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80后辣妈给未来儿子的信~我的儿,你也给我记住了~~~ -
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看到的都是 这种 CTRL+C 和 CTRL+V 的文章, ...
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恩, 不错. 有参考价值
Designing a website with InfoGlue components
With fuel prices topping four dollars per gallon in some states, many Americans want to keep their paychecks in their pockets and out of their gas tanks. Thanks to cheap Internet access and fast computers, some workers can perform their jobs just as well from home as they can in the office. Government analysts recently identified ten fast-growing jobs that combine higher-than-average hourly wages with the benefits of working from home.
#1: Administrative Services Manager
Traditionally, administrative services managers oversee large support staffs in offices such as hospitals and law firms. As larger employers consolidate responsibilities for multiple locations into a handful of positions, more administrative services managers have earned the option to work some or all of their hours from a home office. Earning an associate's or bachelor's degree in business can help you gain the skills necessary for this managerial telecommuting job that often pays more than $30 per hour.
#2: Computer Systems Analyst
These information technology professionals help companies design state-of-the-art systems to run businesses. As employers use telecommuting jobs as a key strategy in their recruitment efforts, computer systems analysts often test new ideas at their own home offices. Learning about tools like virtual private network (VPN), video chat, and virtual desktops during a computer science degree program can help qualify graduates for home-based jobs that pay over $30 per hour.
#3: Database Manager
All kinds of companies rely on databases, from mom-and-pop service organizations to global retailers. Because most databases can be maintained from any live Internet connection, a growing number of database managers work remotely over secure, private networks. Though some database managers earn salaries from large employers, specialists with business degrees and computer training can earn over $30 an hour working from home as freelance database specialists.
#4: Public Relations Specialist
Because most public relations tasks involve phone or email, many PR specialists enjoy working from home at least a few days per week. With a bachelor's degree in communications, an office veteran can transition to a home-based job writing press releases and responding to media requests. Experienced PR professionals can complete online business training programs to launch their own practices as freelancers in home offices. In both cases, public relations specialists frequently earn more than $22 per hour.
#5: Paralegal
As more Americans seek quality legal representation, many law firms rely more heavily on paralegals for research assignments and routine tasks. Unlike lawyers, who must complete law school and pass a state bar exam, paralegals can start assisting on cases after completing an associate's degree program . Some law firms prefer to hire telecommuting paralegals to avoid adding office space. Other employers like the flexibility of bringing on temporary paralegals to cover sudden spikes in their caseloads. In both cases, many home-based paralegals earn over $20 an hour.
#6: Probation Officer
With many state governments trying to balance crowded jails with increased prosecution, many local agencies seek home-based probation officers .While the job often includes making site visits, many probation officers spend a significant portion of time on the phone or on email from home offices. With a bachelor's degree in social work, an experienced security professional can transition to this home-based career that offers a typical salary of $20 per hour plus government benefits.
#7: Web Design Professional
Early Web designers often received criticism for being teenagers working from home in their parents' attics. However, today's most successful Web design professionals enjoy home offices that boast high-speed Internet connections and fast workstations. Earning over $20 per hour as a home-based Web designer requires design skill, programming prowess, and a solid career portfolio. Most novice designers pick up all three of these success ingredients during Web design degree programs , many of which are available online.
#8: Desktop Publisher
Just as small businesses rely on public relations professionals to tell their stories, company owners look to desktop publishing professionals to make their stories look good in print. Advanced publishing tools now make it possible for desktop publishers to work from home, often earning over $20 as freelancers or in staff positions. Advanced training courses in graphic design and desktop publishing help these specialists retain the cutting-edge skills that help build strong client rosters.
#9: Medical Transcriptionist
As many doctors' offices and health care facilities struggle to meet the demands of increased patient loads, home-based medical transcriptionists ride to the rescue. By leveraging skills gained in campus-based or online medical transcription training programs, these specialists can earn $14 or more per hour without leaving home. In many cases, agencies or employers also cover the costs of computers and Internet connections for efficient transcriptionists.
#10: Virtual Assistant
Bootstrapping a business in today's economy often requires creative thinking. Some of the most creative and successful professionals in consulting, real estate, and health care have realized that they can reap the benefits of having full-time administrative assistance without the costs of expanding their own offices. Virtual assistants provide high-end secretarial tasks on demand for clients, usually from home offices. Completing an online training course is often the first step toward an essential work-from-home job that pays $13 or more per hour.
