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AWK Tutorial


1.row/column value
$0  whole row
$1..$n  one column
awk '{print $1, $4}' netstat.txt
awk '{printf "%-8s %-8s %-8s %-18s %-22s %-15s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' netstat.txt


2.filter,comparison operator: ==,!=, >, <, >=, <=
awk '$3==0 && $6=="LISTEN" ' netstat.txt
awk ' $3>0 {print $0}' netstat.txt
awk '$3==0 && $6=="LISTEN" || NR==1 ' netstat.txt
awk '$3==0 && $6=="LISTEN" || NR==1 {printf "%-20s %-20s %s\n",$4,$5,$6}' netstat.txt


3.Built-in vars

$0 当前记录(这个变量中存放着整个行的内容)
$1,$2,...,$n 当前记录的第n个字段,字段间由FS分隔
FS 输入字段分隔符 默认是空格或Tab
RS 输入的记录分隔符, 默认为换行符
OFS 输出字段分隔符, 默认也是空格
ORS  输出的记录分隔符,默认为换行符
NF 当前记录中的字段个数,就是有多少列
NR 已经读出的记录数,就是行号,从1开始,如果有多个文件话,这个值也是不断累加中。
FNR 当前记录数,与NR不同的是,这个值会是各个文件自己的行号
FILENAME 当前输入文件的名字

awk '$3==0 && $6=="ESTABLISHED" || NR==1 {printf "%02s %s %-20s %-20s %s\n",NR, FNR, $4,$5,$6}' netstat.txt
awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1,$3,$6}' /etc/passwd
awk -F: '{print $1,$3,$6}' /etc/passwd
awk -F '[;:]' '{print $1,$3,$6}' OFS='\t'  /etc/passwd


4.String matching
~ 表示模式开始。/ /中是模式。这就是一个正则表达式的匹配。需要表头NR==1
awk '$6 ~ /FIN/ || NR==1 {print NR,$4,$5,$6}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt
awk '$6 ~ /WAIT/ || NR==1 {print NR,$4,$5,$6}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt
awk '/LISTEN/' netstat.txt
awk '$6 ~ /FIN|TIME/ || NR==1 {print NR,$4,$5,$6}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt

!~ or '!/pattern/'
awk '$6 !~ /FIN|TIME/ || NR==1 {print NR,$4,$5,$6}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt
awk '!/WAIT/' netstat.txt
awk '{print NR,$0}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt
awk '/WAIT/ {print NR,$0}' OFS="\t"  netstat.txt
awk '!/WAIT/ {print NR,$0}' OFS="\t"  netstat.txt
awk '$6 !~ /WAIT/ {print NR,$0}' OFS="\t" netstat.txt


5.Split files
awk 'NR!=1{print > $6}' netstat.txt
awk 'NR!=1{print $4,$5 > $6}' netstat.txt
awk 'NR!=1{if($6 ~ /TIME|ESTABLISHED/) print > "1.txt"; else if($6 ~ /LISTEN/) print > "2.txt"; else print > "3.txt" }' netstat.txt


ls -l  *.cpp *.c *.h | awk '{sum+=$5} END {print sum}'
awk 'NR!=1{a[$6]++;} END {for (i in a) print i ", " a[i];}' netstat.txt
ps aux | awk 'NR!=1{a[$1]+=$6;} END { for(i in a) print i ", " a[i]"KB";}'


7.awk scripts
BEGIN{ 这里面放的是执行前的语句 }
END {这里面放的是处理完所有的行后要执行的语句 }


8.ENV vars (1.-v parameter 2. ENVIRON["KEY"] ENVIRON的环境变量需要export)

$ cat score.txt 
Marry   2143 78 84 77 
Jack    2321 66 78 45 
Tom     2122 48 77 71 
Mike    2537 87 97 95 
Bob     2415 40 57 62

x=5 y=10
export y
awk -v val=$x '{print $1, $2, $3, $4+val, $5+ENVIRON["y"]}' OFS="\t" score.txt


awk 'length>80' file 
netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr  

$ seq 9 | sed 'H;g' | awk -v RS='' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf("%dx%d=%d%s", i, NR, i*NR, i==NR?"\n":"\t")}'
1x2=2   2x2=4
1x3=3   2x3=6   3x3=9
1x4=4   2x4=8   3x4=12  4x4=16
1x5=5   2x5=10  3x5=15  4x5=20  5x5=25
1x6=6   2x6=12  3x6=18  4x6=24  5x6=30  6x6=36
1x7=7   2x7=14  3x7=21  4x7=28  5x7=35  6x7=42  7x7=49
1x8=8   2x8=16  3x8=24  4x8=32  5x8=40  6x8=48  7x8=56  8x8=64
1x9=9   2x9=18  3x9=27  4x9=36  5x9=45  6x9=54  7x9=63  8x9=72  9x9=81






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