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Designing a website with InfoGlue components -
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Designing a website with InfoGlue components
Overview . The Ace Widget Co. has an ancient computer system. The company would like to upgrade to an Oracle-based operation with wireless capabilities, so employees can access the system from the field with their BlackBerrys and laptops. Ace Widget also wants that Windows-based system to be able to communicate with a key vendor's network, which is built on a Unix platform. The systems analyst (sometimes called systems architect or systems designer) orchestrates the effort. He starts by interviewing users, teasing out what they need as opposed to what they want—the nice-to-have things usually cost more than necessary. He often uses modeling software to evaluate what-ifs.
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Then, members of the team develop a shopping list, plot a step-by-step game plan, implement the system, test it, and troubleshoot. They also might supervise the trainers, who will try their best to convince everyone that the new system "really will make your life easier."
Being a systems analyst requires programming skill, but as important is the ability to see the big picture: translate geekspeak into plain English, identify the organization's needs, and get everybody on board. Creative liberal-arts types with computer expertise may make better systems analysts than pure techies.
If you'd love playing with leading/bleeding-edge adult Tinkertoys for a living, this can be a dream career. Yet another plus: Because sophisticated and often sensitive communication is involved, this is among the more offshore-resistant computer-related careers. Indeed, the Department of Labor reports that it's among the fastest-growing careers of all.
A Day in the Life . Note: A systems analyst would rarely do so many tasks in one day. It's written to illustrate the range of activities. The U.S. Treasury Department has just hired you through a temp agency, and you've agreed to a six-month contract to help develop a new system for managing the growing list of bailed-out companies. You start your day talking with key players in the agency. After the initial meetings, you start researching the best approaches to data security and disaster recovery. After an hour on the computer, you take a break—your eyes are getting tired, and it will also help avoid repetitive strain injury. Next, you use modeling and budgeting software to refine your plan. Then, you meet with the in-house programmers who will be customizing and debugging some off-the-shelf programs that will be part of the new system. You end the day by heading back to your computer to fill in flow-chart boxes on the master plan you've started to develop.
Smart Specialty
Government agencies and universities, among the most stable employers, hire lots of systems analysts. Increasingly, the private sector uses temporary employees, hired just for a specific project.
Salary Data
Median (with eight years in the field): $83,900
25th to 75th percentile (with eight or more years of experience): $76,300-$117,000
(Data provided by PayScale.com )
A bachelor's degree is normally expected, usually but not necessarily in computer science, computer engineering, information science, or management information systems. Some employers will accept computer expertise acquired through real-world experience. An M.B.A. is a plus, though for most positions it's not required.
Learn More
- Department of Labor profile: Computer Systems Analysts
- Systems Analysis and Design (third edition) by Alan
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