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List of content management systems【各语言cms版本】

Software as a service (SaaS)
This section lists proprietary software that includes software, hosting, and support with a single vendor.
Name↓ Platform↓ Licensed Version Available↓ Last stable version↓ Entry Level Pricing↓
amilia CMS PHP MySQL 1.1 proprietary
Avactis PHP Yes 2.0 $19.95
Adobe Business Catalyst .Net Rebranding Available n/a from $16 per month
Goss Interactive Java Yes 8
Microsoft SharePoint Server .Net Yes 2010 from $3 per user and month
uCoz n/a n/a No
O3spaces Java Yes 3.2.1

[edit] Free and open source software

This section lists free and open-source software to be installed and managed on your supplied web server.

[edit] Java

Name↓ Platform↓RDBMS↓ORM-DBMS↓ Other Database↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
jAPS Java MySQL, Oracle, HSQLDB PostgreSQL 2.0.6 GPL 2009-07-17
OpenCms Java HSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 PostgreSQL 7.5.3 LGPL 2010-08-18
Liferay Java HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Apache Derby, Informix, InterBase, JDataStore PostgreSQL SAP, Sybase 6.0.5 LGPL 2010-08-16
DSpace Java Oracle PostgreSQL 1.6.2 BSD License 2010-06-16
Fedora Java MySQL, Oracle PostgreSQL Mulgara (MPTSTore RDF Semantic Triplestore) 3.3 Apache License 2009-12-21
dotCMS Java MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL 1.9.1 GNU GPL v2 2010-09-16
Nuxeo EP Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres PostgreSQL 5.2 LGPL 2010-07-20
Alfresco Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres PostgreSQL 3.4 LGPL 2010-10-15
Magnolia Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres JCR 4.3 GPL & proprietary 2010-03-23
Hippo CMS Java MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres PostgreSQL JCR 7.5 Apache 2.0 License 2011-02-07
Calenco Java JCR 2.1.1 AGPL 2010-07-29
VosaoCMS Java/GAE BigTable 0.8 GPL 2010-12-05
Yanel Java any any Yarep/JCR continuously Apache License, Version 2.0 continuously

[edit] Java packages/bundle

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
Apache Lenya Java, XML, Apache Cocoon 2.0.3 Apache License 2010-01-20
Daisy Java, XML, Apache Cocoon MySQL 2.4.1 Apache License 2010-12-16

[edit] Microsoft ASP.NET

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
Composite C1 ASP.NET XML, SQL Server 2.0.0 Mozilla Public License 2010-10-03
DotNetNuke Community Edition ASP.NET SQL Server 5.6.1 MIT License 2011-01-19
Kentico CMS ASP.NET SQL Server 5.5.R2 Commercial License 2011-12-03
mojoPortal ASP.NET SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, SQLCE CPL 2010-08-12
Umbraco ASP.NET SQL Server, MySQL, SQLCE 4.7 MIT License 2011-03-14
mi-cms CMS ASP.NET SQL Server 1.2.2 Commercial License 2011-01-15
Orchard Project ASP.NET SQL Server, SQLCE 1.0 New BSD License 2011-01-13

[edit] Perl

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
blosxom Perl Flat-file database 2.1.2 MIT 2008-10-02
Bricolage Perl on mod_perl MySQL, PostgreSQL 2.0.1 BSD 2011-02-09
Foswiki Perl Flat-file database 1.1.2 GPL 2010-11-10
Ikiwiki Perl 3.20110124 GPL 2011-01-24
MojoMojo Perl with either mod perl or FastCGI Any, via the DBIx::Class ORM 1.01 Perl-style-license 2010-07-05
Movable Type Perl, mod perl, FastCGI MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite 5.02 GPL 2010-05-11
TWiki Perl Plain files (under version control) 5.0.1[1] GPL 2010-10-10
Scoop Perl on mod perl MySQL 1.1.8 GPL 2007
Slash Perl on mod perl MySQL GPL
WebGUI Perl on mod perl MySQL 7.8.23 GPL 2010-07-07

