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关于win xp sp2 / 2000, rational rose 2003 退出报错"MEM_B

windows  xp  pro  sp2

应用rational rose 后退出时报错:"MEM_BAD_POINTER"

1) extract shw32.dll from the attached zip file.

2) locate the copy of shw32.dll that the affected program (the one
that's giving the MEM_BAD_POINTER error) is using. Rename this file,
or move it to some other directory for safe keeping. Note: this step
is not strictly necessary, BUT if you experience problems with our
new DLL, the first thing we're going to suggest is that you revert to
your old one.

3) with your old shw32.dll renamed or moved for safe keeping, install
the new shw32.dll where the old one used to be. Now run your app as
usual and verify that the error no longer appears.

4) if after step 3 you still see the MEM_BAD_POINTER error, search
your hard drives for any other occurrences of shw32.dll and replace
those (using the above procedures), one at a time, until the error no
longer appears.

1) 下载下面的附件
2) 解压后,将原文件覆盖掉,原文件在按装目标的rose文件夹中
1 楼 visionary_2006 2008-03-28  
注意,使用前,先备份,原来那个shw32.dll 如果复盖后出现其它问题,装它还原回来.再使用其它办法.找不到也没有关系,不影响正常使用!


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