consistent gets 与consistent read
Part 1:
Consistent Gets,Physical Reads和DB Block Gets的解释 分类:Oracle调优/深入 2007.8.29 11:29 作者:digifish | 评论:1 | 阅读:3161
db block gets:Number of times a CURRENT block was requested.
consistent gets:Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block.
physical reads:Total number of data blocks read from disk. This number equals the value of "physical reads direct" plus all reads into buffer cache.
1、DB Block Gets(当前请求的块数目)
2、Consistent Gets(数据请求总数在回滚段Buffer中的数据一致性读所需要的数据块)
3、Physical Reads(物理读)
1、 在数据库高速缓存中不存在这些块
2、 全表扫描
3、 磁盘排序
逻辑读指的是Oracle从内存读到的数据块数量。一般来说是'consistent gets' + 'db block gets'。当在内存中找不到所需的数据块的话就需要从磁盘中获取,于是就产生了'phsical reads'。
· DB Block Gets. Number of times a CURRENT block was requested.
Current mode blocks are retrieved as they exist right now, not in a consistent read fashion. Normally, blocks retrieved for a query are retrieved as they existed when the query began. Current mode blocks are retrieved as they exist right now, not from a previous point in time. During a SELECT, you might see current mode retrievals due to reading the data dictionary to find the extent information for a table to do a full scan (because you need the "right now" information, not the consistent read). During a modification, you will access the blocks in current mode in order to write to them.
· Consistent Gets. Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block.
This is how many blocks you processed in "consistent read" mode. This will include counts of blocks read from the rollback segment in order to roll back a block. This is the mode you read blocks in with a SELECT, for example. Also, when you do a searched UPDATE/DELETE, you read the blocks in consistent read mode and then get the block in current mode to actually do the modification.
DB Block Gets. 当前块被请求的次数。
· Consistent Gets. 对于一个块一致读被请求的次数。
要注意Oracle 的physical read 与 physical writes并不总是等于硬盘真正意义上的物理读与物理写,因为现在都存在操作系统高速缓存与磁盘子系统高速缓存,这样即使I/O没有被实际写入磁盘,操作系统I/O子系统或磁盘系统也会确认为一个成功的I/O,所以ORACLE 的physical read 与 physical writes并不是物理上发生读写的次数。
Part 2:
如果block在8点16分又被修改了一次,oracle会在内存里建立8点16分一致块g,但是维护太多一致块也是很烦的,所以oracle只保留6个一致块,所以这时候8点10分建立的一致块会被冲掉, 现在这个block在内存里的一致块就是b~g.
然后,还是前面8点开始的查询,8点20分访问到这个block的时候,我们需要的是8点10分之前的版本,也就是版本a,在cache里已经没有了,这时不得不读Undo, 否则,如果a还在的话,直接读a就可以了。
* Consistent Gets:Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block. 一致性读取块请求的数量,用于读取数据块的旧的映像。 这些统计信息可以帮助我们了解 SQL 语句的执行过程和资源消耗,从而对 ...
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逻辑读是指从缓存(比如数据缓冲区高速缓存)中读取数据块,包括current reads(DB block gets)和consistent reads。物理读则涉及从磁盘加载数据块到内存。单块读(single block read)对应等待事件“db file ...
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