This page is devoted to various tips and tricks that help improve the performance of your Python programs. Wherever the information comes from someone else, I've tried to identify the source.
Python has changed in some significant ways since I first wrote my "fast python" page in about 1996, which means that some of the orderings will have changed. I migrated it to the Python wiki in hopes others will help maintain it.
You should always test these tips with your application and the specific version of the Python implementation you intend to use and not just blindly accept that one method is faster than another. See the profiling section for more details.
Also new since this was originally written are packages like Cython, Pyrex, Psyco, Weave, Shed Skin and PyInline, which can dramatically improve your application's performance by making it easier to push performance-critical code into C or machine language.
Other Versions
Overview: Optimize what needs optimizing
You can only know what makes your program slow after first getting the program to give correct results, then running it to see if the correct program is slow. When found to be slow, profiling can show what parts of the program are consuming most of the time. A comprehensive but quick-to-run test suite can then ensure that future optimizations don't change the correctness of your program. In short:
- Get it right.
- Test it's right.
- Profile if slow.
- Optimise.
- Repeat from 2.
Certain optimizations amount to good programming style and so should be learned as you learn the language. An example would be moving the calculation of values that don't change within a loop, outside of the loop.
Choose the Right Data Structure
Sorting lists of basic Python objects is generally pretty efficient. The sort method for lists takes an optional comparison function as an argument that can be used to change the sorting behavior. This is quite convenient, though it can significantly slow down your sorts, as the comparison function will be called many times. In Python 2.4, you should use the key argument to the built-in sort instead, which should be the fastest way to sort.
Only if you are using older versions of Python (before 2.4) does the following advice from Guido van Rossum apply:
An alternative way to speed up sorts is to construct a list of tuples whose first element is a sort key that will sort properly using the default comparison, and whose second element is the original list element. This is the so-called Schwartzian Transform, also known as DecorateSortUndecorate (DSU).
Suppose, for example, you have a list of tuples that you want to sort by the n-th field of each tuple. The following function will do that.
def sortby(somelist, n): nlist = [(x[n], x) for x in somelist] nlist.sort() return [val for (key, val) in nlist]
Matching the behavior of the current list sort method (sorting in place) is easily achieved as well:
def sortby_inplace(somelist, n): somelist[:] = [(x[n], x) for x in somelist] somelist.sort() somelist[:] = [val for (key, val) in somelist] return
Here's an example use:
>>> somelist = [(1, 2, 'def'), (2, -4, 'ghi'), (3, 6, 'abc')] >>> somelist.sort() >>> somelist [(1, 2, 'def'), (2, -4, 'ghi'), (3, 6, 'abc')] >>> nlist = sortby(somelist, 2) >>> sortby_inplace(somelist, 2) >>> nlist == somelist True >>> nlist = sortby(somelist, 1) >>> sortby_inplace(somelist, 1) >>> nlist == somelist True
From Tim Delaney
From Python 2.3 sort is guaranteed to be stable.
(to be precise, it's stable in CPython 2.3, and guaranteed to be stable in Python 2.4)
Python 2.4 adds an optional key parameter which makes the transform a lot easier to use:
# E.g. n = 1 n = 1 import operator nlist.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(n)) # use sorted() if you don't want to sort in-place: # sortedlist = sorted(nlist, key=operator.itemgetter(n))
Note that the original item is never used for sorting, only the returned key - this is equivalent to doing:
# E.g. n = 1 n = 1 nlist = [(x[n], i, x) for (i, x) in enumerate(nlist)] nlist.sort() nlist = [val for (key, index, val) in nlist]
String Concatenation
The accuracy of this section is disputed with respect to later versions of Python. In CPython 2.5, string concatenation is fairly fast, although this may not apply likewise to other Python implementations. See ConcatenationTestCode for a discussion.
Strings in Python are immutable. This fact frequently sneaks up and bites novice Python programmers on the rump. Immutability confers some advantages and disadvantages. In the plus column, strings can be used as keys in dictionaries and individual copies can be shared among multiple variable bindings. (Python automatically shares one- and two-character strings.) In the minus column, you can't say something like, "change all the 'a's to 'b's" in any given string. Instead, you have to create a new string with the desired properties. This continual copying can lead to significant inefficiencies in Python programs.
