在rails 2.3.9开发的应用中,有一台客户机浏览器总是出现ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken的错误。
google 了一下,发现这是 2.3.9的bug
There's a bug in the 2.3.9. It prevents to set the session ID when using an activerecord or memcache session store. See this rails ticket. You can fix it by using the Mislav's patch at http://gist.github.com/570149. You'll have to create and paste the code in config/initializers/sessions_patch.rb. Or you can run the following command in your project root path:
wget http://gist.github.com/570149.txt -O config/initializers/sessions_patch.rb
Finally don't forget to restart your server (and a maybe issue a rake db:sessions:clear).
解决办法,在项目根目录执行 wget http://gist.github.com/570149.txt -O config/initializers/sessions_patch.rb
3. **高效的开发效率**:Rails 提供了一系列的工具和插件,如 ActiveRecord(用于数据库操作)、Action View(视图层)、Action Controller(控制器层)等,这些工具极大地方便了开发者的工作,提高了开发效率。...
使用 Rails 4 的简单聊天应用程序 - ActionController::Live 应用组件: 1 . 使用 Rails 4 ActionController::Live 的聊天应用程序 2 . 基本 LDAP 身份验证 3 . Redis 服务器集成 4 . 彪马服务器 1 . Rails 4 ...
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