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import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

 * CommServer
 * <BR><BR>
 * Generic Flash Communication Server.  All communications sent and received
 * are (must be) terminated with a null character ('\0') consistent with
 * the way Flash does socket communications.  Any client which uses this
 * protocol should also work.
 * <BR><BR>
 * The server accepts messages from connected clients and broadcasts (verbatim)
 * those messages to all connected clients.  When clients connect or disconnect
 * the server also broadcasts the number of clients via a NUMCLIENTS tag.
 * Usage: java CommServer [port]
 * @author  Derek Clayton   derek_clayton@iceinc.com
 * @version 1.0.1

public class CommServer {
    private Vector clients = new Vector();  // a list of all connected clients
    ServerSocket server;                    // the server
     * Constructor for the CommServer.  Begins the start server process.
     * @param   port   Port number the server should listen to for connections.
    public CommServer(int port) {

     * Starts the server and listens for connections.
     * @param   port   Port number the server should listen to for connections.
    private void startServer(int port) {
        writeActivity("Attempting to Start Server");
        try {
            // --- create a new server
            server = new ServerSocket(port);
            writeActivity("Server Started on Port: " + port);
            // --- while the server is active...
            while(true) {
                // --- ...listen for new client connections
                Socket socket = server.accept();
                CSClient client = new CSClient(this, socket);
                writeActivity(client.getIP() + " connected to the server.");
                // --- add the new client to our client list
                // --- start the client thread
                // --- broadcast the new number of clients
                broadcastMessage("<NUMCLIENTS>" + clients.size()
                               + "</NUMCLIENTS>");
        } catch(IOException ioe) {
            writeActivity("Server Error...Stopping Server");
            // kill this server

     * Broadcasts a message too all connected clients.  Messages are terminated
     * with a null character.
     * @param   message    The message to broadcast.
    public synchronized void broadcastMessage(String message) {
        // --- add the null character to the message
        message += '\0';
        // --- enumerate through the clients and send each the message
        Enumeration enum = clients.elements();
        while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
            CSClient client = (CSClient)enum.nextElement();

     * Removes clients from the client list.
     * @param   client    The CSClient to remove.
    public void removeClient(CSClient client) {
        writeActivity(client.getIP() + " has left the server.");
        // --- remove the client from the list
        // --- broadcast the new number of clients
        broadcastMessage("<NUMCLIENTS>" + clients.size() + "</NUMCLIENTS>");

     * Writes a message to System.out.println in the format
     * [mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss] message.
     * @param   activity    The message.
    public void writeActivity(String activity) {
        // --- get the current date and time
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        activity = "[" + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)
                 + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
                 + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)
                 + " "
                 + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
                 + ":" + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
                 + ":" + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)
                 + "] " + activity + "\n";

        // --- display the activity

     * Stops the server.
    private void killServer() {
        try {
            // --- stop the server
            writeActivity("Server Stopped");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            writeActivity("Error while stopping Server");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // --- if correct number of arguments
        if(args.length == 1) {
        } else {
        // otherwise give correct usage
            System.out.println("Usage: java CommServer [port]");
        CommServer myCS = new CommServer(3000);



// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// moock chat client
// version 1.0.1
// java server by derek clayton
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

// *** general init
var incomingUpdated = false; // trace whether or not we need to scroll to the end of the incoming window
incoming = "";     // clear the HTML text field so it doesn't start with a blank <P> tag

// attach the scroll manager movie (see its child movie's enterframe event for scroll code)
// note that we only need the scroll manager because of text field bugs in r30 of the flash 5 player
attachMovie("processScroll", "processScroll", 0);

var click = new Sound();  // sound to play when user receives a message

var welcomeSound = new Sound(); // sound to play when user joins or leaves

// turn off ugly yellow highlight on buttons
_focusrect = 0;

// *** creates a new socket and attempts to connect to the server
function connect () {
 mySocket = new XMLSocket();
 mySocket.onConnect = handleConnect;
 mySocket.onClose = handleClose;
 mySocket.onXML = handleIncoming;
    // specify your server and port number here
 if (!mySocket.connect("localhost", 3000)) gotoAndStop("connectionFailed");
 mySocket.host = host;
 mySocket.port = port;

// *** event handler to respond to the completion of a connection attempt
function handleConnect (succeeded) {
 if(succeeded) {
  mySocket.connected = true;
 } else {
  trace("connection failed");

// *** event handler called when server kills the connection
function handleClose () {
 incoming += ("the server at " + mySocket.host + " has terminated the connection.\n");
 incomingUpdated = true;
 mySocket.connected = false;
 numClients = 0;

// *** event handler to receive and display incoming messages
function handleIncoming (messageObj) {
 // display the received xml data in the output window
 trace("--------new data received-----------");
 trace(">>" + messageObj.toString() + "<<");
 trace("-------- end of new data -----------");

 // tell the text field manager it's time to scroll
 incomingUpdated = true;
 lastScrollPos = incoming.scroll;

