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Great post! I have similar experiences


At the risk of nit-picking a great post , Selenium-RC tests can be expressed in any number of languages; not just Ruby. Python, Java, .NET, Perl, PHP, JS and Selenese can also be used to make RC based tests.


And if I'm the one who is doing the "watching" after a while my mind starts to drift away .


I prefer the old fashioned way of spliting up the project into seperate chunks , and you work on your chunk. Does anyone else feel this way?


I've run into problem Y . Does anyone have any advice ?


it is unrealistic to expect it working


(I'm not implying that you did, but I find it important to mention it.)


Be careful to not use "People over Process" to prematurely reject a practice . If it doesn't work for you, the first thing you should do is trying to find out whether the people for whom it works are doing something differently, or more generally what you can try to make it work for you.


I reject the assertion that it is hard to keep other XP / agile practices if you are not pair programming。


Personally , I find that pairing can really help you focus on a task


I believe that the EITHER/OR thinking above is troublesome in two ways .


while I am no perfectionist , and certainly not anywhere near perfect , I do hold quality in high regard .


Its good from the project management prospective when teams boss knows that there isn't any part of the information with only one person.


Pair programming is obviously one of the more, if not the most , contentious XP practice to introduce to a team


What do you think is it about pair programming that holds you from "thinking in code" ?


Can you say what lets you get distracted easier when pair programming?

It's hard to say from the distance , but it doesn't sound like there was a lot of effort to try to work on your problems...


If you just want to experiment with Django , skip ahead to the next section; Django includes a lightweight web server you can use for testing, so you won’t need to set up Apache until you’re ready to deploy Django in production .


Python 2.5 ships with an SQLite wrapper in the standard library, so you don’t need to install anything extra in that case .


Here is an attempted implementation of the quoting rules


Whether or not it is correct is probably a matter of discussion .


Normally , the server auto-reloads code every time you modify a file, but the action of creating a new file doesn't trigger the auto-reloading logic.


Let me start by saying that writing GUI-based tests for Web apps is no fun , no matter what your testing tool is.


Teams driven by metrics often game the metrics rather than deliver useful software.


Like most things, it depends . . .(这话很cool)


It could be just me , but one of the things that drives me crazy is seeing/editing fitnesse wiki tables that don't have all of their cells aligned , i.e.


And just to gold-plate a little bit , wouldn't it be great if the edit field size could either be configurable or a button exist to increase the size?


This achievement, however, comes with the cost of the usability for developers


a cute little italian girl who lived in Brooklyn, worked out of her house


You went against the advice of your team and went with your gut


Hiring good people is hard, hiring great people is brutally hard. And yet nothing matters more in winning than getting the right people on the right field .

--Jack Welch


I fancy that the new fashion in business is to rate common sense and experience more highly than Swot analysis


Shedlock is even more blunt: “The Fed simply does not care whether its actions are illegal or not. The Fed is operating under the principle that it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission. And forgiveness is just another means to the desired power grab it is seeking.”

by Thomas E. Woods Jr.



Most people need to know and be reassure that they were missed, it makes them feel wanted and that's what keeps them coming back to their tribes.

--Belucio Haibara


Although it makes sense to hold shares for the long term you don’t necessarily want to hold them forever. In the end shares are for buying and selling not for buying and forgetting about


Our findings are frightening. Unless you're Warren Buffett, your family is just one serious illness away from bankruptcy. private health insurance is a defective product, akin to an umbrella that melts in the rain.

--David Himmelstein, Illness Behind Most Bankruptcies


Not that C# will be a failure.


relax! No need to turn blue over this


I am admittedly an opinionated person .


i find that i have to bite my tongue sometimes to keep from feeding the fire .


Its is greater compliment to be trusted than to be loved

1 楼 shelaine 2009-03-15  
I think i like it!so copy!thanks!



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