h4. Creating a controller
h4. 创建控制器(Controllers)
Controllers can be created with the [create-controller|commandLine] target. For example try running the following command from the root of a Grails project:
grails create-controller book
The command will result in the creation of a controller at the location @grails-app/controllers/BookController.groovy@:
class BookController { ... }
@BookController@ by default maps to the /book URI (relative to your application root).
@BookController@默认映射到/book URI上(相对于您的应用程序根目录)
The @create-controller@ command is merely for convenience and you can just as easily create controllers using your favorite text editor or IDE
h4. Creating Actions
h4. 创建 Actions(操作)
A controller can have multiple properties that are each assigned a block of code. Each of these properties maps to a URI:
class BookController {
def list = {
// do controller logic
// create model
return model
This example maps to the @/book/list@ URI by default thanks to the property being named @list@.
默认情况下这个例子映射到/book/list URI上,因为属性被命名为@list@。
h4. The Default Action
h4. 默认Action(操作)
A controller has the concept of a default URI that maps to the root URI of the controller. By default the default URI in this case is @/book@. The default URI is dictated by the following rules:
* If only one action is present the default URI for a controller maps to that action.
* 如果只有一个Action(操作)存在,一个控制器(Controllers)的默认URI将映射到该Action(操作)。
* If you define an @index@ action which is the action that handles requests when no action is specified in the URI @/book@
* 假如你定义了一个@index@ Action(操作),当没有Action(操作)被指定在URI@/book@上时,这个Action(操作)将处理请求。
* Alternatively you can set it explicitly with the @defaultAction@ property:
* 除此之外,你可以明确的设置为@defaultAction@属性:
def defaultAction = "list"
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