6.2 the uniqueness caveat when saving into database: adding index to tables!!!
- 博客分类:
- ruby and rails
using validates :email, :uniqueness => true
doesn't guarantee uniqueness!!!!!
here is why:
1. Alice sign up with address alice@wonderland.com
2. Alice accidentally clicks on "Submit" twice, sending two requests in quick succession.
3. the following sequence occurs: request 1 creat a user in memory that passes validation, request 2 does the same, request 1's user gets saved, request 2's user gets saved.
4. two records with same email address in database.
this will probably happen in a scaling server.
how to solve it????
easy, you just need to enforce uniqueness at the database level!!!
our method is to creste database index on the eamil column, and then require that the index be unique!!
so we need to update our data model using a new migration,
rails generate migration add_email_uniqueness_index
this will creste an empty file, we need to fill in it:
class AddEmailUniquenessIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_index :users, :email, :unique => true end def self.down remove_index :users, :email end end
then rake db:migrate
(adding index not only solve the uniqueness problem, it also solve another efficiency problem:
when searching by email column
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