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在ubuntu 下安装使用 Subversion


使用Subclipse时, Client要选择SVNKit(Pure Java),不要选Java HL(JNI),后者兼容性不佳

sudo apt-get install subversion
sudo mkdir /home/svn
cd /home/svn

sudo mkdir testsvn
sudo svnadmin create /home/svn/testsvn  新建一个名为testsvn的资源库


cd /home
sudo groupadd svn 新建svn组
sudo usermod -a -G svn neo 把neo加到svn组成员中去
sudo chgrp -R svn /home/svn 递归将svn及其子目录/文件的组拥有者设置成svn组
sudo chmod -R g+w /home/svn 递归将svn及其子目录/文件的组拥有者(svn)赋予w的权限(是否应该递归,会不会影响安全?)

sudo gedit /home/svn/passwd-team 创建密码文件
michal = somepassword
jimmy = anotherpassword
craig = yetanotherpassword

sudo chmod 600 /home/svn/passwd-team

gedit /home/svn/testsvn/conf/svnserve.conf
anon-access = none  设置不允许匿名访问
password-db = /home/svn/passwd-team
realm = Team

注意,以上参数名称, 必须在每行的顶头写,前面不能有空格。比如anon-access前如果加了空格,则svn会提示"svn: /home/svn/upos/conf/svnserve.conf:12: Option expected"

(也可以一个项目使用一个密码文件, 在每个项目的conf目录下,有passwd和authz两个示例, 前者是密码文件,后者是组权限文件,可以设置某个用户组是只读还是读写权限, 以下文档写的比较详细 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3eba8f1c0100dqk1.html)

sudo svnserve -d --foreground -r /home/svn/  --foreground表示以前台形式运行,可以按Ctrl+C终止subversion的服务
可以在桌面上建立一个运行在Application Terminate中的Luncher,command是sudo svnserve -d --foreground -r /home/svn/

svn checkout svn:// --username jimmy 会提示输入密码




附件是启动脚本, 需根据实际情况修改

Setting Up an Ubuntu Subversion Server

This tutorial describes setting up a Subversion server on an Ubuntu system and configuring it for use by a group of developers. The goal is to allow each member of a development team to access the Subversion repositories from a remote location (e.g., a workstation at home), using either the svn or svn+ssh protocol.


It is assumed that you already have a basic Ubuntu server running, and that the other developers can connect to it. If you want to allow them to access the Subversion server with the secure svn+ssh protocol, then each developer must also be able to login to your machine with SSH.

Basic Subversion Setup

Begin by installing the Subversion package:

$ sudo apt-get install subversion

You're going to need a directory for your repositories, as well as other Subversion-related files. Most people use /home/svn or /usr/local/svn for this purpose, and you can choose either. I personally prefer /usr/local/svn over /home/svn , as I like to keep /home for home directories of real users of the system.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/svn

Inside this directory, create another one to hold your repositories:

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/svn/repos

Now, you need to set some access permissions on those directories. You only want to allow certain users of your system (that is, yourself and the other developers) to access the repositories, so add a new group for those users. Name the group svn .

$ sudo groupadd svn

Then, change the group ownership of /usr/local/svn/repos to the new group using the chgrp command:

$ sudo chgrp svn /usr/local/svn/repos

The members of the svn group also need write access to the repos directory, so use chmod to add the write permission for the group:

$ sudo chmod g+w /usr/local/svn/repos

Additionally, you need to make sure that all new files and directories created in the repos directory (in other words, anything committed to the repositories) will also be owned by the group. To accomplish this, use chmod again to set the set-group-ID bit on the directory, which causes any file created inside it to have the same group ownership as the directory itself. Effectively, everything in repos will belong to the svn group.

$ sudo chmod g+s /usr/local/svn/repos

OK, so you now have the repositories directory with proper permissions, ready to be used by the svn group. Go ahead and add yourself to the group:

$ sudo usermod -a -G svn michal

However, your new group membership will not be effective for the current session, so you need to log out and log back in. When you're back, you can verify that your account is recognized as a member of the svn group:

$ groups michal adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare svn

If the other developers have user accounts on your server, add them to the group too:

$ sudo usermod -a -G svn jimmy $ sudo usermod -a -G svn craig

If they don't, they will still be able to access the repositories, but only using the basic svn protocol, not the secure svn+ssh method.

Creating a Test Repository

You can now create a repository. In the following steps, I'll demonstrate how to create a simple test repository containing one text file, and how to check out and commit files. If you're not familiar with Subversion, then this could be a good exercise to learn the basics. Otherwise, you can skip all the test checkouts and commits and just create the repository for your project.

The repository will be a subdirectory in the repos directory, and will have its group ownership set to svn (thanks to the chmod g+s you did earlier). However, that's not all – you also need to make sure the repository will be group writable, so that the other members of the svn group will be able to commit files. To do this, set the umask to 002 :

$ umask 002

This command sets the new file mode creation mask which controls the default permissions of any new file that you create. The default value is 022 and it corresponds to read/write permissions for the file owner, and read permissions for the group and others. The new value, 002 , also gives write permissions to the group, which is just what you need.

