bool b; //This declares a Boolean b on stack
b = false ; //This assign the value false to b;
public class ValueTypes
public static void Main (string [] args)
byte bVar = 111;
int iVar = 786;
float fVar = 110;
Console.WriteLine("The Value of bVar is "+bVar);
Console.WriteLine("The Value of iVar is "+iVar);
Console.WriteLine("The Value of fVar is "+fVar);
枚举是用户定义的整数类型。Enum关键字用于声明一个枚举类型。基本上,枚举类型的主要的功能是让我们的代码更加易于维护。变量只能被赋予合法的值,而不会理会值本身的含义。而枚举则会让我们的代码更清楚,因为枚举可以为整数创建一个伪名(deceptive names)。
Name |
CTS Type |
Description |
byte |
System.Byte |
An 8-bits unsigned Value |
sbyte |
System.SByte |
An 8-bits signed Value |
int |
System.Int32 |
A 32-bit signed integer |
uint |
System.UInt32 |
A 32 bit unsigned integer |
short |
System.Int16 |
A 16-bit signed value |
ushort |
System.UInt16 |
A 16-bit unsigned value |
long |
System.Int64 |
A 64-bit signed value |
ulong |
System.UInt64 |
A 64-bit unsigned value |
float |
System.Single |
A single precision 32-bit |
double |
System.Double |
A double precision 64-bit |
decimal |
System.Decimal |
A 96-bit decimal value |
bool |
System.Boolean |
true and false |
char |
System.Char |
A single 16-bit character |
C#支持两种预定义的引用类型,对象和字符串。引用类型在堆中存储引用(这里的引用是指对象本身,而非对象的引用)。堆是另外一个存放引用而不是数据的地方。现在,在.NET中的堆被称为托管堆(Manged Heap),具有更强的可管理性。当你初始化一个进程的时候,运行时环境会保留一个毗邻的地址空间为进程所用。托管堆会维护一个指向堆中某个地址的指针,这个地址就是下一个对象在堆中创建所要分配内存空间的起始地址(此处为意译)。最初,这个指针指向的地址是托管堆的基地址。系统会为所有的引用类型在托管堆中分配内存。当程序创建第一个引用类型的时候,系统会为它在托管堆的基地址分配相应的内存。当应用程序创建下一个对象的时候,垃圾回收器会为这个对象在上一个被创建的对象的后续地址空间中分配内存。只要地址空间是可用的,垃圾回收器就会以这样的方式为新对象分配空间。
Object myobj;
myobj = new Object();
Name |
CTS Type |
Description |
Object |
System.Object |
This is the root for all other types in CTS. |
String |
System.String |
Unicode character string |
using System;
class ReferenceTypes
public int rWidth;
public int rHeight;
struct ValuesTypes
public int iWidth;
public int iHeight;
class Test
public static void Main(string [] args)
ValuesTypes objVal1 = new ValuesTypes();
objVal1.iWidth = 10;
objVal1.iHeight = 10;
ValuesTypes objVal2 = objVal1;
Console.WriteLine("Value of Val1 types before changing Val2 width ="+objVal1.iWidth+" and height = "+objVal1.iHeight);
objVal2.iWidth = 20;
objVal2.iHeight = 20;
Console.WriteLine("Value of Val1 types after changing Val2 width ="+objVal1.iWidth+" and height = "+objVal1.iHeight);
ReferenceTypes objRef1 = new ReferenceTypes();
objRef1.rWidth = 10;
objRef1.rHeight = 10;
ReferenceTypes objRef2 = objRef1;
Console.WriteLine("Value of Ref1 types before changing Ref2 width ="+objRef1.rWidth+" and height = "+objRef1.rHeight);
objRef2.rWidth = 20;
objRef2.rHeight = 20;
Console.WriteLine("Value of Ref1 types after changing Ref2 width ="+objRef1.rWidth+" and height = "+objRef1.rHeight);
C # Predefined Types
CTS defines a number of data types which can be recognized by the C# compiler. C# has fifteen of these predefined types in which thirteen are value and two are reference type.
Built-in Value Types
Built-in value type represents primitives, such as integer, floating point, characters and Boolean types.
To declare a value type we simply give the name of the object itself, like in the following code where we declare a Boolean type:
bool b; //This declares a Boolean b on stack
b = false ; //This assign the value false tp b;
As an example consider the following code:
When you execute the program, it will display the assigned values and wait for the carriage return to finish. In this program we have seen that we have declared three value types. The first one is byte which is actually represented as System.Byte in the CTS and so as the all others, like C and C++ you can also declare and initialize the variables into same line and while declaring it.
Complex Type
There are two more types of value types which we can define, these are Structs and Enumeration.
Struct is a special kind of class that is value type rather than a reference type. As we all know value types are stored on the Stack, structs also are stored on the Stack. In this way they can be copied and created efficiently (Stacks are more efficiently copied and accessed than Heap).
Enumerations are the user defined integer type. Enum keyword is used to declare an enumeration. Basically the main function is that it makes our code easier to maintain. Variables are assigned only legitimate values. The enumerator also makes our code cleaner by creating deceptive names for inetegers.
The following table represents all the value types, and its respective CTS type and description:
Reference Types
C# supports two predefined reference types, object and string. Reference types store references in a Heap. Heap is the second place where references can be store instead of data. In .NET the heap is now more managed and is called the Managed Heap. When you initialize a new process, the runtime reserves a contiguous region of address space for the process. The managed heap maintains a pointer to the address where the next object in the heap will be allocated. Initially this pointer is set to the managed heap's base address. All reference types are allocated on the managed heap. When an the application creates the first reference type, memory is allocated for the type at the base address of the managed heap. When the application creates the next object, the garbage collector allocates memory for it in the address space immediately following the first object. As long as address space is available, the garbage collector continues to allocate space for new objects in this manner.
To instantiate a reference object in C#, you have to use new keyword. In C# we create a reference and then point the reference at an object allocated the heap with the new keyword, like:
Object myobj;
myobj = new Object();
The above code makes a reference and instantiates myobj in Heap. The reference types with their CTS and description are listed below:
Now that we have learned the basic concepts of both the types, we will create a program in which we will see these both data types:
So in the above program you have seen that because structs are the value types and they store the data rather than their reference, no effect took place in the Value types. On the other hand the reference types modifies and shows the modified values as they are showing data from reference.
I hope you understand how to use to data types in C#. In this tutorial we have learned about the basic data types in C# and CTS, the next articles will focus on data type Conversions.
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