Avoid this:
s = "" for substring in list: s += substring
Use s = "".join(list) instead. The former is a very common and catastrophic mistake when building large strings. Similarly, if you are generating bits of a string sequentially instead of:
s = "" for x in list: s += some_function(x)
slist = [some_function(elt) for elt in somelist] s = "".join(slist)
out = "<html>" + head + prologue + query + tail + "</html>"
Instead, use
out = "<html>%s%s%s%s</html>" % (head, prologue, query, tail)
Even better, for readability (this has nothing to do with efficiency other than yours as a programmer), use dictionary substitution:
out = "<html>%(head)s%(prologue)s%(query)s%(tail)s</html>" % locals()
This last two are going to be much faster, especially when piled up over many CGI script executions, and easier to modify to boot. In addition, the slow way of doing things got slower in Python 2.0 with the addition of rich comparisons to the language. It now takes the Python virtual machine a lot longer to figure out how to concatenate two strings. (Don't forget that Python does all method lookup at runtime.)
Python supports a couple of looping constructs. The for statement is most commonly used. It loops over the elements of a sequence, assigning each to the loop variable. If the body of your loop is simple, the interpreter overhead of the for loop itself can be a substantial amount of the overhead. This is where the map function is handy. You can think of map as a for moved into C code. The only restriction is that the "loop body" of map must be a function call. Besides the syntactic benefit of list comprehensions, they are often as fast or faster than equivalent use of map.
Here's a straightforward example. Instead of looping over a list of words and converting them to upper case:
newlist = [] for word in oldlist: newlist.append(word.upper())
you can use map to push the loop from the interpreter into compiled C code:
newlist = map(str.upper, oldlist)
List comprehensions were added to Python in version 2.0 as well. They provide a syntactically more compact and more efficient way of writing the above for loop:
newlist = [s.upper() for s in oldlist]
Generator expressions were added to Python in version 2.4. They function more-or-less like list comprehensions or map but avoid the overhead of generating the entire list at once. Instead, they return a generator object which can be iterated over bit-by-bit:
iterator = (s.upper() for s in oldlist)
Which method is appropriate will depend on what version of Python you're using and the characteristics of the data you are manipulating.
Guido van Rossum wrote a much more detailed (and succinct) examination of loop optimization that is definitely worth reading.
Avoiding dots...
Suppose you can't use map or a list comprehension? You may be stuck with the for loop. The for loop example has another inefficiency. Both newlist.append and word.upper are function references that are reevaluated each time through the loop. The original loop can be replaced with:
upper = str.upper newlist = [] append = newlist.append for word in oldlist: append(upper(word))
This technique should be used with caution. It gets more difficult to maintain if the loop is large. Unless you are intimately familiar with that piece of code you will find yourself scanning up to check the definitions of append and upper.
Local Variables
The final speedup available to us for the non-map version of the for loop is to use local variables wherever possible. If the above loop is cast as a function, append and upper become local variables. Python accesses local variables much more efficiently than global variables.
def func(): upper = str.upper newlist = [] append = newlist.append for word in oldlist: append(upper(word)) return newlist
At the time I originally wrote this I was using a 100MHz Pentium running BSDI. I got the following times for converting the list of words in /usr/share/dict/words (38,470 words at that time) to upper case:
Version Time (seconds) Basic loop 3.47 Eliminate dots 2.45 Local variable & no dots 1.79 Using map function 0.54
Initializing Dictionary Elements
Suppose you are building a dictionary of word frequencies and you've already broken your text up into a list of words. You might execute something like:
wdict = {} for word in words: if word not in wdict: wdict[word] = 0 wdict[word] += 1
Except for the first time, each time a word is seen the if statement's test fails. If you are counting a large number of words, many will probably occur multiple times. In a situation where the initialization of a value is only going to occur once and the augmentation of that value will occur many times it is cheaper to use a try statement:
wdict = {} for word in words: try: wdict[word] += 1 except KeyError: wdict[word] = 1
It's important to catch the expected KeyError exception, and not have a default except clause to avoid trying to recover from an exception you really can't handle by the statement(s) in the try clause.
A third alternative became available with the release of Python 2.x. Dictionaries now have a get() method which will return a default value if the desired key isn't found in the dictionary. This simplifies the loop:
wdict = {} get = wdict.get for word in words: wdict[word] = get(word, 0) + 1
When I originally wrote this section, there were clear situations where one of the first two approaches was faster. It seems that all three approaches now exhibit similar performance (within about 10% of each other), more or less independent of the properties of the list of words.