Create the repository using the svnadmin command:

$ svnadmin create /usr/local/svn/repos/test

And set back the default umask:

$ umask 022

So you now have an empty repository, waiting for you to commit something to it. But, before you do this, you need to check out the current version (i.e., the empty directory) to create a working copy.

$ svn checkout file:///usr/local/svn/repos/test Checked out revision 0.

The working copy has been checked out to a new directory named test . Go ahead and create a simple "hello world" text file in that directory:

$ cd test $ echo 'Hello, World!' > hello.txt

Then, add it to version control with the svn add command:

$ svn add hello.txt A         hello.txt

Finally, commit it using svn commit :

$ svn commit -m "Added a 'hello world' text file." Adding         hello.txt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1.

The hello.txt file is now in the repository.

Accessing the Repository with the Svn Protocol

Remote repository access with the svn protocol requires you to use svnserve , a Subversion server program. Each repository has a svnserve configuration file (stored in the conf subdirectory) which controls how the repository can be accessed with svnserve .

First, create a passwords file that lists the users of the repository and their passwords. This will be a common passwords file for your development team and you will be able to use it with multiple repositories.

$ sudo gedit /usr/local/svn/passwd-team

Here's a sample passwords file. Each line (except the first one, which is the configuration section name) defines a user name and the corresponding password.

[users] michal = somepassword jimmy = anotherpassword craig = yetanotherpassword

Since the passwords are stored unencrypted, it's important that you protect the passwords file by setting the proper permissions. The file should not be readable by anyone except the owner (which is root ), so change its mode to 600 :

$ sudo chmod 600 /usr/local/svn/passwd-team

Then, open the svnserve configuration file in the test repository:

$ gedit /usr/local/svn/repos/test/conf/svnserve.conf

There's probably some default configuration in the file, but you can just remove everything and enter this:

[general] anon-access = none password-db = /usr/local/svn/passwd-team realm = Team

The anon-access = none line denies access to the repository to unauthenticated users (by default, they are allowed read access, so they can do checkouts). The password-db setting tells svnserve where to look for the passwords file when authenticating users, and the realm setting defines the name of the authentication realm.

OK, the configuration is ready, so you can now launch svnserve .

$ sudo svnserve -d --foreground -r /usr/local/svn/repos

The command-line options tell svnserve to run in daemon mode (-d ) as a foreground process (--foreground ), and to look for repositories in the repos dir that was created earlier (-r /usr/local/svn/repos ). Normally the program should be running in the background (that's what daemon processes do), but at this moment you only need to test it, so it's more convenient to run it in the foreground, where you can easily kill it with Ctrl +C .

Now, try accessing the repository using the svn protocol. You can try it on another machine over the network, or on the same computer (in another terminal). In the latter case, make sure you're not doing the checkout in the same directory where the previous test working copy was checked out, because it won't work – either delete the test directory, or cd to some other location.

Enter the following svn checkout command, replacing with the IP address of your Subversion server (if you're testing on the same machine, you can use ):

$ svn checkout svn:// --username jimmy

The server will ask you for password:

Authentication realm: <svn://> Team Password for 'jimmy':

Then, it proceeds with the checkout.

A    test/hello.txt Checked out revision 1.

And there's your working copy. Now, check if it works the other way – try modifying the file and committing it back to the repository. Open hello.txt with a text editor and add some text:

$ cd test $ gedit hello.txt

When you're done, commit it:

$ svn commit -m "Modified the hello.txt file." Sending        hello.txt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 2.

Sweet, it works both ways.

Accessing the Repository with the Svn+SSH Protocol

Setting up your Subversion server for svn+ssh access is simple, as it doesn't even require using the svnserve program. Assuming you have a SSH server running on the Subversion machine, and the other developers can login to it, you don't have to configure anything – just set up the repository.

You can just go ahead and check out the test project. The checkout operation is slightly different with the svn+ssh access method. First, you must specify the full path to the repository in the checkout URL:

$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// --username jimmy

Then, when the server asks you for a password, you need to enter the user's SSH password, not the one from the passwd-team file.

jimmy@'s password:

And there it goes:

A test/hello.txt Checked out revision 2.

From here, you can use your working copy the same way as with the svn protocol.

Svnserve Initialization Script

If you plan on using svnserve in the long run, you probably don't want to start it from the command-line every time the server is rebooted. The proper way to start system services is with init scripts located in the /etc/init.d directory.

The Subversion package for Ubuntu does not include an init script, so you have to make one yourself. Or, you can download this init script , written by yours truly. Save the script as /etc/init.d/svnserve and make it executable:

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/svnserve

If you chose anything other than /usr/local/svn/repos for the repositories directory, make sure to change the path in the init script.

