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<hostname>[/]#<font color="#ff0000">su - ora<sid></sid></font><br>hostname:ora<sid>> <font color="#cc0000">brtools</font><br>BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.00 (32)<br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.14<br>BR0656I Choice menu 1 - please make a selection<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR*Tools main menu<br><br>1 = Instance management<br><font color="#ff0000">2 - Space management</font><br>3 - Segment management<br>4 - Backup and database copy<br>5 - Restore and recovery<br>6 - Check and verification<br>7 - Database statistics<br>8 - Additional functions<br>9 - Exit program<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>2<br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.18<br>BR0663I Your choice: '2'<br><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.18<br>BR0656I Choice menu 5 - please make a selection<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Database space management<br><br><font color="#ff0000">1 <font color="#ff9900">=</font> Extend tablespace</font><br>2 - Create tablespace<br>3 - Drop tablespace<br>4 - Alter tablespace<br>5 - Alter data file<br>6 - Move data file<br>7 - Additional space functions<br>8 - Reset program status<br><br>Standard keys: <font color="#ff0000">c - cont</font>, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br><font color="#ff0000">c</font><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.28<br>BR0663I Your choice: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.28<br>BR0657I Input menu 81 - please check/enter input values<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BRSPACE options for tablespace extension<br><br>1 - BRSPACE profile (profile) ...... [initPRD.sap]<br>2 - Database user/password (user) .. [/]<br>3 ~ Tablespace name (tablespace) ... []<br>4 - Confirmation mode (confirm) .... [yes]<br>5 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .. [20]<br>6 - Message language (language) .... [E]<br>7 - BRSPACE command line (command) . [-p initPRD.sap -s 20 -l E -f tsextend]<br><br>Standard keys: <font color="#ff0000">c - cont</font>, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br><font color="#ff0000">c</font><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.30<br>BR0663I Your choice: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0291I BRSPACE will be started with options '-p initPRD.sap -s 20 -l E -f tsextend'<br><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.30<br>BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:<br><font color="#ff0000">c</font><br>BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.31<br>BR0257I Your reply: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>###############################################################################<br><br>BR1001I BRSPACE 7.00 (32)<br>BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: sechhywp.tse 2010-01-06 15.55.31<br>BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sechhywp.tse<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.32<br>BR1009I Name of database instance: PRD<br>BR1010I BRSPACE action ID: sechhywp<br>BR1011I BRSPACE function ID: tse<br>BR1012I BRSPACE function: tsextend<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.32<br>BR0656I Choice menu 301 - please make a selection<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Tablespace extension main menu<br><br><font color="#ff0000">1 = Extend tablespace</font><br>2 - Show tablespaces<br>3 - Show data files<br>4 - Show disk volumes<br>5 * Exit program<br>6 - Reset program status<br><br>Standard keys: <font color="#ff0000">c - cont</font>, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>c<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.56<br>BR0663I Your choice: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 15.55.57<br>BR0658I List menu 302 - please select one entry<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>List of tablespaces for extension<br><br>Pos. Tablespace Files/AuExt. Total[KB] Used[%] Free[KB] MaxSize[KB]<br><br><font color="#ff0000">1 - PSAPSR3 11/4 112640000 71.57 32018688 112640000</font><br> 2 - PSAPSR3700 12/4 122880000 64.78 43272448 122880000<br> 3 - PSAPSR3USR 1/1 8765440 27.63 6343744 10240000<br> 4 - PSAPTEMP 2/1 12288000 0.00 12288000 20480000<br> 5 - PSAPUNDO 3/1 28692480 0.00 28692288 30720000<br> 6 - SYSAUX 2/2 2600960 22.41 2017984 20480000<br> 7 - SYSTEM 2/2 2928640 30.09 2047424 20480000<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your selection:<br><font color="#ff0000">1</font><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.00.05<br>BR0663I Your selection: '1'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.00.05<br>BR0657I Input menu 303 - please check/enter input values<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)<br><br>1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11]<br>2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]<br><font color="#ff0000">3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_12/sr3.data12]</font><br>4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []<br>5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]<br>6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [no]<br>7 # Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []<br>8 # File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. []<br>9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_12/sr3.data12' size 10000M autoextend off]<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br><font color="#ff0000">3</font><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.01.35<br>BR0663I Your choice: '3'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.01.35<br>BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<n>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_12/sr3.data12]:<br>/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.01.48<br>BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.01.48<br>BR0657I Input menu 303 - please check/enter input values<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)<br><br>1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11]<br>2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]<br>3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12]<br>4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []<br>5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]<br>6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [no]<br>7 # Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []<br>8 # File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. []<br>9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12' size 10000M autoextend off]<br><br>Standard keys: <font color="#ff0000">c - cont</font>, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>c<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.00<br>BR0663I Your choice: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.00<br>BR1091I Next data file can be specified now<br><br>BR0675I Do you want to perform this action?