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扬长避短吧,任何一种技术的出现都有其初衷。不要轻易否定,在否定 ...
这是DDD的原文,我认为最好的结论就是最后加粗部分,让模型和数据分开,而不是折中处理,这也是CQRS的本质。Designing Objects for Relational DatabasesThe most common nonobject component of primarily object-oriented software systems is the relational database. This reality presents the usual problems of a mixture of paradigms (see Chapter 5). But the database is more intimately related to the object model than are most other components. The database is not just interacting with the objects; it is storing the persistent form of the data that makes up the objects themselves. A good deal has been written about the technical challenges of mapping objects to relational tables and effectively storing and retrieving them. A recent discussion can be found in Fowler 2002. There are reasonably refined tools for creating and managing mappings between the two. Apart from the technical concerns, this mismatch can have a significant impact on the object model. There are three common cases:
When the database schema is being created specifically as a store for the objects, it is worth accepting some model limitations in order to keep the mapping very simple. Without other demands on schema design, the database can be structured to make aggregate integrity safer and more efficient as updates are made. Technically, the relational table design does not have to reflect the domain model. Mapping tools are sophisticated enough to bridge significant differences. The trouble is, multiple overlapping models are just too complicated. Many of the same arguments presented for MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN—avoiding separate analysis and design models—apply to this mismatch. This does entail some sacrifice in the richness of the object model, and sometimes compromises have to be made in the database design (such as selective denormalization), but to do otherwise is to risk losing the tight coupling of model and implementation. This approach doesn't require a simplistic one-object/one-table mapping. Depending on the power of the mapping tool, some aggregation or composition of objects may be possible. But it is crucial that the mappings be transparent, easily understandable by inspecting the code or reading entries in the mapping tool.
On the other hand, there are many cases in which the data comes from a legacy or external system that was never intended as a store of objects. In this situation, there are, in reality, two domain models coexisting in the same system. Chapter 14, "Maintaining Model Integrity," deals with this issue in depth. It may make sense to conform to the model implicit in the other system, or it may be better to make the model completely distinct. Another reason for exceptions is performance. Quirky design changes may have to be introduced to solve execution speed problems.
But for the important common case of a relational database acting as the persistent form of an object-oriented domain, simple directness is best. A table row should contain an object, perhaps along with subsidiaries in an AGGREGATE. A foreign key in the table should translate to a reference to another ENTITY object. The necessity of sometimes deviating from this simple directness should not lead to total abandonment of the principle of simple mappings.
The UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE can help tie the object and relational components together to a single model. The names and associations of elements in the objects should correspond meticulously to those of the relational tables. Although the power of some mapping tools may make this seem unnecessary, subtle differences in relationships will cause a lot of confusion.
The tradition of refactoring that has increasingly taken hold in the object world has not really affected relational database design much. What's more, serious data migration issues discourage frequent change. This may create a drag on the refactoring of the object model, but if the object model and the database model start to diverge, transparency can be lost quickly.
Finally, there are some reasons to go with a schema that is quite distinct from the object model, even when the database is being created specifically for your system. The database may also be used by other software that will not instantiate objects. The database may require little change, even while the behavior of the objects changes or evolves rapidly. Cutting the two loose from each other is a seductive path. It is often taken unintentionally, when the team fails to keep the database current with the model. If the separation is chosen consciously, it can result in a clean database schema—not an awkward one full of compromises conforming to last year's object model. |
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关系数据库设计是构建高效、稳定和可扩展的信息系统的关键步骤。它涉及到对业务需求的深入理解,以及如何将这些需求转化为合理的数据结构。以下是对数据库设计的一些重要考虑因素: 1. **需求分析**:在设计数据库...
### 数据库设计与业务实体对象到数据库表的映射关系 #### 一、数据库设计概述 数据库设计是在软件工程和信息系统领域中一个重要的环节,它涉及到如何有效地组织数据以满足特定业务需求。良好的数据库设计不仅能...
4. **实现关系**:对象模型中的关系在关系数据库中可能表现为连接表或嵌入数据。例如,一个`Student`类可能与`Class`类有一对多的关联,这可以通过在`Class`表中添加`StudentID`的外键字段来实现。 这些映射策略的...
数据库设计文档.pdf 本文档是人资信息管理系统数据库设计文档,主要对软件后台数据库的概念模型设计和物理模型设计作出了统一的规定,同时确定了每个表的数据字典构造。该文档是开发人员、测试人员编码及测试的重要...
8. **设计原则**:在首次设计对象数据库时,我们需要考虑数据的组织方式、对象之间的关系、查询效率、扩展性等因素。合理的对象设计能够提高系统的可维护性和性能。 9. **迁移与集成**:如果从关系型数据库迁移到...
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采用面向对象的统一建模方法,如UML和Rational Rose,可以将软件分析设计与数据库设计紧密结合,提高开发效率,减少两者间的脱节。这种方法提供了一个全面而系统化的途径,对于现代软件工程来说具有显著的优势。
10. 在关系数据库设计中,关系模式的设计是数据库设计中规律设计阶段的任务。 11. 在关系数据库中,关系代数运算是以代数运算为根底的运算,例如 Select 语句、Where 语句、Group by 语句等。 12. 在关系数据库中...
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