Also, if the value stored in the dictionary is an object or a (mutable) list, you could also use the dict.setdefault method, e.g.
4 wdict.setdefault(key, []).append(new_element)
You might think that this avoids having to look up the key twice. It actually doesn't (even in python 3.0), but at least the double lookup is performed in C.
Another option is to use the defaultdict class:
from collections import defaultdict wdict = defaultdict(int) for word in words: wdict[word] += 1
Import Statement Overhead
import statements can be executed just about anywhere. It's often useful to place them inside functions to restrict their visibility and/or reduce initial startup time. Although Python's interpreter is optimized to not import the same module multiple times, repeatedly executing an import statement can seriously affect performance in some circumstances.
Consider the following two snippets of code (originally from Greg McFarlane, I believe - I found it unattributed in a comp.lang.python posting and later attributed to him in another source):
def doit1(): import string ###### import statement inside function string.lower('Python') for num in range(100000): doit1()
import string ###### import statement outside function def doit2(): string.lower('Python') for num in range(100000): doit2()
doit2 will run much faster than doit1, even though the reference to the string module is global in doit2. Here's a Python interpreter session run using Python 2.3 and the new timeit module, which shows how much faster the second is than the first:
>>> def doit1(): ... import string ... string.lower('Python') ... >>> import string >>> def doit2(): ... string.lower('Python') ... >>> import timeit >>> t = timeit.Timer(setup='from __main__ import doit1', stmt='doit1()') >>> t.timeit() 11.479144930839539 >>> t = timeit.Timer(setup='from __main__ import doit2', stmt='doit2()') >>> t.timeit() 4.6661689281463623
String methods were introduced to the language in Python 2.0. These provide a version that avoids the import completely and runs even faster:
def doit3(): 'Python'.lower() for num in range(100000): doit3()
Here's the proof from timeit:
>>> def doit3(): ... 'Python'.lower() ... >>> t = timeit.Timer(setup='from __main__ import doit3', stmt='doit3()') >>> t.timeit() 2.5606080293655396
The above example is obviously a bit contrived, but the general principle holds.
Note that putting an import in a function can speed up the initial loading of the module, especially if the imported module might not be required. This is generally a case of a "lazy" optimization -- avoiding work (importing a module, which can be very expensive) until you are sure it is required.
This is only a significant saving in cases where the module wouldn't have been imported at all (from any module) -- if the module is already loaded (as will be the case for many standard modules, like string or re), avoiding an import doesn't save you anything. To see what modules are loaded in the system look in sys.modules.
A good way to do lazy imports is:
email = None def parse_email(): global email if email is None: import email ...
This way the email module will only be imported once, on the first invocation of parse_email().
Data Aggregation
Function call overhead in Python is relatively high, especially compared with the execution speed of a builtin function. This strongly suggests that where appropriate, functions should handle data aggregates. Here's a contrived example written in Python.
import time x = 0 def doit1(i): global x x = x + i list = range(100000) t = time.time() for i in list: doit1(i) print "%.3f" % (time.time()-t)
import time x = 0 def doit2(list): global x for i in list: x = x + i list = range(100000) t = time.time() doit2(list) print "%.3f" % (time.time()-t)
Here's the proof in the pudding using an interactive session:
>>> t = time.time() >>> for i in list: ... doit1(i) ... >>> print "%.3f" % (time.time()-t) 0.758 >>> t = time.time() >>> doit2(list) >>> print "%.3f" % (time.time()-t) 0.204
Even written in Python, the second example runs about four times faster than the first. Had doit been written in C the difference would likely have been even greater (exchanging a Python for loop for a C for loop as well as removing most of the function calls).
Doing Stuff Less Often
The Python interpreter performs some periodic checks. In particular, it decides whether or not to let another thread run and whether or not to run a pending call (typically a call established by a signal handler). Most of the time there's nothing to do, so performing these checks each pass around the interpreter loop can slow things down. There is a function in the sys module, setcheckinterval, which you can call to tell the interpreter how often to perform these periodic checks. Prior to the release of Python 2.3 it defaulted to 10. In 2.3 this was raised to 100. If you aren't running with threads and you don't expect to be catching many signals, setting this to a larger value can improve the interpreter's performance, sometimes substantially.
