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Functionally, they are the same (as compared to NOT IN vs NOT EXISTS which are functionally different in one scenario - read this post for the differences between NOT IN and NOT EXISTS clauses : http://decipherinfosys.wordpress.com/2007/01/21/32/ ). However, there are performance implications of using one over the other that one needs to be aware of. Assume that we have two tables : TABLE_A and TABLE_B and the match is being done on TABLE_A.col1 = TABLE_B.col2. In that scenario, an in statement like:
select <select column list> from TABLE_A where col1 in (Select col2 from TABLE_B)
will get processes in this way:
1) The sub-query gets evaluated first and the results are distinct’ed and indexed,
2) The output from it is then joined with TABLE_A.
Re-writing the above query using the EXISTS clause will give:
Select <select column list> from TABLE_A
where exists (select 1 from Table_B where Table_B.col2 = Table_A.col1)
This gets evaluated in this order:
1) For every value of Table_A.col1, loop through and match the values in Table_B.col2.
2) If we get a match, select that value and move on to the next one. If there is no match, discard that value.
So, where should one use an IN vs the EXISTS clause? If the result of the sub-query “Select col2 from TABLE_B” is huge and the TABLE_A is a relatively small set and executing “select 1 from Table_B where Table_B.col2 = Table_A.col1″ is very fast because of proper index on Table_B.col2, then an exists clause will be better since the optimizer can do a FTS on Table_A and then use the index to do the probe/seek operations for Table_B.
If the result of the sub-query is small, then the IN clause is much faster. If the results of the both the sub-query as well as the outer query is large, then either IN or EXISTS would work the same - it depends upon your indexing scheme.
Please do note that the example used above is a very simplistic one in order to illustrate the point - in real world, you would have queries that have additional filter criteria on those tables that narrows down the result sets. As a generic rule, if the result of the outer query is small and the result set of the inner sub-query is large, then use EXISTS - if it is the other way around, then use the IN clause.
SQL: Where column > (subquery)
1.This is known as a correlated subquery because the subquery references the outer query in the subqueries WHERE clause. Internally, correlated subqueries are very expensive to process because the inner query must be executed for every row returned by the outer query.
Where exists (subquery)
2.The WHERE EXISTS subquery is used when we want to display all rows where we have a matching column in both tables. In most cases, this type of subquery can be re-written with a standard join to improve performance.
Where not exists (subquery)
3.As a general rule, the use of the NOT EXISTS subqueries are discouraged because the query can often be re-written as a standard join with much faster performance.
Where column not in (subquery)
4.There are serious problems with subqueries that may return NULL values. It is a good idea to discourage the use of the NOT IN clause (which invokes a subquery) and to prefer NOT EXISTS (which invokes a correlated subquery), since the query returns no rows if any rows returned by the subquery contain null values.
not exists不存在,也就是说后面的括号中只要返回了数据那么这个条件就不存在了,可以理解为括号前的not
exists是一个左表达式 ,括号后的查询是一个右表达式,只有当右表达式返回的也是not exists(即后面的查询出来的结果是非空的)时,等式才成立。
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SQL 中 IN、EXISTS、NOT IN、NOT EXISTS 的区别 IN、EXISTS、NOT IN、NOT EXISTS 是 SQL 中四种常用的条件判断运算符,它们之间的区别主要体现在使用场景、执行效率和语法结构上。 IN IN 是一种条件判断运算符,...
在SQL查询中,`CASE WHEN`、`EXISTS`、`NOT EXISTS`以及`IN`和`NOT IN`是常用的操作符,它们用于处理复杂的条件判断和数据筛选。这些概念对于理解和编写高效的SQL语句至关重要,尤其是在数据分析和数据库管理中。 `...
SQL语句优化——in,not in,exists,not exists, left join...on博客所需SQL语句.txt欢迎下载!
### 经典SQL查询总结关于Exists, not Exists, IN, not IN 效率的说明 在数据库查询操作中,存在着多种方法来实现相似的功能,但不同的实现方式在性能上可能会有显著差异。本文将深入探讨 SQL 中 `EXISTS`, `NOT ...
SQL语句优化之用EXISTS替代IN、用NOT EXISTS替代NOT IN的语句 SQL语句优化是数据库性能优化的重要方面之一。在许多基于基础表的查询中,为了满足一个条件,往往需要对另一个表进行联接。在这种情况下,使用EXISTS...
- 效率:在某些情况下,`EXISTS` 和 `NOT EXISTS` 可能会提供相似的性能,但通常 `IN` 和 `NOT IN` 比较操作符在处理大量数据时更有效。然而,当涉及到子查询时,`EXISTS` 和 `NOT EXISTS` 可能更合适,因为它们只...
exists 和 not exists的详细解释
在Oracle数据库中,`IN`、`EXISTS`、`NOT IN` 和 `NOT EXISTS` 是四个常用的子查询操作符,它们在SQL查询语句中扮演着不同的角色,且各有其性能特点。以下是对这些操作符的详细分析和比较。 1. `IN` 操作符: `IN` ...
MySQL优化之in,exists,not in,not exists的区别in与existsin查询过程结论:exists查询过程:结论:not in与not existsnot in查询过程:结论:not exists查询过程:结论: 首先我们使用两个用户表作为实例 insert ...
AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM aa WHERE bb.smi_cd = smi_cd ); ``` 这里表示从表 `A1` 中选择所有列,但排除那些 `smi_cd` 为 `NULL` 的记录,同时还要排除那些在表 `aa` 中有相同 `smi_cd` 的记录。 ### ...
SQL语句优化——in,not in,exists,not exists, left join...on博客所需SQL语句2.txt,欢迎下载!
相较于`IN`、`NOT IN`等操作,`EXISTS`与`NOT EXISTS`具有更高的效率,尤其是在处理大型数据集时。 #### EXISTS 介绍 `EXISTS`关键字用于检查子查询是否至少返回一行数据。如果子查询返回至少一行数据,则`EXISTS`...
在SQL查询优化中,`IN`、`EXISTS`、`NOT IN`和`NOT EXISTS`是四个常见的比较和过滤条件,它们在不同场景下有不同的性能表现。以下是对这些操作符优化原则的详细说明: 1. **EXISTS的执行流程**: `EXISTS` 子查询...
SELECT * FROM c t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM c WHERE id = t1.id AND c_date > t1.c_date) ``` 这个查询用来找出每个`id`下`c_date`最新的记录。`NOT EXISTS`在这里的作用是,对于每个`t1.id`,如果子查询...
IN、EXISTS、NOT EXISTS、NOT IN 在 SQL 语句中的应用和区别 IN 语句和 EXISTS 语句都是 SQL 语句中用来判断是否存在某个值的语句,但是它们的实现机制和应用场景是不同的。 IN 语句是通过 hash 连接来实现的,它...
【标题】:“一次SQL Tuning引出来的not in , not exists 语句的N种写法2” 【描述】:文章并未直接提供描述,但从标题推测,该内容可能涉及数据库查询优化,特别是关于`not in`和`not exists`两种SQL查询子句的...
它通常与 NOT EXISTS 结合使用,用于优化查询性能。 ```sql SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 WHERE table1.common_column = table2.common_column); ``` 这将返回`table1`中存在与`...