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tomcat控制浏览器不缓存 -
我只想说牛逼,就我接触过的那点云计算的东西,仔细想想还真是这么 ...
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endpoint="/Hello/messagebr ...
flex+java代码分两个工程 -
Flex 与 Spring 集成 -
package propertyproj; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import java.beans.*; public class PropertyEditor extends JTable { protected DefaultCellEditor dlgCellEditor; protected DefaultCellEditor booleanCellEditor; protected TableCellRenderer booleanRender; protected DefaultCellEditor longEditor; protected DefaultTableCellRenderer longRender; protected Hashtable propertyEditors = new Hashtable(10); protected Hashtable propertyRender = new Hashtable(10); protected Hashtable propertyEditable = new Hashtable(10); public PropertyEditorModel ptm = new PropertyEditorModel(); public PropertyEditor(PropertyEditorModel ptm) { super(ptm); this.ptm = ptm; } public PropertyEditor() { } public class PropertyEditorModel extends DefaultTableModel { PropertyEditorModel() { super(0, 2); } /** * Returns the name of the column at <code>columnIndex</code>. * * @param columnIndex the index of the column * @return the name of the column * @todo Implement this javax.swing.table.TableModel method */ public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex == 0) { return "属性"; } else { return "值"; } } /** * Returns true if the cell at <code>rowIndex</code> and * <code>columnIndex</code> is editable. * * @param rowIndex the row whose value to be queried * @param columnIndex the column whose value to be queried * @return true if the cell is editable * @todo Implement this javax.swing.table.TableModel method */ public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Returns an appropriate editor for the cell specified by <code>row</code> and * <code>column</code>. * * @param row the row of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first row * @param column the column of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first column * @return the editor for this cell; if <code>null</code> return the default * editor for this type of cell * @todo Implement this javax.swing.JTable method */ public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) { TableCellEditor editor = null; if (column == 1) { editor = (TableCellEditor) propertyEditors.get(this.getValueAt(row, 0)); } if (editor == null) { editor = super.getCellEditor(row, column); } return editor; } /** * Returns an appropriate renderer for the cell specified by this row and * column. * * @param row the row of the cell to render, where 0 is the first row * @param column the column of the cell to render, where 0 is the first column * @return the assigned renderer; if <code>null</code> returns the default * renderer for this type of object * @todo Implement this javax.swing.JTable method */ public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) { TableCellRenderer render = null; if (column == 1) { render = (TableCellRenderer) propertyRender.get(this.getValueAt(row, 0)); } if (render == null) { render = super.getCellRenderer(row, column); } return render; } public void addProperty(String propertyName, Long longNumObj) { if (propertyName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("属性名称不能为空"); } Object[] row = new Object[2]; row[0] = propertyName; row[1] = longNumObj; this.appenRow(row); propertyEditors.put(propertyName, longEditor); this.propertyRender.put(propertyName, longRender); this.propertyEditable.put(propertyName, new Boolean(true)); } public void addProperty(String propertyName, Boolean booleanObj) { if (propertyName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("属性名称不能为空"); } Object[] row = new Object[2]; row[0] = propertyName; row[1] = booleanObj; this.appenRow(row); propertyEditors.put(propertyName, this.booleanCellEditor); this.propertyRender.put(propertyName, this.booleanRender); this.propertyEditable.put(propertyName, new Boolean(true)); } public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName) { Object retValue = null; for (int i = 0; i ptm.getRowCount(); i++) { if (ptm.getValueAt(i, 0).equals(propertyName)) { retValue = ptm.getValueAt(i, 1); break; } } return retValue; } public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object newValue) { for (int i = 0; i ptm.getRowCount(); i++) { if (ptm.getValueAt(i, 0).equals(propertyName)) { ptm.setValueAt(newValue, i, 1); break; } } } public void appenRow(Object[] row) { ptm.addRow(row); } public void createLongEditorRenderer() { final PanelInputText longTextField = new