- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileOutputStream;
- import java.io.OutputStream;
- import com.vaadin.terminal.FileResource;
- import com.vaadin.ui.*;
- public class MyUploader extends CustomComponent
- implements Upload.SucceededListener,
- Upload.FailedListener,
- Upload.Receiver {
- Panel root; // Root element for contained components.
- Panel imagePanel; // Panel that contains the uploaded image.
- File file; // File to write to.
- MyUploader() {
- root = new Panel("My Upload Component");
- setCompositionRoot(root);
- // Create the Upload component.
- final Upload upload =
- new Upload("Upload the file here", this);
- // Use a custom button caption instead of plain "Upload".
- upload.setButtonCaption("Upload Now");
- // Listen for events regarding the success of upload.
- upload.addListener((Upload.SucceededListener) this);
- upload.addListener((Upload.FailedListener) this);
- root.addComponent(upload);
- root.addComponent(new Label("Click 'Browse' to "+
- "select a file and then click 'Upload'."));
- // Create a panel for displaying the uploaded image.
- imagePanel = new Panel("Uploaded image");
- imagePanel.addComponent(
- new Label("No image uploaded yet"));
- root.addComponent(imagePanel);
- }
- // Callback method to begin receiving the upload.
- public OutputStream receiveUpload(String filename,
- String MIMEType) {
- FileOutputStream fos = null; // Output stream to write to
- file = new File("/tmp/uploads/" + filename);
- try {
- // Open the file for writing.
- fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
- } catch (final java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
- // Error while opening the file. Not reported here.
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- return fos; // Return the output stream to write to
- }
- // This is called if the upload is finished.
- public void uploadSucceeded(Upload.SucceededEvent event) {
- // Log the upload on screen.
- root.addComponent(new Label("File " + event.getFilename()
- + " of type '" + event.getMIMEType()
- + "' uploaded."));
- // Display the uploaded file in the image panel.
- final FileResource imageResource =
- new FileResource(file, getApplication());
- imagePanel.removeAllComponents();
- imagePanel.addComponent(new Embedded("", imageResource));
- }
- // This is called if the upload fails.
- public void uploadFailed(Upload.FailedEvent event) {
- // Log the failure on screen.
- root.addComponent(new Label("Uploading "
- + event.getFilename() + " of type '"
- + event.getMIMEType() + "' failed."));
- }
- }
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在ThinkPHP 3.2中,Upload类位于`ThinkPHP/Library/Think`目录下,它提供了处理文件上传的基本方法。如果你遇到这个错误,这表明你的项目可能缺少了Upload类文件,或者Composer自动加载机制未正确配置。 要解决这个...
在实际开发中,还可以使用第三方库如jQuery-File-Upload、Dropzone.js来简化文件上传操作,提供更丰富的功能,如多文件上传、进度条显示、拖拽上传等。 总之,上传文件代码涉及到前端与后端的交互,包括HTML、...
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AjaxUpload则是实现异步文件上传的一种JavaScript库,它允许用户在不刷新整个页面的情况下进行文件上传,提高了用户体验。接下来,我们将详细讨论这两个知识点。 首先,**Spring** 是一个全面的后端应用框架,它...
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艾恩ASP无组件上传组件(anupload)是一款专门为ASP环境设计的文件上传工具。该组件虽然自称为“无组件”,但实际上提供了丰富的功能与灵活性,使得在ASP环境下进行文件上传变得简单高效。 #### 主要特点与功能 - ...
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在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何配置Nginx以支持文件上传功能,特别是使用upload_module和upload_progress_module这两个第三方模块。Nginx是一个高效且灵活的HTTP服务器和反向代理,由Igor Sysoev开发,它支持模块化的...
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在本例中,"AN-Upload"是这样一个组件,它采用ASP(Active Server Pages)编程语言实现,为开发者提供了简便的文件上传功能。 ASP是一种微软开发的服务器端脚本环境,用于创建动态交互式网页。使用ASP,开发者可以...
Base64和AjaxUpload上传文件代码实例是两种常用的文件上传方式,它们都可以实现文件上传到服务器端,但它们之间有着明显的区别。 Base64上传文件是一种基于文本编码的上传方式,它将文件转换为Base64字符串,然后将...
总之,"Fancy Upload + ASP.NET 大文件上载"是一个综合性的解决方案,结合了前端的用户体验优化和后端的高效处理能力,为用户提供了稳定、安全的大型文件上传功能。开发者可以通过学习和应用这个例子,提升自己在...
本篇文章将详细介绍一个名为"Upload"的PHP文件上传类库,该类库特别之处在于它不仅支持普通文件和图片的上传,还支持Base64编码的图片上传。 1. **Upload类库概述** Upload类库是一个为PHP设计的强大文件上传工具...
【Jspupload多文件上传下载】是Java Web开发中用于处理文件上传和下载的一个组件,由www.jspsmart.com提供,适用于JSP页面。这个组件以其简单易用和功能全面而受到开发者的青睐。 首先,了解如何**安装Jspupload**...