[edit] PHP

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
AdaptCMS Lite PHP MySQL 1.5 GPL 2009-07-15
ATutor PHP MySQL 2.0.1 GPL 2010-10-20
b2evolution PHP MySQL 4.0.3 GPL 2010-12-24
BEdita PHP MySQL 3.1 AGPL 2010-12-07
BLOG:CMS PHP MySQL 4.2.1 GPL 2008-01-15
CivicSpace PHP MySQL 0.8.3 GPL 2005-05-01
CMS Made Simple PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.9.4 GPL 2011-03-05[2]
Concrete5 PHP MySQL MIT 2010-11-19
Dotclear PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 2.2.0 GPL 2010-06-01
Drupal PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 7.0 GPL 2011-01-05
DynPG PHP MySQL 4.2.1 GPL 2010-11-23[3]
e107 PHP MySQL 0.7.24 GPL v2 2010-09-23
Exponent CMS PHP MySQL 0.98 GPL 2010-11-03[4]
eZ Publish PHP5 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server 4.4.0 GPL 2010-09-28
Frog CMS PHP5 MySQL, SQLite 0.9.5 GPL 2009-04-26
Gamboo Web Suite PHP5 MySQL 3.0 unknown 2009-08-10
ImpressCMS PHP MySQL 1.2.4 GPL 2011-01-21[5]
Joomla! PHP MySQL 1.6.1 GPL 2011-03-07
Habari PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL,[6]SQLite 0.6.5 Apache License 2010-11-17
Helixo PHP MySQL 1.18 Commercial 2010-11-05
KnowledgeTree Document Management System PHP MySQL 3.6.1 GPL & proprietary 2009-10-06
Lyceum PHP MySQL 1.0.2 GPL 2008-06-04
Mambo PHP MySQL 4.6.5 GPL 2008-06-01
Mediawiki PHP MySQL 1.16.2 GPL 2011-02-01
MiaCMS PHP MySQL 4.6.5 GPL 2008-09-11
Midgard CMS PHP (Midgard framework) MySQL LGPL 2010-07-22
MODx PHP MySQL Revolution 2.0.5-pl / Evolution 1.0.4 GPL 2010-09-30 2010-06-07
MySource Matrix (Squiz) PHP PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle 3.20.1 GPL or warranted version from Squiz 2009-03-23
Nucleus CMS PHP MySQL 3.51 GPL 2009-11-01[7]
Ocportal PHP MySQL 5.0.1 CPAL 2010-08-07
Opus PHP MySQL 2.29 GPL 2008-07-08
papaya CMS PHP5 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 5.2 GNU/GPL 2 2010-12-01
Phire CMS PHP 5.2.6+ MySQL 1.1 New BSD Licence 2011-01-09
PHP-Fusion PHP MySQL 7.01.03 AGPL 2011-01-03
PHP-Nuke PHP MySQL 8.1 GPL 2009-05-22
PHPSlash PHP MySQL GPL 2006-01-15
phpWarmSky PHP MySQL 0.11.1 LGPL, GPL 2011-02-06
phpWebSite PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.6.3 LGPL 2009-06-17
pimcore PHP MySQL 1.3.1 BSD 2011-01-28
Pixie (CMS) PHP MySQL 1.0.2 GPL 2009-03-24
RavenNuke CMS PHP MySQL 2.4.0 GPL 2009-10-12
RenovatioCMS PHP MySQL 001.092 GPL 2011-03-27
SMW+[8] PHP - MediaWiki MySQL 1.5.2 GPL 2010-12-23
Serendipity PHP + Smarty MySQL, PostgreSQL, MySQLi, SQLite 1.5.4 BSD 2010-08-27
SilverStripe PHP 5.2+ MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle 2.4.2 BSD 2010-09-23
SPIP PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 2.1.8 GPL 2011-01-14[9]
TangoCMS PHP MySQL 2.6.1 GNU/GPL 2 2010-11-29
Textpattern PHP MySQL 4.4.0 GPL 2011-03-26
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware PHP MySQL 6.2 LGPL 2011-02-21
Tribiq CMS PHP MySQL 5.2.5 GPL 2010-09-22
TYPO3 PHP MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL 4.5.2 GPL 2011-02-25
whCMS PHP MySQL 0.103 GPL 2008-08-10
WolfCMS PHP MySQL, SQLite 0.7.3 GPL v3 2011-01-02
WordPress PHP MySQL 3.1 GPL 2011-02-22[10]
Wuzly PHP MySQL 1.0 GPL 2011-02-13
Xaraya PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.2.1 GPL 2010-05-16
XOOPS PHP MySQL 2.4.5 GPL 2010-07-11
Zikula PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle 1.2.4 GPL 2010-08-21
MyCMS PHP MSSQL 1.1.23 NA 2011-04-01

[edit] File/flat file

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
CMSimple PHP Flat-file database 3.3 GPL 2009-12-31
Dokuwiki PHP Flat-file database 2009-12-25 GPL 2010-11-07
Foswiki Perl File system 1.1.2 GPL 2010-11-10
phpWiki PHP MySQL 1.2.11 GPL 2008-03-18
PivotX PHP Flat-file database 2.0.2 GPL 2010-02-11
PmWiki PHP Flat-file database[11]SQLite[12] 2.2.24[13] GPL 2011-02-15

[edit] Python

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
Django-cms Python/Django PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite 3 and Oracle 2.1.0 BSD 2011-01-27
Merengue Python/Django MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle 0.7 LGPL 2011-02-23
MoinMoin Python Flat-file database 1.9.3 GPL 2010-06-27
Plone Python/Zope MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, ZODB, via Zope 4.0.4 GPL 2011-03-05

[edit] Ruby on Rails

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
Flagship Docs Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 2.0 MIT 2010-22-32
Radiant Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2[14] 0.9.1[15] MIT 2010-06-27
Typo Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 6.0 MIT 2009-03-27
Refinery CMS Ruby on Rails MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite MIT 2010-12-21

[edit] Others

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Licenses↓ Latest release date↓
OpenACS Tcl AOLserver PostgreSQL/Oracle 5.6.0 GPL 2010-06-30

[edit] Proprietary software

This section lists proprietary software to be installed and managed on your supplied web server.

[edit] ColdFusion

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Entry Level Pricing↓
Goss Interactive ColdFusion Oracle, SQL Server 9.0

Note that there are open-source "clones" of ColdFusion, such as SmithProject and Blue Dragon, although they may not possess identical features.

[edit] Java

Name↓ Platform↓ Supported databases↓ Latest stable release↓ Entry Level Pricing↓
CoreMedia WCM Java supports JDBC compliant databases 6
Open Text Web Experience Management
(formerly Vignette Content Management)
Java supports Oracle, SQL Server , DB2 8.0 approx USD100,000
Day Communiqué WCM Java no database required
supports Oracle, SQL Server , DB2, MySQL
uses JSR-170-compliant content repository
Escenic Content Engine Java Oracle, MySQL 5.2
Goss Interactive Java /wiki/Oracle_


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