份剪好。然后双击顶层的图层调出图层样式中的blending option 调节this layer部份,调整颜色范为。在移动游标时按alt键可以把一个游标分离成两个,这样可以增加过渡效果。而其中的blend if可以选择glay也可选择其它颜色。
Hierarchy PRO Presets And Selections 一键操作 清晰明了的 解决你的Hierarchy 面板
Hierarchy PRO Presets And Selections v20.6层级编辑器强化工具最新版,对层级编辑器进行最大化的强化,很多功能,帮助编辑游戏对象,很多提示信息,可以选择要显示的内容,对开发帮助很大。
Layer management is another crucial aspect of Photoshop, and CS2 enhances this functionality with improved layer styles, masks, and blending options. Layers allow users to work non-destructively, ...
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After a crash course in using the GIMP's interface and core tools (such as brushes, patterns, selections, layers, modes, and masks), you'll learn: Photographic techniques to simulate ...
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In the middle there is the attack mode selections and settings for each mode. Log Window is to show the process information while the program processing after you initiate the password cracking. And ...
In Patterns for College Writing, they provide students with exemplary rhetorical models and instructors with class-tested selections that balance classic and contemporary essays. Along with more ...
- **Manufacturing Systems:** In manufacturing systems, TS has been used to optimize machine layouts, tooling selections, and assembly line configurations to enhance overall system performance. ...
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% SELECTBOX is a dialog box for the user to select several % items from a list of available items. % % INPUT: % title = the title of the box ...% out_cs = a cellstring of all selections (pre and post)
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2.1.3 Using Menu Selections 2.1.4 Using On-Line Help 2.2 Using Sequential Mode Chapter 3 Using Dialog Commands 3.1 Entering Commands and Arguments 3.1.1 Using Special Keys 3.1.2 Using the Command ...
Cost savings from software design in plant operation and maintenance due cross-supplier functional equivalency Technical advantages in the application program Shorter commissioning times ...
Indent and Unindent on large text selections in the SQL Window would cause a delay Added keyboard access for large report menus Clicking on a [...] cell button in the SQL Window result grid while ...
Y.Selections = require("y-selections"); 选择对象 参考 创造 var ysel = new Y.Selections() .select(from, to, attrs) 将一组属性分配给一个范围。 此方法需要引用(请参阅 y-list 文档)作为前两个参数(from ...
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