“结构化程序设计”(structure programming)的概念。这个概念的要点是:不要求一步就编制成可执行的程序,而是分若干步进行,逐步求精。第一步编出的程序抽象度最高,第二步编出的程序抽象度有所降低…… 最后一步编出的程序即为可执行的程序。用这种方法编程,似乎复杂,实际上优点很多,可使程序易读、易写、易调试、易维护、易保证其正确性及验证其正确性。结构化程序设计方法又称为“自顶向下”或“逐步求精”法,在程序设计领域引发了一场革命,成为程序开发的一个标准方法,尤其是在后来发展起来的软件工程中获得广泛应用。
4. Modularized structure programming:模块化结构编程是本系统的软件设计方法,易于维护和升级,提高了系统的可扩展性和灵活性。 5. PID control:PID 控制是本系统的核心算法之一,负责温度和压力信号的处理和...
同时,通过HCSP(High-level Control Structure Programming)语言算法处理采摘的连续动作,兼顾各部件执行效率和系统整体抗干扰能力,建立位姿运动模型。 实验结果显示,当采摘试验时间控制在1.50到2.50分钟内,...
2. Jackson 方法:是面向数据结构的开发方法,包括 JSP(Jackson Structure programming)和 JSD(Jackson System Development)。 3. 面向对象开发方法:面向对象方法是以对象为最基本的元素,对象也是分析问题和...
### Literate Programming: A Paradigm Shift for Software Development #### Introduction Literate programming represents a paradigm shift in software development, emphasizing the importance of the ...
标题 "BUAA-2020SS-Data_Structure_Programming-FinalProject" 暗示这是一个关于北京航空航天大学(BUAA)2020年春季学期数据结构编程课程的最终项目。在这个项目中,学生被要求进行词频统计,这是一种常见的数据处理...
《计算机程序设计与解释》是一本经典的计算机科学教材,由Harold Abelson和Gerald Jay Sussman共同撰写,Julie Sussman担任编辑。该书首次出版于1984年,经过1996年的修订,已成为全球超过100所知名大学的选用教材,...
As software becomes more and more complex, it is more and more important to structure it well. Well-structured software is easy to write and to debug, and provides a collection of modules that can be ...
Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Global Edition,11ed,梁勇教授(Y.Daniel Liang)最新的教材,第11版,全网独家资源。原版高清pdf,可以打印,非扫描版,内含全部...
Basic Declarations and Expressions Basic Program Structure Simple Expressions The std::cout Output Object Variables and Storage Variable Declarations Assignment Statements Floating-Point Numbers ...
ChaptEr 1 an introduction to Programming 1 ChaptEr 2 Beginning the Problem-Solving Process 23 ChaptEr 3 Variables and Constants 51 ChaptEr 4 Completing the Problem-Solving Process 75 ChaptEr 5 The ...
Structure code using design patterns to make the design process easier Use concurrency techniques to develop responsive software Learn how to use the C++ Standard Template Library and metaprogramming ...
Structure, Union, Enum, Bit Fields, Typedef. Chapter 11. Console Input and Output. Chapter 12. File Handling In C. Chapter 13. Miscellaneous Topics. Chapter 14. Storage Class. Chapter 15. Algorithms....
It gets readers on the machine early, teaches language structure and programming technique through extended examples an exercises, and emphasizes debugging throughout. Chapters are organized as a ...
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form their structure. This book is a practical guide to ...