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那个 in_array 的,我的结果也是 not in我是 p ...
php中字符处理注意的问题(1) -
php中字符处理注意的问题(1) -
zwws 写道mark35 写道
$zero = " ...
php中字符处理注意的问题(1) -
mark35 写道
$zero = "0" ...
php中字符处理注意的问题(1) -
mark35 写道willko 写道
而htmlentitie ...
Laravel查询记录器 :memo: 一个开发工具,用于记录Laravel应用程序的所有查询。... local.DEBUG: [1.07ms] select * from `discussions` where `discussions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `is_top` desc, `created
Bug 的状态:Bug 的状态可以分为 Open、Closed、Deleted 等多种。Open 表示 Bug 已经被报告,但尚未被修复;Closed 表示 Bug 已经被修复;Deleted 表示 Bug 被确认是提错或者重复提交的。 Bug 的处理办法:Bug 的...
- **Admin Interface**: Offers a web-based interface for managing and configuring the Solr instance. - **Standard Request Handler**: Handles standard search requests. - **Disjunction Max Request ...
出于安全考虑,某些特殊表如管理员表`PE_Admin`和网站配置表`PE_Config`不会出现在列表中。 2. **选择字段**:在选定主表后,可以看到该表中所有的字段选项,如`Channel ID`(文章所属频道ID)、`ClassID`(文章所属...
查询语句:select ArticleID,Title,Author,Hits,UpdateTime,Content from PE_Article where ChannelID=1002 and Status=3 and Deleted={$PE_False} and DateDiff("d",UpdateTime,'{input(0)}')=0 Order by ...
通过修改Oracle初始化参数文件 `$ORACLE_BASE/admin/orcl/pfile/initORCL.ora` 进行参数调整。 --- ##### 2. 检查数据库连接情况 **命令**: ```sql SELECT sid, serial#, username, program, machine, status ...
常见的事件有`creating`、`created`、`updating`、`updated`、`deleting`和`deleted`等: ```php // 在模型中监听事件 public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::creating(function ($user) { ...
- **已删除 (Deleted)** - 被标记为删除状态的流。 - **镜像 (Mirror)** - 由P4Sandbox使用来表示共享服务器的流。 - **虚拟 (Virtual)** - 用于缩小范围并直接提交到父流的流。 #### 四、工具栏图标与视图 ...
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT Name_cn, Mall_type, create_time FROM smzdm_mall WHERE Is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY {$order} LIMIT {$offset}, {$num}"); // 返回总条数和数据列表 return array( 'total' =...
user = User.query.filter_by(username='admin').first() ``` Flask-SQLAlchemy也支持关联(association)、多对一(one-to-many)、一对多(many-to-one)和多对多(many-to-many)的关系。例如,我们可以在`User`...
RaptorDB starts off by loading the page list and it is good to go from there and pages are loaded on demand, based on usage. Page Splits In the event of page getting full and reaching the ...
hibernate.properties # # Hibernate, Relational ...## rollback generated identifier values of deleted entities to default values #hibernate.use_identifier_rollback true ## enable bytecode reflection...
Rs1.Source = "SELECT * FROM Soft WHERE Deleted = " + Replace(Rs1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "" Rs1.CursorType = 0 Rs1.CursorLocation = 2 Rs1.LockType = 1 Rs1.Open() Rs1_numRows = 0 %> Dim Repeat1__...