<html> <head> <script> function displayKeyCode(evt) { var textBox = getObject('txtChar'); var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode textBox.value = String.fromCharCode(charCode); if (charCode == 8) textBox.value = "backspace"; // backspace if (charCode == 9) textBox.value = "tab"; // tab if (charCode == 13) textBox.value = "enter"; // enter if (charCode == 16) textBox.value = "shift"; // shift if (charCode == 17) textBox.value = "ctrl"; // ctrl if (charCode == 18) textBox.value = "alt"; // alt if (charCode == 19) textBox.value = "pause/break"; // pause/break if (charCode == 20) textBox.value = "caps lock"; // caps lock if (charCode == 27) textBox.value = "escape"; // escape if (charCode == 33) textBox.value = "page up"; // page up, to avoid displaying alternate character and confusing people if (charCode == 34) textBox.value = "page down"; // page down if (charCode == 35) textBox.value = "end"; // end if (charCode == 36) textBox.value = "home"; // home if (charCode == 37) textBox.value = "left arrow"; // left arrow if (charCode == 38) textBox.value = "up arrow"; // up arrow if (charCode == 39) textBox.value = "right arrow"; // right arrow if (charCode == 40) textBox.value = "down arrow"; // down arrow if (charCode == 45) textBox.value = "insert"; // insert if (charCode == 46) textBox.value = "delete"; // delete if (charCode == 91) textBox.value = "left window"; // left window if (charCode == 92) textBox.value = "right window"; // right window if (charCode == 93) textBox.value = "select key"; // select key if (charCode == 96) textBox.value = "numpad 0"; // numpad 0 if (charCode == 97) textBox.value = "numpad 1"; // numpad 1 if (charCode == 98) textBox.value = "numpad 2"; // numpad 2 if (charCode == 99) textBox.value = "numpad 3"; // numpad 3 if (charCode == 100) textBox.value = "numpad 4"; // numpad 4 if (charCode == 101) textBox.value = "numpad 5"; // numpad 5 if (charCode == 102) textBox.value = "numpad 6"; // numpad 6 if (charCode == 103) textBox.value = "numpad 7"; // numpad 7 if (charCode == 104) textBox.value = "numpad 8"; // numpad 8 if (charCode == 105) textBox.value = "numpad 9"; // numpad 9 if (charCode == 106) textBox.value = "multiply"; // multiply if (charCode == 107) textBox.value = "add"; // add if (charCode == 109) textBox.value = "subtract"; // subtract if (charCode == 110) textBox.value = "decimal point"; // decimal point if (charCode == 111) textBox.value = "divide"; // divide if (charCode == 112) textBox.value = "F1"; // F1 if (charCode == 113) textBox.value = "F2"; // F2 if (charCode == 114) textBox.value = "F3"; // F3 if (charCode == 115) textBox.value = "F4"; // F4 if (charCode == 116) textBox.value = "F5"; // F5 if (charCode == 117) textBox.value = "F6"; // F6 if (charCode == 118) textBox.value = "F7"; // F7 if (charCode == 119) textBox.value = "F8"; // F8 if (charCode == 120) textBox.value = "F9"; // F9 if (charCode == 121) textBox.value = "F10"; // F10 if (charCode == 122) textBox.value = "F11"; // F11 if (charCode == 123) textBox.value = "F12"; // F12 if (charCode == 144) textBox.value = "num lock"; // num lock if (charCode == 145) textBox.value = "scroll lock"; // scroll lock if (charCode == 186) textBox.value = ";"; // semi-colon if (charCode == 187) textBox.value = "="; // equal-sign if (charCode == 188) textBox.value = ","; // comma if (charCode == 189) textBox.value = "-"; // dash if (charCode == 190) textBox.value = "."; // period if (charCode == 191) textBox.value = "/"; // forward slash if (charCode == 192) textBox.value = "`"; // grave accent if (charCode == 219) textBox.value = "["; // open bracket if (charCode == 220) textBox.value = "\\"; // back slash if (charCode == 221) textBox.value = "]"; // close bracket if (charCode == 222) textBox.value = "'"; // single quote var lblCharCode = getObject('spnCode'); lblCharCode.innerHTML = 'KeyCode: ' + charCode; return false; } function getObject(obj) { var theObj; if (document.all) { if (typeof obj=='string') { return document.all(obj); } else { return obj.style; } } if (document.getElementById) { if (typeof obj=='string') { return document.getElementById(obj); } else { return obj.style; } } return null; } </script> </head> <body> <p> 按键之后查看keyCode:<input onkeypress="javascript:return false;" id="txtChar" onkeydown="javascript:return displayKeyCode(event)" type="text" name="txtChar"> <span id="spnCode" name="spnCode"></span> </p> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="test"> <head> <script src="angular.js"></script> <script> angular.module("test", []) .run(function() { var lastEvent; var $test = angular.element(document.getElementById('test')), $list = angular.element(document.getElementById('list')); //$test.on('keydown compositionstart compositionend compositionupdate keyup keypress input change focus blur touch textInput', function(event) { $test.on('keydown', function(event) { //if (lastEvent !== event.type) { lastEvent = event.type; eventFeedback(event.type + '-' + event.keyCode); //} }); function eventFeedback(text) { var $children = $list.children(); //if ($children.length === 8) { // $children.eq(0).remove(); //} $list.append('<li>' + text + '</li>'); } }); </script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello There!</h1> <input id="test" type="text" ng-model="foo" /> <pre>{{foo}}</pre> <ul id="list"></ul> </body> </html>
首先,我们需要理解不同浏览器对键盘事件的处理方式。在Internet Explorer(IE)中,键盘事件是通过`window.event`对象来访问的,而Netscape、Firefox、Chrome等现代浏览器则使用`event`参数来传递事件对象。因此,...
对于现代浏览器(如Chrome、Firefox等),建议使用`addEventListener`来监听键盘事件,如下所示: ```javascript document.getElementById('txtTest').addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if ...
unity3d手机开发Android Keycode 最新对照表 本人测试可用!
Android 对应键盘KeyCode,主要用于开发蓝牙键盘获取code值而存的
- 在不同的操作系统和浏览器版本中,某些按键的`keyCode`可能有所不同。 - 对于一些特殊字符键,如`@`、`#`等,`keyCode`值可能会与字母键重合,此时建议使用`event.key`或`event.code`来获取更准确的键值。 - 当...
在JavaScript中,键盘事件处理是常见的交互方式,其中`keyCode`和`charCode`是两个重要的属性,它们分别表示不同的编码信息。这篇文章将深入解析这两个属性的区别和应用场景。 `keyCode`是一个代表物理按键的整数值...
4. **兼容火狐和IE浏览器**:考虑到不同浏览器之间的差异,需要确保脚本能在主流浏览器上正常工作。 #### 三、技术实现 实现以上功能主要涉及JavaScript编程语言中的事件监听和字符串操作。 ##### 3.1 JavaScript...
在C#编程中,文本框焦点转移是一项基本的用户界面(UI)操作,它涉及到如何在多个文本框之间切换用户的输入焦点。这个“文本框焦点转移C#程序”可能是一个简单的Windows Forms或WPF应用程序,用于演示或实现这种功能...
在Android操作系统中,`KEYCODE` 是一个关键概念,它代表了手机硬件按键的各种编码,使得开发者可以通过软件模拟用户按下这些按键。这份文档,"ANDROID_KEYCODE.docx",提供了Android平台手机键值的详细列表,这对于...