 // check the time
 var now = new Date();
 var hours = now.getHours();
 var minutes = now.getMinutes();
 var seconds = now.getSeconds();
 hours = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours;
 minutes = (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes;
 seconds = (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds;

 // the server sends NUMCLIENTS any time a client connects or disconnects.
 // if we find NUMCLIENTS in the xml object...
 if (messageObj.firstChild.nodeName == "NUMCLIENTS") {
  // ...then check if the incoming messages window is empty. if it is...
  if(incoming == "") {
   // ...then the user is new, so welcome them
   incoming += ("<FONT COLOR='#507373'><B>welcome to moock comm 1.0.1, " 
    + convertTags(userID) + "\n"
    + "   Connection time:</B> " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "\n"
    + "<B>   server:</B> 京华时报 Flash XmlSocket Chat Server</FONT>\n\n");
  } else {
   // otherwise, someone has arrived or departed, so tell the user
   if(parseInt(messageObj.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue) > numClients) {
    // report the client arrival in the chat window
    incoming += ("<FONT COLOR='#507373'><B>" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":"
                + seconds + " a new user has connected."  + "</B></FONT>\n");
    } else {
    // report the client departure in the chat window
    incoming += ("<FONT COLOR='#507373'><B>" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":"
                + seconds + " a user disconnected."  + "</B></FONT>\n");  
  // finally, keep track of the number of clients and play a welcome sound
  numClients = messageObj.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
 } else {
  // no NUMCLIENTS node was found, so this is just a regular message.
  // grab the user name and message from our xml object
  var user = messageObj.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
  var message = messageObj.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;

  // add the message to the chat window, with a time stamp
  incoming += (hours + ":" + minutes + ":"
    + seconds + "<B>" + unescape(user) + "</B>&gt;&gt; " + addLinks(unescape(message)) + "\n");

  // now do the new message click. if it's been more than 30 secs since the last message,
  // sound a loud click. otherwise sound a quiet click
  trace("time since last message: " + (now - lastIncomingMessageTime));
  if (lastIncomingMessageTime && now - lastIncomingMessageTime > 30000) {
  } else {

 // truncate the contents of the incoming messages window if it's longer than 5000 characters
 if(incoming.length > 5000) {
  var nearestNewline = incoming.indexOf("\n", incoming.length - 5000);
  incoming = incoming.substring(nearestNewline, incoming.length);

 // remember when this message arrived for next time
 lastIncomingMessageTime = now;

// *** sends a new xml object to the server
function sendMessage() {
 // create the message to send as an xml source fragment. we're sending html so we
 // have to escape our text and change < and > to entities via convertTags
 var message = '<USER>%20' + escape(convertTags(userID)) + '</USER><MESSAGE>'
  + escape(convertTags(outgoing)) + '%20</MESSAGE>'; // note that the forced spaces (%20) are required so
               // MESSAGE and USER always have a text child node
 // convert the message into an xml object hierarchy
 messageObj = new XML();

 // check what we're sending
 trace("Sending: " + messageObj);

 // if a socket object has been created and is connected, send the xml message
 // otherwise warn the user that they need to connect
 if (mySocket && mySocket.connected) {
  outgoing = "";
 } else {
  // the server must have kicked us off...
  incoming += "<FONT COLOR='#507373'><B>you are no longer connected. please reconnect."
   + "</B></FONT>\n";
  incomingUpdated = true;

// *** closes the connection to the server
function quit() {
 if (mySocket.connected) {
  mySocket.connected = false;
  numClients = 0;
  incoming = "";

// *** changes < and > to &lt; and &gt;
function convertTags(theString) {
 var tempString = "";
 for(var i = 0; i < theString.length; i++) {
  if(theString.charAt(i) == "<") {
   tempString += "&lt;";
  } else if (theString.charAt(i) == ">") {
   tempString += "&gt;";
  } else {
   tempString += theString.charAt(i);
 trace("tempString: " + tempString);
 return tempString;

// *** inserts <A> tags into a string anywhere a "www" occurs
function addLinks (theString) {
 var startIndex = 0;
 var tempString = "";
 var linkString;
 var URL;
 var beginURL;
 var endURL;
 if(theString.indexOf("www") != -1) {
  while(theString.indexOf("www", startIndex) != -1) {
   tempString += theString.substring(startIndex, theString.indexOf("www", startIndex));
   beginURL = theString.indexOf("www", startIndex);
   endURL = (theString.indexOf(" ", beginURL) != -1) ? theString.indexOf(" ", beginURL) : theString.length;
   URL = theString.substring(beginURL, endURL);
   linkString = "<A HREF='http://" + URL + "' TARGET='_blank'><U><FONT COLOR='#FFFFCC'>" + URL + "</FONT></U></A>"; 
   tempString += linkString;
   startIndex = endURL;
  tempString += theString.substring(endURL, theString.length);
  return tempString;
 } else {
  return theString;











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