
App Inventor 设置



System requirements:

Computer and operating system

  • Macintosh (with Intel processor): Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6
  • Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+


  • Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher
  • Apple Safari 5.0 or higher
  • Google Chrome 4.0 or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher

Test your Java configuration

Your computer needs to run Java 6 (also known as Java 1.6). You can download Java from www.java.com .

Test your Java configuration by performing both of the following tests:

  1. Visit the Java test page . You should see a message that Java is working and that the version is Java 1.6.
  2. Run the AppInventor Java test by clicking on this link . This will check that your browser is properly configured to run Java, and that your computer can launch applications with Java Web Start.

App Inventor will not work on your computer if these tests do not succeed. Don't go on to try to use App Inventor until you've dealt with the issue.

Install the App Inventor Setup Software

Before you can use App Inventor, you need to install some software on your computer. The software you need is provided in a package called App Inventor Setup . Follow the instructions for your operating system to do the installation, and then go on to build the demo app (Hello Purr) with the phone or with the emulator.



Installing App Inventor Setup for Windows

Installing the App Inventor Setup for Windows has two parts:

  1. Installing the App Inventor Setup software package. This step is the same for all Android devices, and the same for Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
  2. Installing the Windows drivers for your Android phone.

Installing the App Inventor Setup software package

We recommend that you perform the installation from an account that has administrator privileges. This will install the software for all users of the machine. If you do not have administrator privileges, the installation should still work, but App Inventor will be usable only from the account you used when you installed.

  1. Download the installer.
  2. Locate the file AppInventor_Setup_Installer_v_1_2.exe (~92 MB) in your Downloads file or your Desktop. The location of the download on your computer depends on how your browser is configured.
  3. Open the file.
  4. Click through the steps of the installer. Do not change the installation location but record the installation directory, because you might need it to check the driver. The directory will differ depending on your version of Windows and whether or not you are logged in as an administrator.

Locating the Setup software

In most cases, App Inventor should be able to locate the Setup software on its own. But if it asks for the location of the software, the path to enter is C:\Program Files\Appinventor\commands-for-Appinventor . If you are using a 64-bit machine, you should type Program Files (x86) rather than Program Files. Also, if you did not install the software as an administrator, it was installed in your local directory rather than in C:\Program Files. You'll need to search for it to find the correct pathname.

Phone drivers

The App Inventor Setup software includes drivers for these common Android phones:

  • T-Mobile G1* / ADP1
  • T-Mobile myTouch 3G* / Google Ion / ADP2
  • Verizon Droid (not Droid X)
  • Nexus One
  • Nexus S

Phones not listed here will require you to obtain and install a driver manually .

In some cases the Windows drivers do not always install automatically, in which case you'll need to do a manual driver installation .



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