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protected static class Http11ConnectionHandler implements Handler { protected Http11Protocol proto; protected AtomicLong registerCount = new AtomicLong(0); protected RequestGroupInfo global = new RequestGroupInfo(); //无界线程安全队列,不会阻塞,自己加工的原因是processorCache的数量是有限的,为了线程和性能考虑 protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Http11Processor> recycledProcessors = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Http11Processor>() { protected AtomicInteger size = new AtomicInteger(0); public boolean offer(Http11Processor processor) { boolean offer = (proto.processorCache == -1) ? true : (size.get() < proto.processorCache); //avoid over growing our cache or add after we have stopped boolean result = false; if ( offer ) { result = super.offer(processor); if ( result ) { size.incrementAndGet(); } } if (!result) unregister(processor); return result; } public Http11Processor poll() { Http11Processor result = super.poll(); if ( result != null ) { size.decrementAndGet(); } return result; } public void clear() { Http11Processor next = poll(); while ( next != null ) { unregister(next); next = poll(); } super.clear(); size.set(0); } }; Http11ConnectionHandler(Http11Protocol proto) { this.proto = proto; } public boolean process(Socket socket) { //processorCache里面没有processor Http11Processor processor = recycledProcessors.poll(); try { if (processor == null) { processor = createProcessor(); } if (processor instanceof ActionHook) { ((ActionHook) processor).action(ActionCode.ACTION_START, null); } if (proto.isSSLEnabled() && (proto.sslImplementation != null)) { processor.setSSLSupport (proto.sslImplementation.getSSLSupport(socket)); } else { processor.setSSLSupport(null); } processor.process(socket); return false; } catch(java.net.SocketException e) { // SocketExceptions are normal Http11Protocol.log.debug (sm.getString ("http11protocol.proto.socketexception.debug"), e); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { // IOExceptions are normal Http11Protocol.log.debug (sm.getString ("http11protocol.proto.ioexception.debug"), e); } // Future developers: if you discover any other // rare-but-nonfatal exceptions, catch them here, and log as // above. catch (Throwable e) { // any other exception or error is odd. Here we log it // with "ERROR" level, so it will show up even on // less-than-verbose logs. Http11Protocol.log.error (sm.getString("http11protocol.proto.error"), e); } finally { // if(proto.adapter != null) proto.adapter.recycle(); // processor.recycle(); if (processor instanceof ActionHook) { ((ActionHook) processor).action(ActionCode.ACTION_STOP, null); } recycledProcessors.offer(processor); } return false; } }
由于Http11Processor是ActionHook的实现,ActionHook的action方法被执行,这个以后再说,这里是 ActionCode.ACTION_START的事件的执行
public void process(Socket theSocket) throws IOException { RequestInfo rp = request.getRequestProcessor(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE); // Set the remote address remoteAddr = null; remoteHost = null; localAddr = null; localName = null; remotePort = -1; localPort = -1; // Setting up the I/O this.socket = theSocket; inputBuffer.setInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); outputBuffer.setOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); // Error flag error = false; keepAlive = true; int keepAliveLeft = maxKeepAliveRequests; int soTimeout = endpoint.getSoTimeout(); // When using an executor, these values may return non-positive values int curThreads = endpoint.getCurrentThreadsBusy(); int maxThreads = endpoint.getMaxThreads(); if (curThreads > 0 && maxThreads > 0) { // Only auto-disable keep-alive if the current thread usage % can be // calculated correctly if ((curThreads*100)/maxThreads > 75) { keepAliveLeft = 1; } } try { socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } catch (Throwable t) { log.debug(sm.getString("http11processor.socket.timeout"), t); error = true; } boolean keptAlive = false; //keepAlive:当处理完用户发起的 HTTP 请求后是否立即关闭 TCP 连接 while (started && !error && keepAlive) { // Parsing the request header try { if (keptAlive) { if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { socket.setSoTimeout(keepAliveTimeout); } else if (soTimeout > 0) { socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } } //解析http header 的第一行数据 inputBuffer.parseRequestLine(); request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); keptAlive = true; if (disableUploadTimeout) { socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } else { socket.setSoTimeout(timeout); } //解析http header 的除第一行数据以外的数据 inputBuffer.parseHeaders(); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; break; } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("http11processor.header.parse"), t); } // 400 - Bad Request response.setStatus(400); error = true; } if (!error) { // Setting up filters, and parse some request headers rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE); try { prepareRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("http11processor.request.prepare"), t); } // 400 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(400); error = true; } } if (maxKeepAliveRequests > 0 && --keepAliveLeft == 0) keepAlive = false; // Process the