Table 2.4. Text Creation and Manipulation Commands |
Editing Action | Command |
Insert text at current position | i |
Insert text at beginning of line | I |
Append text at current position | a |
Append text at beginning of line | A |
Open new line below cursor for new text | o |
Open new line above cursor for new text | O |
Delete line and substitute text | S |
Overstrike existing characters with new text | R |
Join current and next line | J |
Toggle case | ~ |
Repeat last action | . |
Undo last change | u |
Restore line to original state | U |
Table 3.1. Movement Commands |
Movement | Command |
Scroll forward one screen. | ^F |
Scroll backward one screen. | ^B |
Scroll forward half screen. | ^D |
Scroll backward half screen. | ^U |
Scroll forward one line. | ^E |
Scroll backward one line. | ^Y |
Move current line to top of screen and scroll. | z RETURN |
Move current line to center of screen and scroll. | z. |
Move current line to bottom of screen and scroll. | z- |
Redraw the screen. | ^L |
Move to home—top line of screen. | H |
Move to middle line of screen. | M |
Move to bottom line of screen. | L |
Move to first character of next line. | RETURN |
Move to first character of next line. | + |
Move to first character of previous line. | - |
Move to first non-blank character of current line. | ^ |
Move to column n of current line. | n| |
Move to end of word. | e |
Move to end of word (ignore punctuation). | E |
Move to beginning of current sentence. | ( |
Move to beginning of next sentence. | ) |
Move to beginning of current paragraph. | { |
Move to beginning of next paragraph. | } |
Move to beginning of current section. | [[ |
Move to beginning of next section. | ]] |
Search forward for pattern. | /pattern |
Search backward for pattern. | ?pattern |
Repeat last search. | n |
Repeat last search in opposite direction. | N |
Repeat last search forward. | / |
Repeat last search backward. | ? |
Move to next occurrence of x in current line. | fx |
Move to previous occurrence of x in current line. | Fx |
Move to just before next occurrence of x in current line. | tx |
Move to just after previous occurrence of x in current line. | Tx |
Repeat previous find command in same direction. | ; |
Repeat previous find command in opposite direction. | , |
Go to given line n. | nG |
Go to end of file. | G |
Return to previous mark or context. | ` ` |
Return to beginning of line containing previous mark. | ' ' |
Show current line (not a movement command). | ^G |
vim常用命令速查 ,思维导图表示,方便快速记忆
### vim命令速查卡知识点详解 #### 一、概述 Vim是一款强大的文本编辑器,在Linux及类Unix系统中广泛使用。本篇文章将基于提供的“vim命令速查卡”进行详细解析,帮助读者快速掌握Vim的核心功能与常用操作。 #### ...
本篇文章将通过解析五个最佳的Vim速查表,帮助你快速理解和掌握这个神器。 1. **基本操作**: - **启动与退出**:在命令模式下输入`i`进入插入模式,按下`Esc`返回命令模式。要退出Vim,可以在命令模式下输入`:q`...
VIM CHEATSHEET (中文速查表) - by skywind (created on 2017/10/12) # Version: 42, Last Modified: 2018/07/19 19:04 #
Beautiful Vim Cheat-Sheet by Max Cantor 非常NICE的vim速查表,高清5925*4125,在作者博客上售价25刀,参见:
图形vi vim速查表和教程 学习vi或vim并不容易。但也不那么难。在任何情况下,它都比编辑任何其他编辑器更快、更强大、更高效,因此,您可以很好地投入时间和精力来学习它。 作为一个vi爱好者,我提出了一个想法,为...
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