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Rational Functional Tester Java jTree relative references



The recording in IBM® Rational® Functional Tester of a Java™ jTree has a complication. This technote demonstrates a way to use relative paths to access jTree objects.


The recording generates the following code.


jTree().doubleClick(atPath("F3 - Clients->HUIZINGA, JOHAN->Client Details"));      ​

If the item of HUIZINGA, JOHAN changes, the playback fails.


Resolving the problem

The Java method getTreeHierarchy converts the above line of code to the following code.


jTree().doubleClick(atPath(getTreeHierarchy(j​Tree(),​​ "Client Details")));​

This code puts the same path as above and does not consider the full hierarchy. The hierarchy can be dynamic. The following code helps you to search a tree for the parent hierarchy.

public String getTreeHierarchy(TestObject treeName, String searchTree) { ​

 * Description : Search a tree for the parent hierarchy.​
 *   We need to use this within atPath statements with trees​
 *   in the situation where the parents may be DYNAMIC.​
 *   For example, if you had <Client Name> -> Licence where of course​
 *   Client Name is going to change, you simply call​
 *   getTreeHierarchy(jTree(), "Licence") - or similar -​
 *   and it works out the parent(s). In this case you don't​
 *   have to worry.​
 *   This is reproducible, because RFT does not allow you to​
 *   say click on a "child" node, you must specify the full​
 *   path.​
 * ​
 * Parameters  : treeName   - the tree which you want to search ​
 *    you will need () at the end of the tree​
 *   searchTree - the node you are looking for​
 * ​
 * Returns     : Full path of tree as a string.​
 * ​

//Declare variables for tree​
ITestDataTree  treeToSearch;​
ITestDataTreeNodes  treeToSearchTreeNodes;​
ITestDataTreeNode[] treeToSearchSpecificNode;​
String foundHierarchy = "";​

       //Variables to hold tree data​
treeToSearch = (ITestDataTree) treeName.getTestData("tree");​
treeToSearchTreeNodes = treeToSearch.getTreeNodes();​
treeToSearchSpecificNode =treeToSearchTreeNodes.getRootNodes();​

//Iterate through tree branches; this is a recursive method.​
for ( int i = 0; i < treeToSearchSpecificNode.length; ++i )​
foundHierarchy = searchTree(treeToSearchSpecificNode[i], searchTree, "");​
if (foundHierarchy != "")​

return foundHierarchy;​

 private String searchTree(ITestDataTreeNode node, String searchText, String hierarchy) {​
 * Description : Searches the tree for a specific node​
 *               and calls itself recursively to traverse the tree.​
 *  Called by getTreeHierarchy.​
 * ​
 * Parameters  : node     - the tree node to traverse​
 *    searchText - the node to look for​
 *    hierarchy - current parent hierarchy above this node ​
 * ​
 * Returns     : The tree hierarchy that has been found.​
 * ​

String nodeSeparator = "->";​
String searchResult  = "";​

// If we are at the top level of the hierarchy, don't prepend nodeSeparator​
if (hierarchy == "")​
hierarchy = node.getNode().toString();​
  hierarchy += nodeSeparator + node.getNode().toString();​

// If we have found our target Node record the current hierarchy ​
  if (node.getNode().toString().startsWith(searchT​ext))​​ {​
  searchResult = hierarchy;​
  // only bother doing this if we havent found our target Node​
// Determine if node has children and if so,​
// recursively call this same method to print out child nodes.​
  ITestDataTreeNode[] children = node.getChildren();​
int childCount = ( children != null ? children.length : 0 );​

  for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i ) ​
  searchResult = searchTree(children[i], searchText, hierarchy);​

if (searchResult != "")​

return searchResult;​

Alternatively you can use equalsIgnoreCase in searchTree if startsWith fails.

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