<br>BR0676I Enter<font color="#ff0000"> 'y[es]'</font> to perform the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:<br><font color="#ff0000">y</font><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.37<br>BR0257I Your reply: 'y'<br>BR0677I The action will be performed...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.37<br>BR0657I Input menu 303 - please check/enter input values<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)<br><br>1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11]<br>2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]<br>3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_13/sr3.data13]<br>4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []<br>5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]<br>6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [no]<br>7 # Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []<br>8 # File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. []<br>9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12' size 10000M autoextend off, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_13/sr3.data13' size 10000M autoextend off]<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>3<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.57<br>BR0663I Your choice: '3'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.02.57<br>BR0681I Enter string value for "file" (<file>|<sapdata>|<n>) [/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_13/sr3.data13]:<br>/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.07<br>BR0683I New value for "file": '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.07<br>BR0657I Input menu 303 - please check/enter input values<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (2. file)<br><br>1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11]<br>2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [10000]<br>3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13]<br>4 ~ Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []<br>5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [10000]<br>6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [no]<br>7 # Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... []<br>8 # File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. []<br>9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12' size 10000M autoextend off, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13' size 10000M autoextend off]<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>c<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.27<br>BR0663I Your choice: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.27<br>BR1091I Next data file can be specified now<br><br>BR0675I Do you want to perform this action?<br>BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to perform the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:<br>c<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.31<br>BR0257I Your reply: 'c'<br>BR0678I The action will be skipped...<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.31<br>BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sechhywp created<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.32<br>BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sechhywp/cntrlPRD.old 24461312<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.32<br>BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12 created<br>BR0370I Directory /oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13 created<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.03.32<br>BR1088I Extending tablespace PSAPSR3...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.05.57<br>BR1016I SQL statement 'alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12' size 10000M autoextend off, '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13' size 10000M autoextend off' executed successfully<br>BR1051I Tablespace PSAPSR3 extended successfully with files: <br>/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/sr3_12/sr3.data12 10000M,<br>/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13 10000M<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.05.57<br>BR0340I Switching to next online redo log file for database instance PRD ...<br>BR0321I Switch to next online redo log file for database instance PRD successful<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.00<br>BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/sechhywp/cntrlPRD.new 24461312<br><br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.00<br>BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRSPACE:<br>c<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.05<br>BR0257I Your reply: 'c'<br>BR0259I Program execution will be continued...<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.05<br>BR0656I Choice menu 301 - please make a selection<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Tablespace extension main menu<br><br>1 + Extend tablespace<br>2 - Show tablespaces<br>3 - Show data files<br>4 - Show disk volumes<br>5 = Exit program<br>6 - Reset program status<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your choice:<br>1<br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.14<br>BR0663I Your choice: '1'<br><br>BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2010-01-06 16.06.14<br>BR0658I List menu 302 - please select one entry<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>List of tablespaces for extension<br><br>Pos. Tablespace Files/AuExt. Total[KB] Used[%] Free[KB] MaxSize[KB]<br><br> 1 - PSAPSR3 13/4 133120000 60.56 52498560 133120000<br> 2 - PSAPSR3700 12/4 122880000 64.78 43272448 122880000<br> 3 - PSAPSR3USR 1/1 8765440 27.63 6343744 10240000<br> 4 - PSAPTEMP 2/1 12288000 0.00 12288000 20480000<br> 5 - PSAPUNDO 3/1 28692480 0.00 28692288 30720000<br> 6 - SYSAUX 2/2 2600960 22.42 2017792 20480000<br> 7 - SYSTEM 2/2 2928640 30.09 2047424 20480000<br><br>Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BR0662I Enter your selection:<br><br><br><div class="zemanta-pixie"><img class="zemanta-pixie-img" alt="" src="http://img.zemanta.com/pixy.gif?x-id=6a64b4bb-773b-8e34-8983-2d1fba8a22f7"></div>
- 建议在非高峰时段执行表空间扩容操作,以减少对业务的影响。 3. **操作人员:** - 只有经过授权且具备相应技术能力的DBA(数据库管理员)才能执行此类操作。 #### 四、操作步骤 下面详细介绍具体的表空间增加...
