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smem memory reporting tool


smem is a tool that can give numerous reports on memory usage on Linux systems. Unlike existing tools, smem can report proportional set size (PSS), which is a more meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system.

Because large portions of physical memory are typically shared among multiple applications, the standard measure of memory usage known as resident set size (RSS) will significantly overestimate memory usage. PSS instead measures each application's "fair share" of each shared area to give a realistic measure.


smem has many features:


  • system overview listing
  • listings by process, mapping, user
  • filtering by process, mapping, or user
  • configurable columns from multiple data sources
  • configurable output units and percentages
  • configurable headers and totals
  • reading live data from /proc
  • reading data snapshots from directory mirrors or compressed tarballs
  • lightweight capture tool for embedded systems
  • built-in chart generation

smem has a few requirements:


  • a reasonably modern kernel (> 2.6.27 or so)
  • a reasonably recent version of Python (2.4 or so)
  • the matplotlib library for chart generation (optional, auto-detected)

Sample output

Here are some smem graphs showing how RSS exaggerates memory usage. Note how apps that share libraries are over-reported on the RSS side and nearly vanish on the PSS side. The X server is also shares memory heavily, it's real memory usage is about 5 times smaller.


Using smem

Show basic process information smem
Show library-oriented view smem -m
Show user-oriented view smem -u
Show system view smem -R 4G -K /path/to/vmlinux -w
Show totals and percentages smem -t -p
Show different columns smem -c "name user pss"
Sort by reverse RSS smem -s rss -r
Show processes filtered by mapping smem -M libxml
Show mappings filtered by process smem -m -P [e]volution
Read data from capture tarball smem --source capture.tar.gz
Show a bar chart labeled by pid smem --bar pid -c "pss uss"
Show a pie chart of RSS labeled by name smem --pie name -s rss

Getting smem

To get the latest release version, click here.

The latest source code can be grabbed from smem's Mercurial repository here with the command:

hg clone http://selenic.com/repo/smem


Write to the smem list at smem@selenic.com.








    smem-map - The Static Memory Mapper-开源


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    2. **smem_alloc, smem_get_entry, smem_find**:这些函数允许MODEM在Share Memory中分配和查找结构化数据,AP则可以在合适的时间进行读取。通常,MODEM负责写入数据,而AP负责读取,反向操作并不建议。 3. **SMD ...


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    reports physical memory usage, taking shared memory pages into account. Unshared memory is reported as the USS (Unique Set Size). Shared memory is divided evenly among the processes sharing that ...

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    smem的安装可以在Debian、Ubuntu或Linux Mint上使用apt-get install smem命令,在Fedora或CentOS/RHEL上使用yum install smem python-matplotlib命令进行安装。 使用smem可以检查内存使用情况,例如可以使用smem...


    例如,Java应用可以使用JVisualVM或MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool)来分析内存使用情况,找出可能的内存泄漏。 总之,监控内存使用状态是确保系统稳定运行的重要手段。通过各种工具和技术,我们可以有效地监控内存,...


    3. 符号位不扩展的加法:ADDS指令用于不扩展符号位的加法,`ADDS Smem, src`将Smem中的无符号值与累加器中的值相加,保留符号位不变。 二、减法指令 1. 基本减法:SUB指令从累加器中减去源操作数,例如`SUB Smem, ...


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    f3 log 记录了高通平台上的错误信息,而 smem log 记录了高通平台上的内存信息。获取 f3 log 和 smem log 可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 准备高通平台上的 dump 信息 2. 使用 dump 信息获取 f3 log 和 smem log 获取 ...


    - **ADD Smem[, SHIFT], src[, dst]**:允许用户指定移位量,将Smem左移指定位数后再与src中的值相加。 - **ADDXmem, SHFT, src**:与上一条类似,但是操作数取自Xmem。 - **ADDXmem, Ymem, dst**:两个操作数Xmem和...


    ADD指令的格式为:ADD Smem, src, 其中Smem是源操作数,src是目的寄存器。例如: ```assembly ADD @x2, A ``` 这条指令将x2的值加到累加器A中。 减法运算 在这个实验中,我们使用SUB指令来实现减法运算。SUB指令...

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