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标题 "BLDC_PV_WATER_PUMPING.rar" 暗示了这个压缩包涉及的是关于使用无刷直流电动机(BLDC)驱动的太阳能光伏(PV)供水泵系统。描述 "BLDC PV WATER PUMPING SYSTEM" 确认了这一点,表明我们将深入探讨一个利用...
泵涌定理(Pumping Theorem)是形式语言和自动机理论中一个重要的概念,用于证明某些语言不是正则的。在自动机理论中,正则语言是可以通过有限自动机识别的语言。泵涌定理提供了一个用于证明特定语言不满足正则语言...
标题中的“GRID PV ARRAY PUMPING.rar”暗示了一个与光伏(PV)系统相关的主题,特别是涉及到电网连接的光伏阵列用于抽水系统的应用。描述中的“GRID PV ARRAY PUMPING System”进一步确认了这一主题,这通常指的是...
This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, ...
潘多克定理过滤器,用于将转换为定理环境,以编译...例子鉴于以下Markdown: Lemma (Pumping Lemming). \l abel{pumping}: Let $L$ be a regular language. Then there exists an integer $p \g eq 1$ called the "pum
本资料旨在通过一个名为“Small Pumping Station Example”的实例,深入解析如何利用AB PLC的子程序功能来优化控制系统的结构和效率。下面,我们将详细探讨这一主题。 首先,了解子程序的基本概念至关重要。子程序...
"SOLAR PV DTC IM DRIVE FOR WATER PUMPING"这一主题揭示了如何利用光伏直驱电机驱动技术,有效地将太阳能源转化为动力,为水泵提供清洁能源。 首先,"DTC"代表Direct Torque Control(直接转矩控制),这是一种...
API SPEC 11E-2022(2023)Pumping Units .pdf
真空机组先启动SK-30水环真空泵带压力降到6.5 KPa(此时真空机组的抽速是SK-30的抽速)启动ZJP-1200(此时真空机组的抽速是ZJP-1200抽速)待压力降到4 KPa启动ZJP2500(此时真空机组的抽速是ZJP-2500抽速)待压力降...
"Pumping-characteristic-curve-fitting.rar" 是一个压缩包文件,其中包含关于如何使用最小二乘法来拟合泵站特性曲线的相关资料。下面将详细阐述这一主题。 首先,泵站的特性曲线描述了泵在不同工作条件下的性能...
标题中的"PV_WATER_PUMPING_P_AND_O_MPPT.rar_PV MPPT p_mppt_mppt p and o_mp"提到了光伏(PV)水泵系统,以及P和O MPPT技术。这里的“MPPT”指的是最大功率点跟踪(Maximum Power Point Tracking),这是一种在...
pumping引理通常用于证明一个语言不是正规的,即如果一个语言不能满足pumping引理的条件,那么它不是正规的。 7. 反向字符串问题:g)说明语言L={ww|R|w属于{a, b}*}不是正规的,这是正确的,因为L不能通过DFA识别,...
6. Pumping引理:形式语言理论中的Pumping引理是证明语言是否正规的一个重要工具。对于每一个长度大于等于p的正规语言的字符串(p是该语言的Pumping长度),都可以将其分为三部分,然后通过重复中间部分来生成新的...
In diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers, the quantum defect is the most important parameter determining the thermal load of the laser crystal, which can be dramatically reduced by pumping directly into the ...
A maximum output power of 826 mW at 1063 nm is achieved with direct diode pumping at 976 nm. The wavelength is tuned from 1034.47 to 1070.83 nm, corresponding to a tuning range of 36.36 nm. Thermal ...
matlab转换java代码美国宾夕法尼亚州宾夕法尼亚州立大学工程科学与机械系Ravi Kedarasetti(2020)撰写rpk5196_at_psu_dot_edu 该存储库中的所有.m文件都可以与Matlab:registered:2019(Mathworks ...
本节课主要讲述了上下文无关语言的性质和运算,特别是 Pumping 引理的应用。Pumping 引理是上下文无关语言的重要性质之一,它是证明某个语言不是上下文无关语言的重要工具。 首先,我们讨论了上下文无关语言的定义...
AB PLC例程代码项目案例 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术...
首先,引入了 Pumping 引理,这是一个重要的工具,用于证明某些语言不是正规语言。然后,讨论了正规语言的封闭运算和判定性质。 一、Pumping 引理 Pumping 引理是形式语言与自动机中一个重要的工具,用于证明某些...
本节课主要讲解了正规语言的性质与运算,包括 Pumping 引理、封闭运算和判定性质等。 一、Pumping 引理 Pumping 引理是证明某个语言不是正规语言的重要工具。该引理指出,对于任意的正规语言 L,存在常数 n,使得...