Python is not C
It is also not Perl, Java, C++ or Haskell. Be careful when transferring your knowledge of how other languages perform to Python. A simple example serves to demonstrate:
% -s 'x = 47' 'x * 2' loops, best of 3: 0.574 usec per loop % -s 'x = 47' 'x << 1' loops, best of 3: 0.524 usec per loop % -s 'x = 47' 'x + x' loops, best of 3: 0.382 usec per loop
Now consider the similar C programs (only the add version is shown):
#include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 47; int loop; for (loop=0; loop<500000000; loop++) i + i; return 0; }
and the execution times:
% for prog in mult add shift ; do < for i in 1 2 3 ; do < echo -n "$prog: " < /usr/bin/time ./$prog < done < echo < done mult: 6.12 real 5.64 user 0.01 sys mult: 6.08 real 5.50 user 0.04 sys mult: 6.10 real 5.45 user 0.03 sys add: 6.07 real 5.54 user 0.00 sys add: 6.08 real 5.60 user 0.00 sys add: 6.07 real 5.58 user 0.01 sys shift: 6.09 real 5.55 user 0.01 sys shift: 6.10 real 5.62 user 0.01 sys shift: 6.06 real 5.50 user 0.01 sys
Note that there is a significant advantage in Python to adding a number to itself instead of multiplying it by two or shifting it left by one bit. In C on all modern computer architectures, each of the three arithmetic operations are translated into a single machine instruction which executes in one cycle, so it doesn't really matter which one you choose.
A common "test" new Python programmers often perform is to translate the common Perl idiom
while (<>) { print; }
into Python code that looks something like
import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(): print line,
and use it to conclude that Python must be much slower than Perl. As others have pointed out numerous times, Python is slower than Perl for some things and faster for others. Relative performance also often depends on your experience with the two languages.
Use xrange instead of range
This section no longer applies if you're using Python 3, where range now provides an iterator over ranges of arbitrary size, and where xrange no longer exists.
Python has two ways to get a range of numbers: range and xrange. Most people know about range, because of its obvious name. xrange, being way down near the end of the alphabet, is much less well-known.
xrange is a generator object, basically equivalent to the following Python 2.3 code:
def xrange(start, stop=None, step=1): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 else: stop = int(stop) start = int(start) step = int(step) while start < stop: yield start start += step
Except that it is implemented in pure C.
xrange does have limitations. Specifically, it only works with ints; you cannot use longs or floats (they will be converted to ints, as shown above).
It does, however, save gobs of memory, and unless you store the yielded objects somewhere, only one yielded object will exist at a time. The difference is thus: When you call range, it creates a list containing so many number (int, long, or float) objects. All of those objects are created at once, and all of them exist at the same time. This can be a pain when the number of numbers is large.
xrange, on the other hand, creates no numbers immediately - only the range object itself. Number objects are created only when you pull on the generator, e.g. by looping through it. For example:
xrange(sys.maxint) # No loop, and no call to .next, so no numbers are instantiated
And for this reason, the code runs instantly. If you substitute range there, Python will lock up; it will be too busy allocating sys.maxint number objects (about 2.1 billion on the typical PC) to do anything else. Eventually, it will run out of memory and exit.
In Python versions before 2.2, xrange objects also supported optimizations such as fast membership testing (i in xrange(n)). These features were removed in 2.2 due to lack of use.
Re-map Functions at runtime
Say you have a function
class Test: def check(self,a,b,c): if a == 0: self.str = b*100 else: self.str = c*100 a = Test() def example(): for i in xrange(0,100000): a.check(i,"b","c") import profile"example()")
And suppose this function gets called from somewhere else many times.
Well, your check will have an if statement slowing you down all the time except the first time, so you can do this:
class Test2: def check(self,a,b,c): self.str = b*100 self.check = self.check_post def check_post(self,a,b,c): self.str = c*100 a = Test2() def example2(): for i in xrange(0,100000): a.check(i,"b","c") import profile"example2()")
Well, this example is fairly inadequate, but if the 'if' statement is a pretty complicated expression (or something with lots of dots), you can save yourself evaluating it, if you know it will only be true the first time.
