Chapter 5. Introducing the ex Editor
命令 | 简写 | 解释 |
delete | d | Delete lines. |
move | m | Move lines. |
copy | co | Copy lines. |
| t | Copy lines (a synonym for co). |
:3,18d | 删除第3行到第18行 |
:160,224m23 | 将第160行到第224行移动到第23行下。 |
:23,29co100 | 复制第23行到第29行到第100行下。 |
一个点 (.) 代表当前行;
$ 代表最后一行;
% 代表每一行,相当于 1,$ 。
+ 和 - 可以指定相对位置。
:.,$d | 删除从当前行到最后一行。 |
:20,.m$ | 将第20行到当前行移动到最后一行之后。 |
:%d | 删除所有行。 |
:%t$ | 复制所有行到最后一行之后。 |
:.,.+20d | 删除20行,从当前行向下。 |
:226,$m.-2 | 将第226行到最后一行移到到当前行的下面的两行之下。 |
:-,+t0 | 复制三行数据到第一行之前。(当前行,当前行的上一行,当前行的下一行) |
:/pattern/d | 删除指定模式的行。(光标向下找到的第一行) |
:/pattern/+d | 删除指定模式的行的下一行。(相当于:/pattern/+1d) |
:/pattern1/,/pattern2/d | 删除指定pattern1的行到指定pattern2的行。 |
:.,/pattern/m23 | 移动当前行到指定模式的行到第23行下。 |
d/while | The vi delete to pattern command deletes from the cursor up to the word while, but leaves the remainder of both lines. |
:.,/while/d | The ex command deletes the entire range of addressed lines; in this case both the current line and the line containing the pattern. All lines are deleted in their entirety. |
:10;+5 p | 输出第10行到第15行这六行。(prints lines 10 through 15.) |
:/pattern/;+10 p | 输出指定模式到指定模式下10行。 |
Global Searches
:g/pattern | Finds (moves to) the last occurrence of pattern in the file. |
:g/pattern/p | Finds and displays all lines in the file containing pattern. |
:g!/pattern/nu | Finds and displays all lines in the file that don't contain pattern; also displays the line number for each line found. |
:60,124g/pattern/p | Finds and displays any lines between lines 60 and 124 containing pattern. |
Move lines 1 through 5 after line 10, and then display all lines (with numbers) containing pattern.
:w | Writes (saves) the buffer to the file but does not exit. |
:q | Quits the editor. |
:wq | Both writes the file and quits the editor. The write happens unconditionally, even if the file was not changed. |
:x | Both writes the file and quits (exits) the editor. The file is written only if it has been modified. |
:w! | can also be used to save edits in a file that was opened in read-only mode. |
:q! | is an essential editing command that allows you to quit without affecting the original file, regardless of any changes you made in this session. The contents of the buffer are discarded. |
:230,$w newfile | Saves file in newfile. |
:230,$w newfile | Saves from line 230 to end of file in newfile. |
:.,600w newfile | Saves from the current line to line 600 in newfile. |
:340,$w >>newfile | append from line 340 to the end of the buffer to newfile. |
:read filename | 读取文件内容插入到当前行下面。 |
:r filename | This command inserts the contents of filename starting on the line after the cursor position in the file. |
:185r filename | To read in the same file and place it after line 185. |
:$r filename | Place the read-in file at the end of the current file. |
:0r filename | Place the read-in file at the very beginning of the current file. |
:/pattern/r filename | Place the read-in file in the current file, after the line containing pattern. |
Chapter 6. Global Replacement
:s/old/new/ | This changes the first occurrence of the pattern old to new on the current line. |
:s/old/new/g | This changes every occurrence of old to new on the current line. |
:50,100s/old/new/g | This change every occurrence of old to new from line 50 to line 100. |
:1,$s/old/new/g | This command will change every occurrence of old to new within the entire file. |
:%s/old/new/g | You can also use % instead of 1,$ to specify every line in a file. |
:g/pattern/s/old/new/g | |
:g/<keycap>/s/Esc/ESC/g | To change instances of Esc to ESC only when Esc is on a line that contains the <keycap> directive. |
:g/string/s//new/g | This would search for lines containing string and substitute for that same string. |
:g/editer/s//editor/g | has the same effect as: :%s/editer/editor/g |
\n | Is replaced with text matched by the nth pattern previously saved by \( and \), where n is a number from 1 to 9. |
& | Is replaced with the entire text matched by the search pattern when used in a replacement string. :%s/Yazstremski/&, Carl/ ; :1,10s/.*/(&)/ |