request in the adapter if (!error) { try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE); adapter.service(request, response); // Handle when the response was committed before a serious // error occurred. Throwing a ServletException should both // set the status to 500 and set the errorException. // If we fail here, then the response is likely already // committed, so we can't try and set headers. if(keepAlive && !error) { // Avoid checking twice. error = response.getErrorException() != null || statusDropsConnection(response.getStatus()); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(sm.getString("http11processor.request.process"), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); error = true; } } // Finish the handling of the request try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDINPUT); // If we know we are closing the connection, don't drain input. // This way uploading a 100GB file doesn't tie up the thread // if the servlet has rejected it. if(error) inputBuffer.setSwallowInput(false); inputBuffer.endRequest(); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(sm.getString("http11processor.request.finish"), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); error = true; } try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDOUTPUT); outputBuffer.endRequest(); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(sm.getString("http11processor.response.finish"), t); error = true; } // If there was an error, make sure the request is counted as // and error, and update the statistics counter if (error) { response.setStatus(500); } request.updateCounters(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE); // Don't reset the param - we'll see it as ended. Next request // will reset it // thrA.setParam(null); // Next request inputBuffer.nextRequest(); outputBuffer.nextRequest(); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED); // Recycle inputBuffer.recycle(); outputBuffer.recycle(); this.socket = null; // Recycle ssl info sslSupport = null; }
首先调用InternalInputBuffer的parseRequestLine()方法解析http的请求行,即'请求方法 请求uri http版本'那一行
public void parseHeaders() throws IOException { while (parseHeader()) { } parsingHeader = false; end = pos; }
接着是调用prepareRequest()方法,其实在parseHeaders()中进行了http headers的解析,这里只是拿出来用而已,只是把org.apache.coyote.Request的属性设置好而已
finally { // if(proto.adapter != null) proto.adapter.recycle(); // processor.recycle(); if (processor instanceof ActionHook) { ((ActionHook) processor).action(ActionCode.ACTION_STOP, null); } recycledProcessors.offer(processor); }
if (actionCode == ActionCode.ACTION_COMMIT) { // Commit current response 只有在response中触发这个分支 //一般来说现在response.isCommitted()是false的,但tomcat中很多地方都有这样的判断,主要是为了稳定性考虑(不存在多线程问题?) if (response.isCommitted()) return; // Validate and write response headers prepareResponse(); try { outputBuffer.commit(); } catch (IOException e) { // Set error flag error = true; } }
第一个分支就是,注意 prepareResponse(); 这里是准备org.apache.coyote.Response方法了,这个和request的处理差不多,是设置http协议响应头的一些内容
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1. 请求接收:`Http11Processor`类是Http11Protocol的核心,它负责解析接收到的HTTP请求数据,将其转化为内部可以处理的`Request`对象。 2. 链接管理:`AprSocketAcceptor`(若使用了Apache Portable Runtime,即...
这个包是Apache Tomcat服务器的核心组件之一,主要负责处理HTTP和AJP(Apache JServ Protocol)协议,使得Web应用程序能够与Web服务器进行通信。Tomcat作为开源的Java Servlet容器,它不仅支持Servlet规范,还实现了...
Tomcat 是一个广泛使用的开源 Java Web 应用服务器,它遵循 Servlet 和 JSP 规范,用于部署和运行动态 Web 应用。本笔记主要探讨 Tomcat 8.5 的整体架构、各个组件及其相互关系。 1. Tomcat 总体架构 Tomcat 的核心...
Tomcat中的BIO模式主要由`Http11Protocol`组件实现,它负责处理HTTP 1.1协议的通信。`Http11Protocol`包含了从客户端套接字接收请求,处理请求,然后向客户端发送响应的全过程。在Tomcat中,BIO模式下,`JIoEndpoint...
例如,将`protocol`设置为`"HTTP/1.1"`、`"Http11NioProtocol"`、`"Http11Nio2Protocol"`或`"Http11AprProtocol"`,分别对应BIO、NIO、NIO2和APR。 在源码层面,BIO模型中,`Acceptor`线程负责接受新连接,而`...
2. **Protocol Handler**: 解析接收到的HTTP请求,如HTTP/1.1或HTTP/2。 3. **Pipeline(管道)**: 请求被传递到一个包含多个Valves(阀门)的管道,每个Valve执行特定的任务,如认证、URL重写、会话管理等。 4. **...
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11BaseProtocol.java:665) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java...
重点关注`org.apache.coyote`包下的`AbstractProtocol`、`Http11Protocol`等类。 4. **Jasper组件** Jasper是Tomcat的JSP引擎,用于编译和执行JSP页面。通过阅读源码,可以了解JSP是如何被转换成Servlet的,以及...
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.java:581) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$Worker.run(JIoEndpoint.java:447) at java.lang.Thread....
Tomcat的`AbstractHttpClientUpgradeHandler`和`AbstractHttp11Processor`类负责处理HTTP升级到HTTPS的请求,以及处理HTTPS的HTTP请求。在Spring Boot中,`TomcatServletWebServerFactory`会根据SSLContext配置...
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:298) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:852) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$...
- `parseRequestLine()`:解析请求行(method、uri及protocol)。 - `parseHeaders()`:解析HTTP头部信息(host、ua等)。 - **准备请求**:通过`prepareRequest()`方法组装request filter,用于处理HTTP消息体。 - **...
- `server.tomcat.protocol-header`:SSL转发头的名称,默认为x-forwarded-proto。 - `server.tomcat.remote-ip-header`:远程IP头的名称,默认为x-forwarded-for。 - `server.tomcat.basedir`:Tomcat基准目录,...
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它最初被设计出来是为了评估 Tomcat 的前身 JServ 的执行效率,随着项目的成熟和发展,JMeter 的应用场景已经远远超出了最初的范围,现在它不仅用于 Web 应用的压力测试,还扩展到了其他多种类型的测试场景,包括但...