And this kind of feels like the nightmare turned back around.
; 噩梦
; 可怕的
; 噩梦似的
; 泛滥成灾
; 可怕的事情
turn back around 萦绕,环绕
frantically 疯狂的,狂热的
in terms of
give credit to
give credit 相信,赞许
fall flat on one's face 脸面尽失,丢人现眼
Happiness is more than a grin on
, it is the glory in one
''The Olympics is a perfect platform in terms of what life is,'' Wambach
said. ''You cannot win at everything you attempt in life. You have to
be willing to fail and fall flat on your face in order to get glory. And
we really did fail last year, in our opinion. We have to give Japan
credit. They're a fantastic team.
inconsolable 极度悲伤的,无法安慰的
She is inconsolable
for the loss of her husband.
objectively 客观地
He hoped they would write objectively
about China.
First lady 第一夫人
in stark contrast to 与。。。形成鲜明对比
His actions were in stark contrast
his words.
The dark stones stand out in
the white snowice.
first lady has been pictured sporting what appears to be a Christian
Dior handbag, in stark contrast to widespread shortages elsewhere in the
impoverished nation.
The impoverished
African nation
of Burundi, by contrast, spends just $6 per patient.
It was unclear whether the bag was genuine or an imitation.
genuine 真正的,纯正的,坦率的,真诚的
imitation 仿效,赝品,模拟,仿真品
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阅读“Reading One”中的文章将进一步阐述良好情绪健康的重要性,以及寻求专业帮助来维护心理平衡的方法。 在实际生活中,我们可以通过多种方式促进心理健康,如定期锻炼、保持良好的睡眠习惯、建立支持性的社交...
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每日阅读 希望通过这个阅读计划可以提升大家与英语阅读能力与技术视野。 规则 要参加每日阅读计划的同学可以添加微信「e7hanz」加入微信群。 群里每天发一篇技术文章,文章链接也会提交到Github Repo上。...
每日阅读加 2020年10月起,加入了组织,来督促自己每天进行一些英文阅读。这个仓库也是受到这件事的启发,想做更多的阅读和学习记录。这里不限语言和话题,大多数是技术文章,也有个人成长,生活等相关的 ...
5. 采访主题:整个对话围绕着树木对我们生活的影响展开,因此采访的主题可以概括为“树木在日常生活中的重要性”或者“Trees in Our Daily Lives”。 6. 树木的多方面帮助:Dr Jones解释说,树木以多种方式帮助我们...
2. 填充日常生活:"filling our daily lives" 描述了广告如何渗透到我们的日常生活中,"with" 表示伴随,强调广告无处不在。 3. 目标受众:"target audience" 是广告业中的关键概念,指的是广告主要想要影响和说服...
In the past few years, JavaScript has rapidly...After reading this book, you'll have a better grasp on how to approach your daily programming challenges and how to pick the best solution for the problem.
- **daily activities**:日常活动,日常生活中的行为。 2. **现在完成时态**: 现在完成时态表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响或结果,结构是“have/has + 过去分词”。本导学案要求学生掌握现在完成时态与其他...
Identification is pervasive nowadays in daily life due to many complicated activities such as bank and library card reading, asset tracking, toll collecting, restricted access to sensitive data and ...
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The third book in the series wouldn’...
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The third book in the series wouldn’...
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The first book in the series wouldn’...
A Thorough Examination of the CNN or Daily Mail Reading Comprehension Task Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks Harnessing Deep Neural Networks with Logic Rules Improving Hypernymy ...
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The third book in the series wouldn’...