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This article give us a tools to build our career path in Cognizant. sometimes I need to take a look so that career compass engineer can find me to match the most new position opened.
As I’ve traveled and visited many of you, we have talked about your aspirations and your desire to take on greater roles with the company. We also hear through the Business Effectiveness Survey (BES) that many of us actively seek out the roles where there are opportunities to make a difference, have an impact, and create a legacy. In my experience this is certainly not possible without investing energies in growing our skills and capabilities. But how we do that and how we identify which skills or capabilities we need to work on isn’t always clear. It can also be difficult to figure out and define the right career path. We’re all unique, have different personal goals, and sometimes we aren’t certain how to tie our personal goals to our career goals. As a result of our conversations, I have often thought about how I can best help you.
The Cognizant Academy, GWFM, and HR teams have also been thinking about how to help and guide you through the process. Considering this the teams have worked together and developed a vehicle called “Career Compass”. Career Compass provides a mix of assessments, tools, and systems that will provide insights into your professional health. It is a vehicle that is available for you to use to identify what you need to do in order to grow in your career. It will help you to create your own personal growth map.
Through Career Compass you will answer questions and complete tasks that will assess your skills, identify your areas of expertise and reveal growth areas. You will explore and understand more about your personal traits, behaviors, motivators, and values and how they relate to your role at Cognizant. It is our Core Values that define and drive the behaviors that make us successful in the marketplace. It is your personal values that influence the choices you make every day at work and drive your personal success. Using Career Compass will help you to clarify your personal values and align them with your career goals, positioning you for success in both your personal and professional life.
Chart Your Course
We believe that a framework, such as Career Compass, which provides a mode of structured professional development, is critical. As we continue to add features and functionality to Career Compass it will evolve into a platform that will integrate your personal growth, career development and performance management. The vision is to ultimately deliver a tool for creating an Integrated Development Plan that marries your long-term career goals to value and competency based development goals, and corporate operational goals.
This initiative is unique to Cognizant. You have an opportunity that many of your colleagues outside the company do not have. I encourage each and every one of you to actively take ownership of your own career development, to chart and navigate your own course. Seek coaching and feedback from your managers and peers. Take full advantage of the tools we are making available to you.
Career Compass @ CWorld:
Career Compass @ CWorld (Internet link):
I look forward to learning about your progress. As always, please contact me on my blog with your thoughts and comments. Together, let’s fuel your personal growth and Cognizant’s growth.
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maptalks.control.compass maptalks罗盘控件。 例子 安装 使用npm npm install maptalks.control.compass : npm install maptalks.control.compass 。 用纱安装: yarn add maptalks.control.compass 。 从下载...
"compass:我们走吧"这个标题可能是在鼓励开发者利用Compass来提升他们的前端开发效率和项目质量。 Compass是一款基于Sass的框架,Sass是Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets(语法超炫样式表)的缩写,是一个用于...
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细胞指南 :compass: 在您的Web浏览器中浏览单细胞RNA-seq数据集。 在尝试 产品特点 在UMAP图上显示元数据 在UMAP图形上显示基因表达 单元群集和元数据类别的汇总统计信息 立即找到任何基因 浏览每个基因的统计数据...
:compass: 导航套件 NavigationKit是一个轻量级的库,它使SwiftUI导航超级易于使用。 :laptop: 安装 :package: 迅捷软件包管理器 使用 ,将其作为Xcode 11.0或更高版本中的select File > Swift Packages > Add ...
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u罗盘 威尼斯释放的指南针ui-mod 关于 我们都知道并喜欢的指南针小部件 :winking_face_with_tongue:从PR,PUBG,Squad等游戏中获取,现在...Events: Dispatch ( ' Compass:Config ' , { [ ' position ' ] = ' bottom '
《compass:COMPASS 文档和用户手册》是针对 Compass 框架的详细参考资料,它为开发者和用户提供了深入理解及使用 Compass 的关键知识。Compass 是一个强大的 CSS(层叠样式表)预处理器,它扩展了 CSS 语言,使得...
使用Telegram的Near-By功能对全球范围内的人进行地理定位 :compass: 每个名称仅保留前三个字母。 如果用户没有名称,则使用用户名的前4个字符(包括“ @”) 安装 pip3 install scripts/requirements.txt 设置 创建....
在实际应用中,我们可以按照以下步骤来使用Compass: 1. **安装与依赖**:将Compass库添加到项目中,根据所使用的ORM框架选择相应的版本。 2. **配置ORM集成**:配置Compass与ORM框架的连接,指定数据源和索引存储...
grunt-contrib-compass v1.1.1 使用Compass将Sass编译为CSS入门如果您以前从未使用过 ,请务必查看《指南》,因为它说明了如何创建以及安装和使用Grunt插件。 熟悉该过程后,可以使用以下命令安装此插件: npm ...
【标题】:“Sass Compass:使用Git进行课程测试的指南” 【内容详解】 Sass Compass 是一个强大的 CSS 预处理器框架,它扩展了 Sass 的功能,为开发者提供了丰富的样式库和工具,使得编写和组织 CSS 代码变得更加...
如何使用这张图片指南针手表 docker run --rm -v [SCSS_DIR]:/input -v [CSS_DIR]:/output -v [IMAGES_DIR]:/images stevevega/compass watch将[SCSS_DIR]替换为主机scss源目录,将[CSS_DIR]替换为主机css输出目录。...
:compass: 罗盘 指南针几乎总是会为您提供正确的方向。 所以...这个起始页将为您提供一个正确的方向,以便您....广阔的Internet世界。 哦,而且,因为我使用nord主题,所以指南针指向了nord。
COMPASS : A GUIDE FOR DELIVERING SCHOOL-BASED SPECIAL SERVICE PROGRAMS CHARLES A. MAHER Rutgem Univerdy A systematic approach for providing school-based special service programs is offered. ...
Compass 入门指南 Compass 是一个搜索引擎框架,旨在提供...* Compass:1.2.1 * Hibernate:3.3 Compass 是一个功能强大且灵活的搜索引擎框架,提供了多种配置方式和 API 接口,非常适合大型企业应用程序的搜索需求。
COMPASS : A GUIDE FOR DELIVERING SCHOOL-BASED SPECIAL SERVICE PROGRAMS CHARLES A. MAHER Rutgem Univerdy A systematic approach for providing school-based special service programs is offered. ...
map.addControl( new L.Control.Compass() ); 选项 选项 默认 描述 自动激活 错误的 启动时激活控制 显示数字 错误的 显示角度值底部罗盘 文本错误 '' 警报通知上的错误消息 调用错误 无效的 在指南针错误激活上...