Profiling Code
The first step to speeding up your program is learning where the bottlenecks lie. It hardly makes sense to optimize code that is never executed or that already runs fast. I use two modules to help locate the hotspots in my code, profile and trace. In later examples I also use the timeit module, which is new in Python 2.3.
See the separate profiling document for alternatives to the approaches given below.
There are a number of profiling modules included in the Python distribution. Using one of these to profile the execution of a set of functions is quite easy. Suppose your main function is called main, takes no arguments and you want to execute it under the control of the profile module. In its simplest form you just execute
import profile'main()')
When main() returns, the profile module will print a table of function calls and execution times. The output can be tweaked using the Stats class included with the module. From Python 2.4 profile has permitted the time consumed by Python builtins and functions in extension modules to be profiled as well.
A slightly longer description of profiling using the profile and pstats modules can be found here (archived version):
The cProfile and Hotshot Modules
Since Python 2.2, the hotshot package has been available as a replacement for the profile module, although the cProfile module is now recommended in preference to hotshot. The underlying module is written in C, so using hotshot (or cProfile) should result in a much smaller performance hit, and thus a more accurate idea of how your application is performing. There is also a program in the distribution's Tools/scripts directory which makes it easy to run your program under hotshot control from the command line.
Trace Module
The trace module is a spin-off of the profile module I wrote originally to perform some crude statement level test coverage. It's been heavily modified by several other people since I released my initial crude effort. As of Python 2.0 you should find in the Tools/scripts directory of the Python distribution. Starting with Python 2.3 it's in the standard library (the Lib directory). You can copy it to your local bin directory and set the execute permission, then execute it directly. It's easy to run from the command line to trace execution of whole scripts:
% -t eggs
In Python 2.4 it's even easier to run. Just execute python -m trace.
There's no separate documentation, but you can execute "pydoc trace" to view the inline documentation.
Visualizing Profiling Results
RunSnakeRun is a GUI tool by Mike Fletcher which visualizes profile dumps from cProfile using square maps. Function/method calls may be sorted according to various criteria, and source code may be displayed alongside the visualization and call statistics. Currently (April 2016) RunSnakeRun supports Python 2.x only - thus it cannot load profile data generated by Python 3 programs.
An example usage:
Gprof2Dot is a python based tool that can transform profiling results output into a graph that can be converted into a PNG image or SVG.
A typical profiling session with python 2.5 looks like this (on older platforms you will need to use actual script instead of the -m option):
python -m cProfile -o MYSCRIPY.PY [ARGS...] python -m pbp.scripts.gprof2dot -f pstats -o dot -ostat.png -Tpng
PyCallGraph pycallgraph is a Python module that creates call graphs for Python programs. It generates a PNG file showing an modules's function calls and their link to other function calls, the amount of times a function was called and the time spent in that function.
Typical usage:
PyProf2CallTree is a script to help visualize profiling data collected with the cProfile python module with the kcachegrind graphical calltree analyser.
Typical usage:
python -m cProfile -o MYSCRIPY.PY [ARGS...] python -i -k
ProfileEye is a browser-based frontend to gprof2dot using d3.js for decluttering visual information.
Typical usage:
python -m profile -o output.pstats path/to/your/script arg1 arg2 gprof2dot -f pstats output.pstats | profile_eye --file-colon_line-colon-label-format > profile_output.html
SnakeViz is a browser-based visualizer for profile data.