PanelInputText(); longEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(new JTextField()) { Component editor; private Object previsousValue = null; public Object getCellEditorValue() { if (editor instanceof PanelInputText) { if ( ( (PanelInputText) editor).getText().equals("")) { return (Long)null; } else { System.out.println("getCellEditorValue " + ( (PanelInputText) editor).getText()); return new Long( ( (PanelInputText) editor).getText()); } } else { return (Long)null; } } public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) { editor = null; if (value != null) { longTextField.setText(value.toString()); } else { longTextField.setText(""); } previsousValue = value; System.out.println("getTableCellEditorCompontOldValue: " + value); editor = longTextField; System.out.println("getTableCellEditorCompont"); return editor; } public boolean stopCellEditing() { Long lv = null; if (! ( (PanelInputText) editor).getText().equals("")) { try { System.out.println("stopCellEditing"); lv = new Long( ( (PanelInputText) editor).getText()); } catch (Exception e) { this.cancelCellEditing(); return true; } } if ( (previsousValue == null) ? (previsousValue == lv) : this.previsousValue.equals(lv)) { System.out.println("stopCellEditing"); this.cancelCellEditing(); return true; } System.out.println("DefaultstopEditing"); return super.stopCellEditing(); } }; longTextField.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { System.out.println("FocusLost"); longEditor.stopCellEditing(); } } ); longEditor.setClickCountToStart(2); this.longRender = new DefaultTableCellRenderer() { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { JLabel jLabel; jLabel = (JLabel)super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); if (value == null) { jLabel.setText(""); } else if ( ( (Long) value).toString().equals("11")) { jLabel.setText("测试代码名称转换"); } else { jLabel.setText( ( (Long) value).toString()); } if (! (value == null)) { System.out.println("getRender" + value.getClass().getName()); } return jLabel; } } ; longRender.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.LEFT); longRender.setBackground(Color.pink); } public void createBooleanEditorRender() { JCheckBox jcb = new JCheckBox(""); this.booleanCellEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(jcb); booleanCellEditor.setClickCountToStart(1); this.booleanRender = new TableCellRenderer() { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { BooleanRender booleanRender = new BooleanRender(); if (value != null) { if ( ( (Boolean) value).booleanValue()) { booleanRender.selJCheckBox(new Boolean(true)); } else { booleanRender.selJCheckBox(new Boolean(false)); } } else { booleanRender.selJCheckBox(new Boolean(false)); } return booleanRender; } }; } }
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本文将深入探讨这两个概念,并结合`Validator`、`PropertyEditor`、`Converter`和`Formatter`这四个核心组件,来阐述它们在实际开发中的应用。 首先,Data Binding是Spring MVC中一种自动将HTTP请求参数绑定到Java...
PropertyEditorRegistrySupport 是 Spring MVC 框架中负责管理 PropertyEditor 的核心类,通过它可以注册不同的 PropertyEditor,从而实现不同的数据类型的绑定。 在 Spring MVC 中,默认情况下支持多种数据类型的...
在`spring-beans`模块中,`PropertyEditorRegistrySupport`类是`PropertyEditor`注册的核心,它负责管理一系列默认的`PropertyEditor`实例,用于处理常见的数据类型转换。 在提供的源码片段中,我们可以看到`...
`TypeConverterDelegate#convertIfNecessary()`方法是整个数据绑定流程中的关键点,它根据需要的类型选择合适的`PropertyEditor`并执行转换。这个过程体现了Spring的灵活性和强大的类型转换能力。 总的来说,Spring...
最后,在 BookController 中,我们可以使用 @PathVariable 注解来将 ISBN 号码注入到函数中,并使用自定义的 PropertyEditor 来将 ISBN 号码转换成 Isbn 对象。 在实际应用中,我们可以使用 Httpie 工具来访问我们...
在Spring 3之前,数据转换、验证和格式化主要依赖于`PropertyEditor`。这个机制的工作流程如下: 1. 类型转换:使用`PropertyEditor`的`setAsText(String)`方法将字符串转换为对象,然后通过`setValue(Object)`设置...
"Property Editor"是一款专为Eclipse集成开发环境设计的属性编辑器插件。这款插件极大地提升了用户在处理.properties文件时的效率和便利性。在Eclipse中,.properties文件通常用于存储应用程序的配置信息,如国际化...
为了实现从数据库加载权限配置,我们可以创建一个新的`PropertyEditor`,比如`DatabaseDrivenPermissionEditor`,并在其中实现从数据库读取并解析权限逻辑。 这个自定义的`PropertyEditor`会在遇到特定标记(如...
总结来说,Spring 的类型转换机制是一个强大而灵活的系统,它涵盖了从传统的 `PropertyEditor` 到现代的 `Converter` 和 `GenericConverter` 接口。理解并掌握这一机制,可以帮助开发者更好地处理应用程序中的类型...
在Spring 3之前的版本中,开发者主要依靠`PropertyEditor`来完成这些任务,但在实际应用中发现这种方式存在诸多局限性。随着Spring 3的发布,Spring MVC引入了一套全新的机制,极大地简化了这些过程,并提高了灵活性...
JSON,全称JavaScript Object Notation,是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,因其简洁和高效而广泛应用于Web服务和应用程序之间的数据传输。在Delphi编程环境中,处理JSON数据通常需要借助特定的组件或库。...
在实际应用中,我们可以通过`initBinder`方法来自定义DataBinder的行为,例如注册自定义的PropertyEditor或Validator,以满足特定的业务需求。这在Spring MVC中尤其常见,例如在Controller方法前注册校验规则,确保...
在早期版本中,我们依赖于`PropertyEditor`来完成这个任务,它只能处理从`String`到其他类型的转换。然而,随着Spring的发展,从Spring 3开始,引入了`Converter`接口,大大增强了类型转换的能力。 `Converter`接口...