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Python 2.6 final release

We are pleased to announce the release of Python 2.6 (final), a new production-ready release, on October 1st, 2008.

There are a huge number of new features, modules, improvements and bug fixes. For information on what's changed, see:

  • Andrew Kuchling's guide to What's New in Python 2.6.
  • NEWS file contains a listing of everything that's new in each alpha, beta, and release candidate of Python 2.6.
  • PEP 361.

Please report bugs at http://bugs.python.org

See also the license.

Python 2.6 Released: 01-Oct-2008


This is a production release; we currently support these formats:

MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:

837476958702cb386c657b5dba61cdc5  10957859  Python-2.6.tar.bz2
d16d29a77db2cd3af882a591f431a403 13023860 Python-2.6.tgz
fe34764ad0027d01176eb1b321dd20c5 14503936 python-2.6.amd64.msi
6c62c123d248a48dccbaa4d3edc12680 14173184 python-2.6.msi
29a1a22f8d9fd8a4501b30d97fbee61c 23593748 python-2.6-macosx2008-10-01.dmg

The signatures for the source tarballs above were generated with GnuPG using release manager Barry Warsaw's public key which has a key id of EA5BBD71. The Windows installers was signed by Martin von Löwis' public key which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2. The signature on the Mac disk image was signed by Benjamin Peterson's public key which has a key id of A4135B38.

Vista Note

Administrators installing Python for all users on Windows Vista either need to be logged in as Administrator, or use the runas command, as in:

runas /user:Administrator "msiexec /i <path>\<file>.msi"


The documentation has also been updated. You can browse the HTML on-line or download the HTML




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