Typical usage:
python -m profile -o output.pstats path/to/your/script arg1 arg2 snakeviz output.pstats
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基于传递矩阵法的一维层状声子晶体振动传输特性及其优化设计与应用,声子晶体传递矩阵法解析及应用,Matlab 一维层状声子晶体振动传输特性 传递矩阵法在声子晶体的设计和应用中具有重要作用。 通过调整声子晶体的材料、周期和晶格常数等参数,可以设计出具有特定带隙结构的声子晶体,用于滤波、减震、降噪等应用。 例如,通过调整声子晶体的周期数和晶格常数,可以改变带隙的位置和宽度,从而实现特定的频率范围内的噪声控制。 此外,传递矩阵法还可以用于分析和优化声子晶体的透射谱,为声学器件的设计提供理论依据。 ,Matlab; 一维层状声子晶体; 振动传输特性; 传递矩阵法; 材料调整; 周期和晶格常数; 带隙结构; 滤波; 减震; 降噪; 透射谱分析; 声学器件设计,Matlab模拟声子晶体振动传输特性及优化设计研究
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永磁同步电机FOC、MPC与高频注入Simulink模型及基于MBD的代码生成工具,适用于Ti f28335与dspace/ccs平台开发,含电机控制开发文档,永磁同步电机控制技术:FOC、MPC与高频注入Simulink模型开发及应用指南,提供永磁同步电机FOC,MPC,高频注入simulink模型。 提供基于模型开发(MBD)代码生成模型,可结合Ti f28335进行电机模型快速开发,可适用dspace平台或者ccs平台。 提供电机控制开发编码器,转子位置定向,pid调试相关文档。 ,永磁同步电机; FOC控制; MPC控制; 高频注入; Simulink模型; 模型开发(MBD); Ti f28335; 电机模型开发; dspace平台; ccs平台; 编码器; 转子位置定向; pid调试。,永磁同步电机MPC-FOC控制与代码生成模型
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内容概要:文章深入讨论了工业乙醇发酵的基本原理及工艺流程,特别是在温度和气体排放(如CO2及其他有害气体)影响下的发酵效果分析。文章介绍了乙醇发酵的重要环节,如糖分解、代谢路径、代谢调控以及各阶段的操作流程,重点展示了如何通过Matlab建模和仿真实验来探索这两个关键环境因素对发酵过程的具体影响。通过动态模型仿真分析,得出合适的温度范围以及适时排除CO2能显著提升发酵产乙醇的效果与效率,从而提出了基于仿真的优化发酵生产工艺的新方法。 适用人群:从事生物工程相关领域研究的科学家、工程师及相关专业师生。 使用场景及目标:适用于实验室环境、学术交流会议及实际生产指导中,以提升研究人员对该领域内复杂现象的理解能力和技术水平为目标。 其他说明:附录中有详细的数学公式表达和程序代码可供下载执行,便于有兴趣的研究团队重复实验或者继续扩展研究工作。
本资源包专为解决 Tomcat 启动时提示「CATALINA_HOME 环境变量未正确配置」问题而整理,包含以下内容: 1. **Apache Tomcat 9.0.69 官方安装包**:已验证兼容性,解压即用。 2. **环境变量配置指南**: - Windows 系统下 `CATALINA_HOME` 和 `JAVA_HOME` 的详细配置步骤。 - 常见错误排查方法(如路径含空格、未生效问题)。 3. **辅助工具脚本**:一键检测环境变量是否生效的批处理文件。 4. **解决方案文档**:图文并茂的 PDF 文档,涵盖从报错分析到成功启动的全流程。 适用场景: - Tomcat 9.x 版本环境配置 - Java Web 开发环境搭建 - 运维部署调试 注意事项: - 资源包路径需为纯英文,避免特殊字符。 - 建议使用 JDK 8 或更高版本。
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系统选用B/S模式,后端应用springboot框架,前端应用vue框架, MySQL为后台数据库。 本系统基于java设计的各项功能,数据库服务器端采用了Mysql作为后台数据库,使Web与数据库紧密联系起来。 在设计过程中,充分保证了系统代码的良好可读性、实用性、易扩展性、通用性、便于后期维护、操作方便以及页面简洁等特点。
实验一: 1、进行CCS6.1软件的安装,仿真器的设置,程序的编译和调试; 2、熟悉CCS软件中的C语言编程; 3、使用按键控制LED跑马灯的开始与停止、闪烁频率; 4、调试Convolution、FFT、FIR、FFT-FIR实验,编制IIR算法并调试,并在CCS软件上给出实验结果。 实验二: 1、利用定时器周期中断或下溢中断和比较器比较值的修改来实现占空比可调的PWM波形; 2、改变PWM占空比控制LED灯的亮暗,按键实现10级LED灯亮暗调整; 3、模拟数字转换,转换过程中LED指示,并在变量窗口显示转换结果; 4、数字模拟转换,产生一个正弦波,转换过程中LED指示,转换完成后在CCS调试窗口显示波形。 实验三: 1、SCI异步串行通信实验; 2、SPI及IIC同步串行通信实验; 3、CAN现场总线串行通信实验; 4、传输过程中LED指示。 实验四: 1、电机转速控制实验。