转载: http://blog.csdn.net/seng3018/archive/2010/02/22/5316178.aspx
public HttpServletResponse download(String path, HttpServletResponse response) {
try {
// path是指欲下载的文件的路径。
File file = new File(path);
// 取得文件名。
String filename = file.getName();
// 取得文件的后缀名。
String ext = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf( " . " ) + 1 ).toUpperCase();
// 以流的形式下载文件。
InputStream fis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(path));
byte [] buffer = new byte [fis.available()];
// 清空response
// 设置response的Header
response.addHeader( " Content-Disposition " , " attachment;filename= " + new String(filename.getBytes()));
response.addHeader( " Content-Length " , "" + file.length());
OutputStream toClient = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
response.setContentType( " application/octet-stream " );
} catch (IOException ex) {
return response;
public void downloadLocal(HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException {
// 下载本地文件
String fileName = " Operator.doc " .toString(); // 文件的默认保存名
// 读到流中
InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream( " c:/Operator.doc " ); // 文件的存放路径
// 设置输出的格式
response.setContentType( " bin " );
response.addHeader( " Content-Disposition " , " attachment; filename=\ "" + fileName + " \ "" );
// 循环取出流中的数据
byte [] b = new byte [ 100 ];
int len;
try {
while ((len = inStream.read(b)) > 0 )
response.getOutputStream().write(b, 0 , len);
} catch (IOException e) {
public void downloadNet(HttpServletResponse response) throws MalformedURLException {
// 下载网络文件
int bytesum = 0 ;
int byteread = 0 ;
URL url = new URL( " windine.blogdriver.com/logo.gif " );
try {
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream inStream = conn.getInputStream();
FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream( " c:/abc.gif " );
byte [] buffer = new byte [ 1204 ];
int length;
while ((byteread = inStream.read(buffer)) != - 1 ) {
bytesum += byteread;
fs.write(buffer, 0 , byteread);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void downLoad(String filePath, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isOnLine) throws Exception {
File f = new File(filePath);
if ( ! f.exists()) {
response.sendError( 404 , " File not found! " );
return ;
BufferedInputStream br = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(f));
byte [] buf = new byte [ 1024 ];
int len = 0 ;
response.reset(); // 非常重要
if (isOnLine) { // 在线打开方式
URL u = new URL( " file:/// " + filePath);
response.setHeader( " Content-Disposition " , " inline; filename= " + f.getName());
// 文件名应该编码成UTF-8
} else { // 纯下载方式
response.setContentType( " application/x-msdownload " );
response.setHeader( " Content-Disposition " , " attachment; filename= " + f.getName());
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
while ((len = br.read(buf)) > 0 )
out.write(buf, 0 , len);
wget is a command line program. You start it from the command prompt in Windows. The command prompt can be found in the Start Menu (Accessories).
React Native Up Down Load 是一个专为React Native框架设计的组件,它允许开发者在Android平台上查看、上传和下载各种类型的文件。这个组件最初是为Android系统开发的,但随着React Native的发展,它可能也逐渐支持...
The value of NumConnectedPixels needs to be passed back as a pointer, so the subroutine call for... Down load the image img22gd2.tif. Apply the subroutine ConnectedPixels to extract the connected set ...
首先,"Detected lock file Job-1.lck"是一个典型的错误,表示Abaqus在运行过程中检测到了一个锁定文件,这可能是由于程序在异常情况下中断,或者同一时间有其他应用程序正在尝试写入输出数据库。为了解决这个问题,...
Dynamic effect preview (Because the gif resources are large, please wait for the resources to complete the load) this is background picture left and right movement this is background picture move ...
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx/down/<str:file_name> 文件内容包括: load.html #上传 down.html #下载 views.py #服务器设置 -def load(request) -def down(request) -def down_str(request,file_name)
Load the image file. % 2. Calibrate axes dimensions. You will be prompted to select 4 points % on the image. Zoom and pan enabled. % 3. Grab points by clicking on points. Right-click to delete a ...
- When BurnInTest crashes, it will not generate a "minidump" file. Minidumps will need to be sent to Microsoft as per the normal process. However, a log entry will be added to the normal BurnIn...
3-7 Large buffer pool may slow down LOAD and REORG 3-8 Consider multiple table space containers 4. Tables and Index Design 4-1 Considerations for SEQUENCE and IDENTITY columns 4-2 First column ...
is compiled into an object library file, which is then linked with the problem specific objects. Read the notes in the Makefiles in all the sub-directories, make any necessary changes to fit your ...
File fileToDownload = new File("uploads/somefile.txt"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileToDownload); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + ...
loads swf_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loadobject("1.jpg")); loadjpg_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loadobject("6.jpg")); ``` 这里的 `loadobject` 函数负责实际的资源加载...
GoldCard Tool v0.0.5 Requirements: Spare microSD card Windows PC (Tested on Windows7 x64...Click 'Load GoldCard.img' and open the .img file you got by email. Click 'Patch MMC' You now have a goldcard!
* @description An ListView support (a) Pull down to refresh, (b) Pull up to load more. * Implement IXListViewListener, and see stopRefresh() / stopLoadMore(). */ package ...
1. **load ** - 此指令用于加载指定的程序文件(.urp格式)。 - 成功加载时,返回信息为"Loading program: <program.urp>",如果文件未找到或加载过程中出错,则会显示错误信息如"File not found: <program.urp>...
- **Load Program**:Ctrl+L - **Reload Program**:Ctrl+Shift+L - **Restart**:Ctrl+Shift+F5 - **Run**:F5 - **Run to cursor**:Ctrl+F10 - **Toggle breakpoint**:F9 - **Move to the end of file**:Ctrl+...
- **方法**: 利用 `LOAD_FILE()` 函数读取服务器上的文件。 - **示例**: 构造SQL语句 `http://www.******.net/down/show.php?id=100and1=2unionselectLOAD_FILE('C:/windows/win.ini')` 来读取 `win.ini` 文件。 - *...
enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the attachments according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option. * Version 2.30 o Added '...