Run update-rc.d to install the script:

$ sudo update-rc.d svnserve defaults Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/svnserve ... /etc/rc0.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc1.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc6.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc2.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc3.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc4.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve /etc/rc5.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve

And that's it – svnserve will be started automatically when your system boots up. To start it manually, run this command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/svnserve start


另外一篇 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3eba8f1c0100dqk1.html

$ sudo apt-get install subversion

$ sudo adduser svnuser
$ sudo addgroup subversion
$ sudo addgroup svnuser subversion 


$ sudo mkdir /home/svn
$ cd /home/svn
$ sudo mkdir fitness
$ sudo chown -R root:subversion fitness
$ sudo chmod -R g+rws fitness

$ sudo svnadmin create /home/svn/fitness

$ svn co file:///home/svn/fitness
$ svn co file://localhost/home/svn/fitness
* 注意:
下面的命令用于将项目导入到SVN 文件仓库:
$ svn import -m "New import" /home/svn/fitness file:///home/svnuser/src/fitness

修改 /home/svn/fitness目录下:
svnserve.conf 、passwd 、authz三个文件,行最前端不允许有空格
password-db = password
authz-db = authz

# [general]
anon-access = read
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
其中 anon-access 和 auth-access 分别为匿名和有权限用户的权限,默认给匿名用户只读的权限,但如果想拒绝匿

名用户的访问,只需把 read 改成 none 就能达到目的。

编辑/home/svnuser/etc/passwd  如下:
mirze = 123456
test1 = 123456
test2 = 123456
admin = mirze,test1
test = test2

svnserve -d -r /home/svn
-d 表示svnserver以“守护”进程模式运行
-r 指定文件系统的根位置(版本库的根目录),这样客户端不用输入全路径,就可以访问版本库
如: svn://

例如:svn checkout svn:// --username mirze --password 123456 /var/www/fitness


二、HTTP:// [apache]
1.安装包 [已安装subversion]
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-svn

sudo svnadmin create /目录地址
sudo svnadmin create /home/svn/project
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /目录地址
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf

<Location /project>
DAV svn
SVNPath /home/svn/project
AuthType Basic
AuthName “myproject subversion repository”
AuthUserFile /home/svn/project/conf/passwd
Require valid-user

sudo htpasswd -c /home/svn/project/conf/passwd test
test:WEd.83H.gealA  //后面是加密后的密码。
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


三、同步更新 [勾子]

同步程序思路 :用户提交程序到SVN,SVN触发hooks,按不同的hooks进行处理,这里用到的是post-commit,利用post-commit到代码检出到SVN服务器的本地硬盘目录,再通过rsync同步到远程的WEB服务器上。

# start-commit 提交前触发事务
# pre-commit 提交完成前触发事务
# post-commit 提交完成时触发事务
# pre-revprop-change 版本属性修改前触发事务
# post-revprop-change 版本属性修改后触发事务
3、具有基个语言的编程能力bash python perl都可以实现


 编辑文件:sudo vim /home/svn/fitness/hooks/post-commit

注意:编辑完成post-commit后,执行:sudo chmod 755 post-commit


export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
sudo /usr/bin/svn update /var/www/www --username mirze --password 123456

#Set variable
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
#update the code from the SVN
$SVN update $WEB --username user --password  password
#If the previous command completed successfully, to continue the following
if [ $? == 0 ]
    echo ""     >> $LOG
    echo `date` >> $LOG
    echo "##############################" >> $LOG
    chown -R nobody:nobody /home/test_nokia/
    #Synchronization code from the SVN server to the WEB server, notes:by the key
    $RSYNC -vaztpH  --timeout=90   --exclude-from=/home/svn/exclude.list $WEB root@$WEBIP:/www/ >> $LOG

2、SVN update 之前一定要先手动checkout一份出来,还有这里一定要添加用户和密码 如果只是手动一样会更新,但自动一样的不行。
把SVN服务器定义为源服务器 WEB服务器为目的服务器
注意:这个参数的使用不用写绝对路径,只要目录名称就行 aa代表文件 aa/ 代表目录 ,缺点就是如果有多个子目录都是一样的名称 那么这些名称就都不会被同步
建议用–exclude-from=/home/svn/exclude.list 用文件的形式可以方便的添加和删除


利用SVN的钩子还可以写出很多的程序来控制SVN 如代码提交前查看是否有写日志,是否有tab,有将换成空格,是否有不允许上传的文件,是否有超过限制大小的文件等等。


    ubuntu subversion 离线安装包

    在IT行业中,版本控制系统是开发...通过遵循上述步骤,即使在Ubuntu 16.04 LTS上也可以顺利安装并使用SVN 1.9.3版本,从而提升团队的开发效率和协作能力。记住,维护好版本控制系统是任何软件项目成功的关键因素之一。

    Ubuntu 下安装Subversion





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