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并发性能提升的原因之一是使用了 ConcurrentHashMap,原来的 Collections.synchronized(new HashMap()) 存在同步锁的性能瓶颈;
如果你是用JDK 5.0或以上的版本,就可以直接得到这个性能的提升的好处了。
或者下载 Emory concurrent utilities backport 加到 CLASSPATH 中
The upcoming Spring Framework version 2.5 will bring a 200% improvement for concurrent access over Spring 2.0.*. I used Crazy Bob's Semi Useless Benchmark ™ as a starting point. I fiddled with the code slightly to change the default behavior from "prototype" to "singleton", and I saw that spring 2.5 was faster than Guice for singletons.
Here are some benchmarks (there is variability based on the runs)
* Spring 2.0 vs. guice 1.0:
o Prototype: Single thread: Spring is 50-150X slower. Concurrent: Spring is 50-150X slower.
o Singleton: Single thread: Spring 3X slower - 2X faster. Concurrent: Spring is 5-10X slower
* Spring 2.0.6 vs. guice 1.0:
o Prototype: Single thread: Spring is ~10X slower. Concurrent: Spring is 5X slower.
o Singleton: Single thread: Spring 2X slower - 2X faster. Concurrent: Spring:Guice ~2:3
* Spring 2.14m vs. guice 1.0:
o Prototype: Single thread: Spring is 5-7X slower. Concurrent: Spring is 3-4X slower.
o Singleton: Single thread: neck and neck. Concurrent: Spring is 1-1.5X faster
* guice 1.0:
o Prototype: Single thread vs. Concurrent: Concurrent might be a bit slower than single threaded
o Singleton: Single thread vs. Concurrent: Concurrent is quite a bit faster than single threaded
Tool for logging performance benchmark for hp servicedesk to file.
### Sybase数据库性能优化基础知识详解 #### 一、引言 Sybase数据库是业界领先的数据库管理系统之一,尤其在金融、电信等行业中应用广泛。随着业务量的增长和技术的发展,数据库性能问题逐渐凸显,如何有效地进行...
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W. F. Sharpe. "Mutual Fund Performance." Journal of Business. Vol. 39, No. 1, Part 2, pp. 119-138, 1966.
### AIX性能分析与调优指南 #### 绩效分析与调优概览 本章节首先概述了AIX操作系统下的性能分析与调优的基本概念、重要性及其在系统中的作用。 **性能**是衡量系统生产力的主要因素之一。它依赖于吞吐量和响应...
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《Java Performance - The Definitive Guide》是一本深入探讨Java性能优化的专业书籍,它为Java开发者提供了关于如何提升代码效率、降低系统资源消耗的关键指导。这本书涵盖了从基础的编程实践到复杂的工具使用,...
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