~ | This is useful for repeating an edit. :s/his/their/ → :s/her/~/ |
\u or \l | Causes the next character in the replacement string to be changed to uppercase or lowercase, respectively. :%s/yes, doctor/\uyes, \udoctor/ ; :s/\(That\) or \(this\)/\u\2 or \l\1/ |
\U or \L and \e or \E | \U and \L are similar to \u or \l, but all following characters are converted to uppercase or lowercase until the end of the replacement string or until \e or \E is reached. :%s/Fortran/\UFortran/ ; :%s/Fortran/\U&/ |
:s/red/blue/ | :/green :~ equivalent to :s/green/blue/. |
:%s;/user1/tim;/home/tim;g |
:%s:RETURN:<I>&</I>:g |
:%s/[Hh]elp/\U&/g |
:g/^$/d | Delete all blank lines. |
:%s/^/ / | Insert two spaces at the start of every line in a file. |
:.,+5s/$/./ | Add a period to the end of the next six lines. |
:%s/.*/\U&/ | Change every word in a file to uppercase. |
:g/.*/m0 | Reverse the order of lines in a file. |
:g!/^[0-9]/m$ | For any line that doesn't begin with a number, move the line to the end of the file. |
6.4.3 More Examples
Chapter 7. Advanced Editing
Chapter 11. vim—vi Improved
\∣ | Indicates alternation, house\∣home. |
\+ | Matches one or more of the preceding regular expression. |
\= | Matches zero or one of the preceding regular expression. |
\{ n, m} | Matches n to m of the preceding regular expression, as much as possible. n and m are numbers between 0 and 32000; vim requires only the left brace to be preceded by a backslash, not the right brace. |
\{ n} | Matches n of the preceding regular expression. |
\{ n,} | Matches at least n of the preceding regular expression, as much as possible. |
\{, m} | Matches 0 to m of the preceding regular expression, as much as possible. |
\{} | Matches 0 or more of the preceding regular expression, as much as possible (same as *). |
\{- n, m} | Matches n to m of the preceding regular expression, as few as possible. |
\{- n} | Matches n of the preceding regular expression. |
\{- n,} | Matches at least n of the preceding regular expression, as few as possible. |
\{-, m} | Matches 0 to m of the preceding regular expression, as few as possible. |
\i | Matches any identifier character, as defined by the isident option. |
\I | Like \i, but excluding digits. |
\k | Matches any keyword character, as defined by the iskeyword option. |
\K | Like \k, but excluding digits. |
\f | Matches any filename character, as defined by the isfname option. |
\F | Like \f, but excluding digits. |
\p | Matches any printable character, as defined by the isprint option. |
\P | Like \p, but excluding digits. |
\s | Matches a whitespace character (exactly space and tab). |
\S | Matches anything that isn't a space or a tab. |
\b | Backspace. |
\e | Escape. |
\r | Carriage return. |
\t | Tab. |
\n | Reserved for future use. Eventually, it will be used for matching multi-line patterns. See the vim documentation for more details. |
~ | Matches the last given substitute (i.e., replacement) string. |
\(...\) | Provides grouping for *, \+, and \=, as well as making matched sub-texts available in the replacement part of a substitute command (\1, \2, etc.). |
\1 | Matches the same string that was matched by the first sub-expression in \( and \). For example: \([a-z]\).\1 matches ata, ehe, tot, etc. \2, \3, and so on may be used to represent the second, third, and so forth subexpressions. |
### Linux命令速查:查看文件的关键知识点 #### 标题解析 标题“Linux命令速查_查看文件.pdf”明确指出了文档的主要内容是关于Linux环境下查看文件的各种命令及其使用方法。这对于初学者或是有一定经验的用户来说都...
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**vim使用说明与快捷键** vim(Vi Improved)是一款强大的文本编辑器,广泛应用...对于初学者来说,是一份极好的学习资料,对于老手来说,也是日常工作中不可或缺的速查工具。建议打印出来随时翻阅,提升vim操作效率。
SQL 速查表通常包括选择、插入、更新、删除语句,以及联接、子查询和聚合函数的用法。 8. **Matlab**: Matlab 是一种数值计算和可视化环境,适用于工程和科学计算。Matlab 速查表涵盖矩阵操作、函数、绘图和数据...
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以上只是速查表中部分软件的介绍,实际上Linux环境中还有许多其他工具和应用,如版本控制系统`Git`、系统监控工具`Gnome System Monitor`、办公套件`LibreOffice`等。这份速查表的价值在于它为Linux用户提供了一个...
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