### 获取Oracle表空间脚本 #### 背景与需求 在进行数据库备份与恢复的过程中,经常需要获取当前Oracle数据库中的表空间信息及其创建脚本。这样做的目的是为了确保在恢复过程中能够快速重建原有的数据库环境,包括...
### Oracle表空间与数据文件详解 #### 一、Oracle表空间与数据文件的概念 在Oracle数据库中,**表空间**是存储数据的基本单位之一,它是一个或多个数据文件的逻辑集合。表空间提供了数据存储的逻辑视图,而数据...
### Oracle 表空间收缩详解 #### 一、背景与需求 在Oracle数据库管理过程中,合理地管理和优化存储空间是非常重要的工作之一。有时,我们会遇到这样的情况:某个表空间占用的实际物理空间远大于其实际需要的空间,...
Oracle 表空间容量查询与扩容方法 在 Oracle 数据库中,表空间是存储数据的基本单元。为了确保数据库的正常运行,需要对表空间的容量进行监控和管理。本文将介绍 Oracle 表空间容量查询的方法,以及三种表空间扩容...
直接划一个xxG的裸设备就行 然后执行alter tablespace xxx add datfile '***' size 30000M autoextend off; 建裸设备时,裸设备的大小要大于文件的大小,下面以是建设备system01的命令:
"Oracle 表空间创建" Oracle 表空间创建是 Oracle 数据库中的一种基本操作,它允许用户创建一个或多个表空间,以存储数据库中的数据。表空间是 Oracle 数据库的基本存储单元,每个表空间都可以包含多个数据文件和...
### Oracle 多个表空间合并成一个表空间详解 #### 背景介绍 在进行数据库维护时,可能会遇到需要将多个表空间合并为一个的情况。这种情况通常发生在新项目的开发过程中,尤其是当新项目需要引用来自其他表空间的...
在Oracle数据库管理中,删除表空间数据文件是一项关键操作,涉及到数据的安全性和系统的稳定性。本文将详细介绍如何正确地删除Oracle表空间数据文件,探讨OFFLINE和OFFLINE DROP的区别,以及在操作系统层面删除数据...
Oracle 表空间命令语句大全提供了 Oracle 数据库管理的重要操作,包括建立表空间、建立 UNDO 表空间、建立临时表空间、改变表空间状态、删除表空间、扩展表空间和查看表空间信息等。这些命令对于 Oracle 数据库管理...
Oracle RAC 增加 ASM 盘, 创建表空间 Oracle RAC 是一种高可用、高性能的数据库解决方案,通过将多个服务器节点组成一个集群,提供了高可用性和高性能的数据库服务。在 Oracle RAC 中,ASM(Automated Storage ...
利用DBMS_SPACE包对Oracle 表碎片进行监控与清理,
在Oracle数据库系统中,表空间(Tablespace)是存储数据对象(如表、索引、视图等)的逻辑单位,而临时表空间(Temporary Tablespace)则用于存储临时数据,比如排序或联接操作产生的中间结果。创建和管理表空间及...
解决 Oracle 临时表空间满的问题需要通过查看当前数据库的默认临时表空间、查看当前临时表空间的大小、创建新的临时表空间、将新建的临时表空间设置为数据库的默认临时表空间、删除原来的临时表空间、创建新的临时表...
Oracle 表空间详解 Oracle 表空间是 Oracle 数据库中一个非常重要的概念,它是数据库中存储空间的逻辑概念。由于 Oracle 数据库可以存储大量的数据,但是数据文件大小受操作系统的限制,而过大的数据文件对数据的...
### Oracle表空间查询与管理命令详解 #### 一、Oracle表空间概述 在Oracle数据库中,表空间是逻辑存储单元,用于组织数据文件。每个Oracle数据库至少包含一个表空间,默认情况下,系统会在创建数据库时自动创建`...
Oracle 表空间与数据文件 Oracle 表空间是 Oracle 数据库中一个逻辑集合,包含一个或多个数据文件。表空间是 Oracle 数据库中的一个逻辑存储对象,用于存储永久段、临时段和回滚段等数据。 Oracle 表空间分类有...