( Note: the starter tutorials in this wiki are not always up to date
with the latest development version of jME. You can find up to date
source files for the tutorials here: http://code.google.com/p/jmonkeyengine/source/browse/#svn/trunk/src/jmetest/TutorialGuide
Here we’ll learn the basics of creating a jME program, by exploring SimpleGame
, Box
, and rootNode.
OK, let’s just dive in. Here’s as basic a program as you can get:
import com.jme.app.SimpleGame;
import com.jme.scene.shape.Box;
import com.jme.math.Vector3f;
* Started Date: Jul 20, 2004<br><br>
* Simple HelloWorld program for jME
* @author Jack Lindamood
public class HelloWorld extends SimpleGame{
public static void main(String[] args) {
HelloWorld app = new HelloWorld(); // Create Object
// Signal to show properties dialog
app.start(); // Start the program
protected void simpleInitGame() {
// Make a box
Box b = new Box("Mybox", new Vector3f(0,0,0), new Vector3f(1,1,1));
rootNode.attachChild(b); // Put it in the scene graph
Pretty short, right? The real meat of our program begins with the following:
public class HelloWorld extends SimpleGame{
does a lot of initialization for us behind our back. If you really want
to, you can look at its code, but for now just understand that it
creates all the basics needed for rendering. It's a great class to
start with for prototyping and testing.
You know the picture of a monkey you see when the program is first run, the one that lets you select the resolution?
Well, this command makes it appear. As the name suggests, it always shows the properties dialog
on every run. You’ll never see that dialog box if you change it to the following:
是 app.setConfigShowMode
Not too difficult.
app.start(); // Start the program启动程序
The function start() is a while loop.
First, it initializes the jME system. Then, the while loop does two
things per iteration: first, it tells everything in your game that it
needs to move, and second, it renders everything. Basically, it gets
the game going.
protected void simpleInitGame() {
// Make a box
Box b = new Box("Mybox",
new Vector3f(0,0,0),
new Vector3f(1,1,1));
rootNode.attachChild(b); // Put it in the scene graph
The function simpleInitGame() is abstract in SimpleGame
, so you’re forced to implement it every time you extend SimpleGame
Looking at the code we can see that two things happen. First, I make a
box (it’s the thing you saw on the screen). Second, I attach the box to
the root of my scene graph. The object rootNode is of class Node
which is created by SimpleGame
for you. You’ll attach everything to it or one of its children. Notice I gave b 3 parameters: a string and two Vector3f
objects. Every Node
, Box
Circle, Person or anything in your scene graph will have a name.
Usually you want the name to be specific for each object. I called this
one “My box”, but really you could have called it anything. The next
two parameters specify the corners of the Box. It has one corner at the
origin, and another at x=1, y=1, z=1. Basically, it’s a unit cube.
OK, I’ve created the Box, but I have to tell it I want it rendered, too. That’s why I attach it to the rootNode object. Your scene graph
basically looks like this:
The object rootNode is at the top and “My box” is below it. So, when SimpleGame
tries to draw rootNode it will try to draw “My box” as well. That’s it! Now, on to something more complex.
1. **Java Micro Edition (JME)**:JME是为了适应有限资源的设备而设计的,如手机、嵌入式系统等。它提供了Java SE(标准版)的核心功能,但简化了API以减少内存和处理器的需求。开发者使用JME可以创建跨平台的应用...
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2. **配置文件**:Gradle构建文件(build.gradle)会包含JME3和JOGL的依赖项,以及自定义的构建任务。 3. **主类**:通常有一个启动类,它创建JME3的应用实例,设置窗口属性,并初始化场景。 4. **场景管理**:...
代码测试环境:JME-2核心板+1T指令周期的STC单片机(51内核 STC12LE5A60S2)+33M晶振 单片机工作电压3.3V 程序默认IO连接方式: 控制线:RS-P3^5; WR-P3^6; RD-P3^7; CS-P1^0; REST-P1^2; 数据线: DB0-DB7依次连接P0^0...
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jmasters JMasters 是一个简单的应用程序,遵循所有 JMonkeyEngine 3.x 教程。 可以说它是对网站上现有教程的翻译。 使用的平台: JMonkeyEngine 3.x 64 位; Oracle JDK 7; Kubuntu 14.04 LTS。
2. 获取jme3-clj-aide项目的源码,将其解压到你的设备上。 3. 在AIDE中打开项目,导入必要的依赖,如JMonkeyEngine3库和Clojure相关库。 4. 编写Clojure代码,实现游戏的基本框架,包括场景创建、物体加载、用户交互...
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MultiverseKing_JME 使用JMonkeyEngine( )的开源战术动作RPG游戏所有图形均已在CC BY-SA 4.0下获得许可。 许可链接: : 该项目使用可以在以下位置找到的HexGridAPI:
### JME3游戏开发引擎中文学习指南 #### 引言 JME3,全称jMonkeyEngine3,是一款开源的3D游戏开发引擎,专为Java开发者设计,旨在简化3D游戏和应用程序的开发过程。本文档将详细介绍如何在Netbeans6.x环境下搭建...
**1. JMonkeyEngine (jme3)** JMonkeyEngine是一款开源的3D游戏开发引擎,完全用Java编写,旨在提供高效、高性能的3D图形渲染能力。它支持多种现代游戏特性,如光照、阴影、粒子系统、物理模拟等,且具备良好的跨...
JME,以前被称为Java 2 Micro Edition,是Java平台的一个子集,用于嵌入式设备和移动设备,如智能手机和小型家电。ant-jme.jar可能包含了JME开发所需的特定任务或类库,使得开发者能够在这些资源有限的平台上使用Ant...
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适用于移动设备和 PC 的基于 Java 的 Commodore 64 模拟器。 如果你想在你的手机或 PC 上看到旧的 C64 变得活跃,那么试试这个模拟器。 有关更多信息,请参阅 Wiki 页面 ...
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